View Full Version : question: why are zgrips so looked out for?

07-28-2002, 01:33 PM
why does everyone find them so interesting??? are they that hard to find, are they a collectors item, or are they that fun to use? im trying to figure this out.. check out anything in the marker sale forum with the word zgrip (or Z grip, but you get the idea) on it.. its crazy.

explenations please?? any info at all?

07-28-2002, 01:59 PM
They are out of production, so that gives them a certin collector value. They are also a product that really has no alternative, so folks are interested in them. Put the two together and you have seen the results.

07-28-2002, 02:03 PM
yeah, i guess so.. but still, its amazeing. :)

07-28-2002, 03:03 PM
Most people think there very comfortable. I personally havent tried one.

07-28-2002, 06:40 PM
to answer your questions in order

yes, yes and ummm...... yes

the Z is one of those things that kinda had to grow on people to be accepted... and of course there were the ones that saw it and fell in love with it right away.... others that saw them were not sure about them.... then after tring one either liked it or hated it..... i'm guesstimating that probly 30-40% of the people that tried it and didn't like it felt that way they didn't have an open mind at the time or made their mind up before hand.... myself i cant live with out mine... the last couple of times i played i used a normal framed marker and after each game my wirst felt strained.. though if i had never used a Z i probly would have never noticed it.....

07-28-2002, 06:54 PM
If you have to ask, you'd never understand...

07-28-2002, 08:13 PM
army that is a sweet looking mag. what kind of paint is that? and i was also curious why you decided to go with a single finger trigger.

07-28-2002, 09:52 PM
Dude, thats a wicked mag.. plus also a sweet message you have for your opponents :)
My setup ain't as customized as yours except for the mini body.. all else is stock. But do you know where to get red panel grips that will fit my own z?? i cant find any, and its beginning to get disheartening...as the term goes. ;) :)??

07-28-2002, 10:08 PM
The z is amazingly comfortable. Enough so that I'm not gonna consider emags (even the new ones)until there's some sort of e-zgrip available for them. I never really like playing with a standard .45 grip, then I ran across a used Z and grabbed it.

I love my Z in all aspects but one, the trigger pull is a lot longer than my standard .45 and I chop more when I lay on the trigger hard. I'm really hoping that AGD gets out an intelli-z sometime soon, that should solve the trigger. but if anyone else knows a fix for that to keep me till the new frame, please do tell

07-28-2002, 10:39 PM
Adjust your trigger rod on the sear so there is a buisness card thickness of air between and the trigger w/the gun air'd up.

07-29-2002, 02:15 AM
MiCRoB...i thought you disappeared man..i haven't seen you in forever...

07-29-2002, 11:37 AM
I roam the boards alot but don't post much:D !

07-29-2002, 11:38 AM
Wher are you playing haven't seen you in awhile?

07-29-2002, 11:46 AM
I've been up there from time to time..it's starting to irritate me when a majority of the refs are half my age...and they want me to show them respect..yeah..as if..

07-29-2002, 11:52 AM
they are incredibly comefortable... I never held one toll i went to agd, but my gawd! it was awesomely comefortable. JEEBUS, i need an E-Z grip for my e-mag, and i need it now!

07-30-2002, 04:44 AM
I tried the Z-Grip and hated it. It has the most awkward and uncomfortable feel i have ever had with a paintball gun. Some other people love them so it's one of those things you have to try for yourself and see if you like it.

08-01-2002, 08:55 PM
hey...i've read all these and it seems that evryone left one thing out abouta z-grip....a z - grip puts a backspin on the ball similar to the way th flatline barrel for a tippmann works...i've nevr compared the two hand in hand but i've been told they have almost thesame distance nd the z- grip is a lot more accurate because you get to choose your barrel...but its recommended to use a large bore barrel and small bore paint so the ball gets a good backspin.....

08-01-2002, 08:56 PM
also if anyone who sees this has a z - grip they want to sell...let me know because i want one...so ifyou do e - mail me at [email protected] ...thanks

08-01-2002, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by ANTi
hey...i've read all these and it seems that evryone left one thing out abouta z-grip....a z - grip puts a backspin on the ball similar to the way th flatline barrel for a tippmann works...i've nevr compared the two hand in hand but i've been told they have almost thesame distance nd the z- grip is a lot more accurate because you get to choose your barrel...but its recommended to use a large bore barrel and small bore paint so the ball gets a good backspin.....

I think thats the Z-Body:rolleyes:

08-01-2002, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by ANTi
hey...i've read all these and it seems that evryone left one thing out abouta z-grip....a z - grip puts a backspin on the ball similar to the way th flatline barrel for a tippmann works...i've nevr compared the two hand in hand but i've been told they have almost thesame distance nd the z- grip is a lot more accurate because you get to choose your barrel...but its recommended to use a large bore barrel and small bore paint so the ball gets a good backspin.....

Thats the Galatic ZBody, not Z-Grip.

08-01-2002, 09:01 PM
yes..that would be a Z-body...

08-01-2002, 09:09 PM
wOOt! new pic! You can finally see the ghost flames too!

08-01-2002, 09:14 PM
i was told that the z - grip did it too... i've heard of the z - body...but its not really my style...i dont know maybe it is... i dont have z - grip so i dont know...but i still want one....

08-01-2002, 09:16 PM
they are awesome
look here

68 Automag Classic
-AGD Z-grip
-Black Benchmark Forgrip
-Black Benchmark Cradle w/ on/off
-Black Emag/RT Pro Mainbody P/F H/L
-Black 12" Smart Parts Tear Drop Barrel
-Black than205's Custom Forgrip Extender
-Black Macroline
-Rear Velocity Adjuster w/ Tourney Screws
-Serial Number CF42256
-Perfect Condition
-All Black


08-01-2002, 09:36 PM
well seeing how were puting up pics of our Z's i'll throw mine up to in both a before and after =)


and after

now i need to make a plate at work to move the warp a little further back then i can start lookin into moddin my hopper =)

08-01-2002, 10:28 PM
The way I see it, most the people who dislike the feel of the Z-Grip, usually don't hold it properly, and try to hold it more like a conventional grip frame. it takes a bit to change your thinking a bit.

I personally love my Z-Grip and dont think I could ever trade it for anything. my Z-Grip is here to stay!! :D

Ive included a pic below, to see some more, visit the link below my sig.