View Full Version : AA Apcalypse Help!!!!!!

07-27-2002, 09:58 PM
I have a big problem with my Air America Apocalypse are system. It is a 68ci/3000psi setup with the old stainless reg and dye micro gauges. It has worked fine for the past year with no problems what so ever. I took it in about 2 weeks ago to be hydro tested. Today was the first day I had used it since it was tested.I gassed it up and turned it on and as soon as it was on the output pressure read over 1500psi even though the adjusting knob was almost at it's lowest setting. There was air venting out of the end by the adjusting knob and the outputpressure gauge like crazy. I let the air vent out slowly and the output pressure never went down so i think the gauge is shot. I have no idea what they could have done to it other than letting the air they used to test it vent out too quickly and it messed up the seals. What do you guys think is the problem and what do you think i should do?Thanks in advance for the help.

07-28-2002, 04:13 AM
Well it could be a few diffrent reasons. One is the tank was filled with valve on or open which will most defently blow the guage. Who did you get to hydro it? If anyone that owns a AA tank should always have AA hydro it for a few reasons. It costs like 40 bucks, but the re-wrap the tank, re-build your reg and I think they put on new guages. If i were you I would call AA and see what they say. You might have to send it in to get the reg re-built. Hope that helps.

07-28-2002, 02:14 PM
I will definately contact AA and see what they say. Thanks for the info. Luckily I am borrowing my freind's MaxFlow system so I will still have a gun to use. Thanks again for the info.

07-29-2002, 08:49 AM
If you call them and set things up with them over the phone, you can send it in to them and have AA rebuild it for free - provided it works when you send it in.

They do have a lifetime warranty for other cases. Your best bet would be to call AA and see what they can do. You might be surprised. Every time I've dealt with them involving my Apoc system they've been REALLY helpful.

And I second what Twin said about always having them re-hydro it, since they include so many things for free when you do have them do it. However, I just had mine re-hydro'd from them and it's 45 dollars if you drop it off + 7 if there's shipping involved.

07-29-2002, 08:53 AM
Oh sorry, I wasn't exactly sure on the price, but yeah, they are really great with customer service. Let us know what they say.