View Full Version : What the hell is up with these forums?

Jammin James
07-29-2002, 01:00 AM
Why is there so much censorship on these forms I can't even say <B>*POOF*</B>, which you can say on TV. That's really rediculous. If its OK for tv it should at least be allowed in these forms.

<B>*Do not circumvent the cuss filters. Next offense = ban* -Miscue</B>

07-29-2002, 02:44 AM
I agree there are a couple words that are censored that aren't that bad, and are said on TV all the time, mostly the one you said and ummm, another word for butt or mule... that starts with an A. I mean jeesh, it dosen't mean anythign realy bad, it means your butt, omg... and the other one, a female dog, omg the horror...

07-29-2002, 02:57 AM
That's the policy. Don't like it? Tough cookies. <U>This ain't yo house.</U>

Besides, why are swear words so important to you that you have to complain about it? Try this on for size: http://www.thesaurus.com . You can find a lot of words here that you can use instead.

I know what you're thinking... the words you're talking about aren't that bad. We've all heard them a million times anyway. Well, that's not the point. We have our reasons.

End of Discussion - Thread Closed.