View Full Version : Wheelie King!!

Jammin James
07-28-2002, 09:25 PM
Check out how vertical I can get:

07-28-2002, 09:32 PM
there's no way you didn't wipe out there

07-28-2002, 09:32 PM
Strings! I CAN SEE THEM! STRINGS!!!!!!!

07-28-2002, 11:05 PM
yea i can get that high to.... just after i get that high my feet go back onto the ground to stop me from fallin backwords.... i think its impossible to get vertical like that without goin back words.... but ok sure w/e you say :rolleyes:

Jammin James
07-28-2002, 11:27 PM
you guys are just jealous...

PS it is possible if you use back brake
look how my fingers are on the back brake

Jammin James
07-28-2002, 11:29 PM
im gonna have to post a video later.
BTW, how long can you guys wheelie for?

07-28-2002, 11:42 PM
ok use the back break i still think your about a sec aweay from bustin your butt in the pick... maybe im wrong but im sure not jealous... i can ride a manual about as far i could throw a golf ball :D

07-29-2002, 12:39 AM

i bet you 5bux ur exagerating...

i can go like 30feet,i havent ridden a bike for a few monthes...

07-29-2002, 12:43 AM
i never said how far i can throw a golf ball ;)

07-29-2002, 06:16 AM
I do that,
it's just that my bike has a 600cc motor on it.

Do a wheelie to where you crack your taillight from hitting the ground. THAT is when you know you're too far.

How far can I do it? I'd like you to see you guys to beat a couple miles :D

07-29-2002, 06:46 AM
using the brakes like that is called feathering.


07-29-2002, 07:15 AM
I don’t believe anyone would argue about the validity of that photos and that he is not doing what he claimed….. didn’t you all know he lives in the world where paintballs traveling the same speed and from the same type of barrel go different distances depending on what marker the barrel was attached to? Physics 101 does not apply to these people. ;)

(Sorry, and “feathering” a break will not allow you to break the laws of physics either. I would suggest trying that claim on some other forum. ;) Or next time bring us some video footage… stills don’t cut it. To hold a wheely, a couple things must happen….. either the center of balance must be directly over the rear wheel, or you must be traveling in a direction that momentum would prevent you from falling…. In this case it is clear that the center of balance is NOT over the rear wheel… or even close to being so… that would mean that to make your claim valid you would have to be traveling in reverse, and FAST from the weight displacement shown! ;))

07-29-2002, 08:53 AM
i was just saying that was what he was doing, i never said that what he was doing was able to be done for more than a split second, in fact i mtn. bike and know a lot of people that are good at it and that is impossible.


07-29-2002, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by dropkick1
i was just saying that was what he was doing, i never said that what he was doing was able to be done for more than a split second, in fact i mtn. bike and know a lot of people that are good at it and that is impossible.

I know…. I was not disputing your post. :D

07-29-2002, 09:14 AM
I could do that on the back, as well as front tire on my 2001 YZ80. I could do a lot of stuff on that which you couldn't dream of doing on a bicycle. :)

Yeah obviously the pic is either just before you fell over backwards, or something is holding you up and thats why its taken at night time. Read SHartley's post, he knows what he's talking about.

07-29-2002, 09:41 AM
ok, shartley, just making sure.


Jammin James
07-29-2002, 10:13 AM
shartly, I think you are the one that needs to brush up on your physics. obviously I can't hold that out for long, because I was slowing down in that pic.
Its easy to do, start a wheelie go over the balance point and apply back back brake. ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. To prove I didn't bust my *** heres more pics (why would I bust my multiple times?)

Jammin James
07-29-2002, 10:14 AM

Jammin James
07-29-2002, 10:25 AM
BTW, shartly you have no idea what your talking about. It is not the momentum that keeps you from falling it is acceleration (if you are not fully balanced), which can also work as pictured with deceleration. (Even staying at the same speed you still have momentum. Maybe if you can find some fancier words more people will believe you.

07-29-2002, 10:27 AM
Sorry, you can not take the extreme of a split second, but NOT the actual sustained wheelie and say you can DO that. LOL I stand by my physics… and suggest you “brush up” on both physics and then that you can’t claim a non-sustained position AS what you can do. It is the extreme of a pendulum, not a true set and sustained wheelie.

