View Full Version : Boring Sunday night? Nothing on TV?

07-28-2002, 06:36 PM
Hi there! I'm Retrotrek, and I am from williamshatner.com!

Every night, except Thursdays, I host an online game over there called, "What's That They're Saying?!" It's fun and easy to play! I would like to invite you all to join us when you can.

The show is on at 7:00 P.M. Pacific and 10:00 P.M. Eastern.

There are five rounds. You have 15 minutes per round to post as many funny comments you want. (NO SPAMMING) Only hitch - you MUST keep it PG clean, as we are an all ages game. Oh, and no Shatner bashing. I mean, teasing is one thing, but it is his site... so use your best judgement.

You get one pic per round. It your job to think of dunny things the people in the pic are saying. Of course, these are Star Trek pics, but a lot of funny comes from that!

In order to play, you need to register. It is free and only takes a second. Click here to register. (http://www.williamshatner.com/idealbb/register.asp?forumid=1)

If you are already registered or want to check out the game threads of yore... click here (http://www.williamshatner.com/idealbb/forum.asp?sessionID={221DAD30-9AF7-4E69-88CA-BB9DD5CA9417}&catID=&forumID=1&num=20&pageNo=1&mode=)

Hope to see you tonight, or one of the evenings. Just remember, no game on Thursdays! All are welcome!

Hope to meet you soon!


07-28-2002, 06:43 PM
Yall need to play!It's a feces load of fun!Gibby plays,Fatman has been known to play too.

07-28-2002, 07:05 PM
aagh! don't listen to evil trekkie propeganda!

sounds fun :)

07-28-2002, 07:08 PM
Awww. Common! I'm not an evil Trekkie! I'm Retrotrek! You should check it out... it is soooo much fun! But, I have to warn you... it can be habit-forming. So, are you a man or a mouse here?;)

07-28-2002, 07:19 PM
Some of these AO guys are scared lil sissy girls!

07-28-2002, 07:24 PM
Now now... no need for that... trying something new can be daunting... but I promise you, you will be welcomed with friendly, open arms, and who knows! If you are really funny, you may win the night's crown! Wouldn't you like to brag to everyone here that you won the crown away from a bunch of Trekkies?:)

07-28-2002, 07:32 PM
These guys know I was kidding(I hope,'cause I was).Seriously tho,the game is cool,you're missin out by not playin!

07-29-2002, 12:41 AM
ide rather watch MTV than play a trekkor game...

(yes,i know...that was below the belt)

07-29-2002, 03:23 PM
Awww... but give it a try! You never know...

Where's the party? From 7 - 8:15, it's at the game! Common... it won't kill ya to try it out... will it?:D