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07-28-2002, 06:38 PM
I stepped on a bee. I was looking outside and it was raining and i had my sunroof open. So i ran out shoeless, just my socks and stepped right on a bee. I didn't relize it at first i opened my car door and was like owe my foot hurts. I look down there is a bee stuck to my sock. I have bad experiences with bees and wasps

07-28-2002, 06:42 PM
Ouch... that must hurt.

I only have one piece of advice.... next time, BEE careful! ;):D:D:D (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

07-28-2002, 06:47 PM
shartly you funny guy. My mom once sat on a bee when she sat down in her car. Now my windows stay up when i am parked.

07-28-2002, 06:49 PM
Hehe, that reminds me of this one time this kid I knew was kicking bushes and a bee stung him in the face.

07-28-2002, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Snewk
Hehe, that reminds me of this one time this kid I knew was kicking bushes and a bee stung him in the face.
Who kicks bushes? What did the bush do to him?

07-28-2002, 07:09 PM
ya i got stung today.... it hurt, i was cussing ALOT. i mean normaly i have the mouth of a drunken sailor but i mean i was BAD right then...

07-28-2002, 07:29 PM
thats pretty bad but when I went to 6th grade science camp we were hiking and someone stepped on/kicked/ knocked over a yellow jackets nest, let just say there was alot of running, cussing(mostly by councelors), crying, screaming, covering of hears, nose and face, and throwing of outer layers of clothes, it was like a nightmare they were glued to everyone's jackets and clothes, i was lucky enough to have a thick jean jacket on that they couldn't sting through, and I had like 10 of them stuck to my jacket but like 3 or 4 went under the jacket and i got stung a few times...

07-28-2002, 07:48 PM
Some of my stupid classmates decided to hit the beehives with a stick that was on a tree behind the playground. The bees went all over the play ground, I got stock in the head 3 times, one of my friends got stung like 17 times, you should of seen it, the puny little nurses office was PACKED

07-28-2002, 10:09 PM
HAHAHAHAHAAHH!!!! I'm sorry that thread is just hilarious. :D

07-28-2002, 10:13 PM
When i was like 4 i had one of those red wasps sting me in the throat it hurt quite a bit.

07-28-2002, 11:02 PM
one time i was sitten at the comp and just got stung... never even saw the wasp or bee or w/e stung me it just stng me and ran away lol:rolleyes:

Sir Chopsalot
07-29-2002, 07:56 PM
once i was mowing and i went over some dead trumpet vines that apparantly wasps like to dwell in. i got stung seven or eight times...not good times lots of cussing

07-29-2002, 11:02 PM
1st Day, I was out (without shoes or socks) I was walking around with my gun, and was stung in the foot a couple of times. I didnt pull out the stinger on one and while I was walking inside it stuck in farther and that sucked.

2nd day, Me and my dad when to the field so we could fly model airplanes, I left my sprite on the ground and when I came back to take a drink It stung me on the lip and in the cheek. (those two hurt)

3rd day, I was out watching the soccer games and drinking a sunny delight, well I was about to drink it and a bee landed on my hand, well I dropped the drink and in doing so it stung me once on the part of the nail (look at the point where your nail ends and your skin begins) well it stung me right on that line. (that one hurt by far, I dont know why either)

07-30-2002, 12:36 AM
My friends mom got stung in the eye, yes, the eye the other day... we had a legitimate reason to play with gasoline that day! Wheeheehee!