Check out how vertical I can get:
Sorry. Everyone else’s arguments still hold true, to include my posting on simple physics. But I am sure you will not understand this, or admit it. ;) You knew exactly what people would “think” you were saying, and what they thought you were saying is that you can actually DO a wheelie like that…. And sorry, popping up is not a wheelie in my book, nor is popping up and over the center balance point… even if done IN the process of a normal wheelie a true indication of vertical abilities…. Again, it is simply a bobble that you managed to catch in a still shot.

Hey… but have fun. We are only kids once. :)

07-29-2002, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Jammin James
BTW, shartly you have no idea what your talking about. It is not the momentum that keeps you from falling it is acceleration (if you are not fully balanced), which can also work as pictured with deceleration. (Even staying at the same speed you still have momentum. Maybe if you can find some fancier words more people will believe you.
LOL You are kidding right? Are you sure you want to grab the horns of this bull? ;)

You can with proper momentum keep a wheelie from falling. Acceleration will make it RISE, and deceleration will make it FALL... but find the correct momentum (speed if you will) and you can sustain the wheelie in an otherwise "odd" point of balance. Acceleration only applies to getting TO that point. This is basic stuff here.. why do you think motorcycle riders keep speeding up to keep the wheel up? It is not because they need the acceleration to KEEP the wheel up, but because the bike itself slowed down (lost momentum) and the acceleration is simply to keep the same forward movement. If what you THINK happens does, you would need to KEEP speeding up to maintain the same position….. but you don’t have to. Once you get your bike to the speed that will allow your forward movement to prevent the front wheel from dropping, all you have to do is MAINTAIN that speed. Thus it is momentum that keeps the wheel from dropping when in a forward and off balance position, not acceleration.

And it was not because of the fanciness of my words (which were pretty basic) that made people believe me… it was that I posted the truth. ;)

07-29-2002, 10:48 AM
all people in these forums do is argue about useless subject matter... *sigh*

07-29-2002, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Schnitzel
all people in these forums do is argue about useless subject matter... *sigh*
LOL Call it a diversion.... ;)

07-29-2002, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Schnitzel
all people in these forums do is argue about useless subject matter... *sigh*

True... so true.

Jammin James
07-29-2002, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by shartley

LOL You are kidding right? Are you sure you want to grab the horns of this bull? ;)

You can with proper momentum keep a wheelie from falling. Acceleration will make it RISE, and deceleration will make it FALL... but find the correct momentum (speed if you will) and you can sustain the wheelie in an otherwise "odd" point of balance.

Stop posting your garbage physics. Holding out a wheelie has nothing at all to do with momentum (or speed) I can balance a wheelie at 2 mph or 15 mph it is all about the position of the wheel (the balance of the weight). That thing about motorcycles was complete BS. Have you even seen a motorcycle do a wheelie. I was just at a motorcycle stunt show and it proves your ignorance. When you pick up a wheelie you gain much speed, and the less skilled riders will often use acceleration to keep a wheelie up rather than balance. Whether you can hold it out has absolutely nothing to do with momentum or their speed, its all balance, but you use the acceleration and deceleration to maintain that balance. If what you were saying is true, your saying it is possible to maintain a wheelie with the wheel 2 inches off the ground, that is some odd physics.

07-29-2002, 11:31 AM
LOL I believe you actually BELIEVE what you post. Sorry, I will not waste my time explaining how wrong you are… anyone else is free to do so though. :rolleyes:

Jammin James
07-29-2002, 11:34 AM
that's total BS man, you just can't admit you're wrong.

07-29-2002, 11:38 AM
I was going to say for you to go play... but I think "Go learn" would be more appropriate. I don't mean to be rude, but you did not READ what I wrote, and even less comprehend it, or so it would seem.

And no amount of you crying that I just can't admit when I am wrong, or any other argument you try to use will change that after reading what you wrote, you clearly are confusing a lot of issues that make things do what they do.

So, instead of saying I am WRONG, post something that PROVES I am wrong.... so far you have not done so. I am sorry you feel bad about this, but you made your posts, not me.

Jammin James
07-29-2002, 12:15 PM
BTW, YZ80's are for little boys. They're little ***** bikes.

OK you been warned and still challenging the filter - three days ban for you - cphilip

07-29-2002, 12:24 PM
You are on a good track for a ban... May I suggest a little caution? Noone is upset at you, lighten up... and watch your language. Please review the forum rules.

I don't say this to be a jerk, but so that we don't lose another member.

07-29-2002, 12:38 PM
Jammin James, I used to be a BIG mountain bike rider, and there is NO way you can ride a wheelie like that.

First off, there is no way you can maintain balance while riding that vertically. Secondly, you wouldn't be able to peddle even if you could balance. Good Try...

