View Full Version : help with e-mag please?

07-29-2002, 09:03 AM
i am new to the e-mag, just picked up a used one, em00875. got it friday, and charged the battery, pin in(?), all night friday night. saturday i put the battery in and pulled the pin. the display came up agd 1.37 and i was able to cycle thru the top button for a minute, then it went fuzzy. it was displaying all kinda garbled letters and such. i put the pin in and pulled it back out, nothing but garbled again. i pulled the trigger, nothing. i have tried all different combinations and still nothing. occasionally i get a low battery indicator, but no click, and i cant get the display to stay visible. am i doing something wrong? any tech or troubleshooting help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks to all

07-29-2002, 09:22 AM
Sounds like it needs a trip to AGD central.

Call the tech line and get an RA number to send her in for a tune up
Tech Support hours:
Monday through Friday, 10:00 to 11:30 am, 1:00 - 4:00 pm (Central Time)
Tech Support Telephone: (847) 520-7225

07-29-2002, 10:16 AM
I believe you need to pull the pin while charging. Remove pin, insert charger on top of batt, use field strip screw to hold charger down, and plug it in for 5 hours regardless as to whether the light is green or not. That should take care of you.


07-30-2002, 06:08 AM
ok, i got home last night and put the trusty old multimeter on the battery. the gun had the pin in all day, and the battery had charged for many hours. it read around 12v. i put the battery on the gun and pulled the pin. the display was weak and then went out. i pulle dit back off and tested it again. it was around 4.5v and steadily crept up towards 12v. i am thinking its got a bad cell. has anybody else seen this? also, i measured across the contacts on the charger, right at 12v. has anybody else checked theirs? any help is appreciated.


07-30-2002, 09:33 AM
the batteries voltage will drop whenever you put a load across it, that is normal. it sounds like the battery is barely charged.

as far as leaving it in the charger 5 hrs. no matter what, whether the light is green or not. right when the battery reaches full capacity, one of the things that happen is the battery voltage rises and then drops. then it will usually drop to a trickle charge (no more than 1/100th of the charging current). so the charger knows when the battery is full (otherwise you would hear a lot of complaints of exploding batteries ;) )

07-30-2002, 10:49 AM
It says that 14v is the low end required for operation in the manual. It's an 18v battery...

Try draining your battery dry, then charging it to full, and repeat.