Had your buddy snap a picture right as you snapped the bike up?

Well I hope your clips get stuck and you eat dirt next time :)

And close your mouth, you look silly.. :rolleyes:

07-29-2002, 01:29 PM
first off, 80's are the shiz. second, you are the one who cant admit that you are wrong. SHartly knows what he is talking about. There is no way to do that for any more than a split second.

07-29-2002, 06:35 PM
wheres it say hes riding it? god this forum should be caller the Cynical Corner cause all you pirahannas(sp) do is tear each other apart, wow a wheelie..hmmm i think ill over anyilize this to death and make this guy look like a jerk, or i ..whatever.....continue bickering children

07-29-2002, 06:44 PM
Danism, he said he was ridding it. BTW this kid was banned anyways..

07-29-2002, 06:52 PM
o he does....nvrmnd i cant read but this is still frikkin stupid to be carring on like lil children

07-29-2002, 07:12 PM
HAHA later i'll post a pic later of how high i can get, but i guess you can get that high.

I can get that high, but i cant sit. When i go into an endo, then fall back and grab the rear brake so your back tire is locked, then you can go pretty high.

p.s. 80's have the hardest hitting powerband. (but i ride a 125)

p.p.s SHartley does know what hes talkin about.

07-29-2002, 09:56 PM
lets look at the FACTS shartley is a mature 25-40 year old man with a family nice house nice cars (otherwise succesful) hes garduated college raised 3-4 children is married has proven he is smart here countless times and this kid who is like in 7th grade is gonna tell him he is wrong and has no idea what hes talking about.... ill choose who i believe and the obvious choice is the guy who has actually gadutated college:rolleyes:

07-29-2002, 09:59 PM
he maybe older but does he pop whellies everyday? sometimes physics just dont work lol, maybe he was on a steep hill with the camera tilted and his centre of balance was changed

07-29-2002, 10:03 PM
I cant ride wheelies.. Im just not that advanced in biking I guess.. You see, How I do wheelies, is I stand up on the peddles, and my body wieght is over the suspension, then I push down, and pull up. I can get it relitivally high by doing that.. thats pretty much how I do bunny hops too.. I dont have clips.. I cant do a bunny hop on flat ground either.. :p

07-29-2002, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by dansim
he maybe older but does he pop whellies everyday? sometimes physics just dont work lol, maybe he was on a steep hill with the camera tilted and his centre of balance was changed
I thought the same thing.. but then looked again. If he was on a hill the sign post would be at an angle. ;)

07-29-2002, 10:33 PM
Sometimes physics just doesn't work...did I read this correctly?

News to me and i'm in college with a 4.0 gpa.

And SHartley.....I'm shocked as well as a bit worried....you agreed to this rediculous statement?

07-29-2002, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by wingman898
Sometimes physics just doesn't work...did I read this correctly?

News to me and i'm in college with a 4.0 gpa.

And SHartley.....I'm shocked as well as a bit worried....you agreed to this rediculous statement?
LOL No, I just did not comment on it. ;) I was actually only commenting on the HILL thing. :D Sorry I did not specify.... I don't want to shock anyone. ;)

07-29-2002, 11:10 PM
Dansim was kidding..

07-29-2002, 11:16 PM
I would hope so. :D

07-30-2002, 12:47 AM
If anyone with some common sense would think they would realize that what he is doing in the picture COULD really be done if he is using his back brake. If he really did do it, that i dont know.

In every wheelie there is a balance point. What is the balance point? Its a point in awheelie right before you "loop" the wheelie. How long could you ride a wheelie for in that position? Probably not that long if at all...but it DOES exist. As long as you are using a back brake you can actually go PAST the balance point and still come back down from the wheelie. How? Your traveling at a speed of lets say 20 mph when you reach the *balance point* which gives you a forward direction of 20mph. As you hit the balance point all you need to do is hit the back brake and the top of the bike continues to go 20 mph and the bottom of the bike...(the bottom tire) slows down which means...hmm yup you guessed it..the front tire comes down and you ride your wheelie out..

Again not saying that this kid DID do it...but it CAN be done.

07-30-2002, 03:07 AM
Originally posted by shartley
I don’t believe anyone would argue about the validity of that photos and that he is not doing what he claimed….. didn’t you all know he lives in the world where paintballs traveling the same speed and from the same type of barrel go different distances depending on what marker the barrel was attached to? Physics 101 does not apply to these people. ;)

(Sorry, and “feathering” a break will not allow you to break the laws of physics either. I would suggest trying that claim on some other forum. ;) Or next time bring us some video footage… stills don’t cut it. To hold a wheely, a couple things must happen….. either the center of balance must be directly over the rear wheel, or you must be traveling in a direction that momentum would prevent you from falling…. In this case it is clear that the center of balance is NOT over the rear wheel… or even close to being so… that would mean that to make your claim valid you would have to be traveling in reverse, and FAST from the weight displacement shown! ;))
You have no idea what you are talking about. Applying the rear brake will change the laws of physics that you seemed to have learned in your 9th grade txt book. Please refer to his riding as a clock, He is in the 10:30 position Now on a motorcycle anyone who can ride a wheelie will be able to keep it in this postition for a while a long while. If we can do it on 400 pound motorcycles he can do it on his 25 pound bike. Watch this video if you want to say I am wrong and keep agreeing with this idiot.
http://www.detroitstreetryders.com/index1.html (ron dawg mini movie)
another video http://www.asphaultburners.com/Pages/videos.htm (xxx first video)
Not only did i tell you you were wrong but I proved it :p

07-30-2002, 03:53 AM
/me chuckles... :D

07-30-2002, 06:47 AM
Originally posted by Nvmyr6

You have no idea what you are talking about. Applying the rear brake will change the laws of physics that you seemed to have learned in your 9th grade txt book. Please refer to his riding as a clock, He is in the 10:30 position Now on a motorcycle anyone who can ride a wheelie will be able to keep it in this postition for a while a long while. If we can do it on 400 pound motorcycles he can do it on his 25 pound bike. Watch this video if you want to say I am wrong and keep agreeing with this idiot.
http://www.detroitstreetryders.com/index1.html (ron dawg mini movie)
another video http://www.asphaultburners.com/Pages/videos.htm (xxx first video)
Not only did i tell you you were wrong but I proved it :p
You are kidding right? You come to AO because some kid sends you here? This is your FIRST post and want to call ME an idiot? LOL

Okay, I looked at those videos, and particularly the ones you mentioned specifically. Yup, they show some doing about the same thing. But you fail to mention weight displacement. Hmmm guess that has nothing to do with it either, right? And the large block of metal (engine) is similar to that on a petal bike, right? Or how about how the engine and drive train on a motorcycle makes it react different than a standard petal bike? Or maybe even how wind generated by faster speeds might play a bit into the total equation?

How about the fact that all the good footage of extreme riding was is SHORT clips (clearly edited that way) or at BACK angles? How about that they even show what happens if you try to hold that too long (more than a brief period of time)? Like when the guy stood his bike on its tail light and got off? How about looking at the positions of people’s feet and legs for most of those wheelies? They look similar to what this kid has in his clearly STILL shot, don’t they? No? ahhhhh

Those were some pretty impressive rides… I will admit that. But you showed nothing close to what you claim you are showing in your post. Sorry, nice try.

Again, you need to come with more than clearly edited videos and insults if you want to prove your point. You came ONLY because the kid dragged you here from the other forum. Do you know he was banned here as well? Your own Profile violates AO Rules as well. LOL Go ride your bike…..

(Just SAYING you proved it does not indicate you did… no matter how rudely you state it or how loudly. :rolleyes: )

Added: Sorry, I forgot to add…. You really showed me. I now hang my head in shame and tuck my tail between my legs and find a corner. ;)

07-30-2002, 12:27 PM
Hmmm just curious...if soeone posts a video here of someone doing that on a pedal bike? Would it shut you up? Or would you still try and come back with some explanation as to how we faked it? *lol*

It can be done, end of story.

Mav D MagMan
07-30-2002, 12:55 PM
Shartley will only shut up when ya'll stop making such rediculous posts and stirring up such trouble around here, plus I have the feeling that he doesn't like being called wrong (or being told to shut up for that matter) But I have a few things to say guys about the way you're posting:

First off it's rude! Get some manners or go somewhere where they tolerate such disrespect towards your seniors.

Secondly - He's right, let it go!

Third off - This is a paintball forum, Even though it is a friendly section, are debates over wheelies seriously necessary?

Shartley's (not to mention several other members of this forum) proved his point several times over, you two goons have shown your ignorance, stupidity, and plain disrespect several times.

Have a nice day, go out and play in the sun (get lives) and stop bothering our Enforcer :)

07-30-2002, 01:03 PM
How about this? I will ask the Moderators to delete this WHOLE thread since the author is BANNED, and it seems to only draw flies from other forums.

Mav D MagMan
07-30-2002, 01:05 PM
I'd second that Shartley, this thread has no worth or positive aspects...


07-30-2002, 01:14 PM
He forgot his helmet :eek:

07-30-2002, 01:33 PM
nothing is impossible.....

07-30-2002, 01:35 PM
How about this... if the Mods delete this thread, fine. If not... I am not posting again. I suggest everyone else do the same.

[Shrek Voice] See yah later, bye bye...

07-30-2002, 01:35 PM
i've always wondered who owned that god-awfully hideous orange and purple fur covered crotch rocket that i've seen parked out in the burbs....

07-30-2002, 02:22 PM
Oh yea, this is a MARVELOUS thread.


07-30-2002, 03:06 PM
oooO oooO! :

07-30-2002, 03:23 PM
lol i cant even take one hand off the handle bars to scratch my back or any where else let alone do a wheelie

07-30-2002, 04:41 PM
"Shartley will only shut up when ya'll stop making such rediculous posts and stirring up such trouble around here, plus I have the feeling that he doesn't like being called wrong (or being told to shut up for that matter) But I have a few things to say guys about the way you're posting:

First off it's rude! Get some manners or go somewhere where they tolerate such disrespect towards your seniors.

Secondly - He's right, let it go!

Third off - This is a paintball forum, Even though it is a friendly section, are debates over wheelies seriously necessary?

Shartley's (not to mention several other members of this forum) proved his point several times over, you two goons have shown your ignorance, stupidity, and plain disrespect several times.

Have a nice day, go out and play in the sun (get lives) and stop bothering our Enforcer "

I never insulted anyone nor did i post in a rude manner or disrespect anyone. All i posted was that it was possible to do what was being done in a picture. Then i posted a very simple solution to the debate or argument or whatever you want to call it.

The first person who stirred up trouble would be the first person that posted a negative comment in this thread. Which would be one of the NON belivers. Shartley happens to be one of them. So if you want people to stop stirring up trouble maybe you should talk to the ones that started it?

No one has proved their point yet. The closest someone has come to proving their point was the person who posted those videos. If Shartley proved his point by just using words...then the guy who posted the video dfinetly proved his point.

"you two goons have shown your ignorance, stupidity, and plain disrespect several times. "

Whos disrespecting who now? Hmmmmm.....

On a side note i actually DO play paintball, so im not far off my subject matter when posting on a paintball forum. Ive been playing paintball for over 8 years now. It just so happens i mainly post at paintballcity.com.

08-05-2002, 12:26 PM
The guys in the video can go for miles like that.. It was just edited like that to make a good video.. I was there during all the filming.

I'll ride these for about 1/2 mile at this height.

08-05-2002, 12:27 PM

08-05-2002, 12:30 PM
Can also ride these for a good distance...

It is possible on anything with a rear brake.

08-05-2002, 12:36 PM
Nags.. thats a dirtbike, the weight porportion is alot different than a pedal bike. i can ride alot farther and higher on my dirtbike then i can on my mountain bike, that doesnt go along with the mountain bike theme...

edit: whops spelled his name wrong: Nads

08-05-2002, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by ronron2112
Nags.. thats a dirtbike, the weight porportion is alot different than a pedal bike. i can ride alot farther and higher on my dirtbike then i can on my mountain bike, that doesnt go along with the mountain bike theme...

edit: whops spelled his name wrong: Nads

I can do the same thing on a bmx bike.

08-05-2002, 01:34 PM
Don't try to compare bikes with combustion engines to pedal bikes. There are way too many variables in that. The simple momentum of the engine and tranny will keep you up there for longer. The weight distribution is way different than a pedal bike. Tire size is also different, altho that probably favors the pedal bike.

When jammin james came out and insulted my dirt bike which was recently stolen, and i'm still payin off the bike, that was just being a jackass.

Simply put Jammin James is a jackass for responding in such a nasty manner. People were just trying to explain that its not likely you could actually hold a wheelie at that angle on a pedal bike.

i agree the thread should be closed.

i stand by shartley as i know him to be very well educated and he uses facts and physics to back up what he says.

08-05-2002, 01:53 PM
He used facts and physics but the fact is that you can hit that point without flipping over IF you use a back brake.

Can you ride the wheelie like that for a sustained amount of time? No, but you CAN hit that point.

08-06-2002, 02:50 PM
You got some chicken legs.