View Full Version : Jon.....I Rubbed My Ninja Off.....Magman007's Trip to chicago

07-29-2002, 11:42 AM
Hey guys, i am back from Chicago....Did you miss me? Of course you didnt, you didnt even notice is was gone.. DID YOU?!? BAH...

Well, My family and i drove all the way out to Chicago for our family vacation (my idea :D ) Well, we got there and checked into the House Of Blues Hotel. It was hella cool, and every one ohhed and ahhhed at my e-mag as i carried it through the lobby...

OK, onto the good stuff. I woke up the next morning and got al ready for my tour of agd!:D It was soooo cool. I got there, met Joan and Marcia, and went from there. Tom came out of the back and greated me with a hearty handshake. We went back to the tech department first where we said hello to Saul, Jon, JJ (aka Gunga) and Roman. All great guys, Your markers are taken care of when there sent in. Then we got the grand tour, tom showed us the Sydarms, the less lethal launcher (the military project). That was cool! then we went on back to where the new posters are being printed, looked at billboard adds, and looked at extremes, sfl's, no rises, zgripped rt's and just about everything else. Then we went back to assembly, where they were working on pro connects. Then to the stock room. I never saw so many on off pins before! wow!

Then we went back to the Complex. We saw the perfect circle paintballs being made, Toms locker of stuff(incl first electro mag, test projects, old compress4d air tanks, etc...) THen we went back to the really cool stuff. Because my dad was a science buff, tom showed him the dinisaur bones in his collection, and the telescope there workin on. Cool Stuff! Ok, so i take my e-mag back and JJ proceedes to install my lvl 10. Woot! But they had to work with some stuff, because the previous owner messed with the trigger rod...grrrr. So... JJ being the great guy he is, said theat he would work on it then drop it off at my hotel. WHAT service!!! That was cool! so he did that and gave me his number if i had any questions an stuff.

Then... Tom being the ultra nice guy he was, set my dad up with some one at the FIELD MUSEUM( the place tom does expiditions for) so that we could get a behind the scenes look at stuff. Sadly the guy wasnt there when we got there. But it was nice of tom any ways.

Then, Jon set me up to play at Country Club, But the morning i was supposed to play, i found out i couldnt go. So i proceded to call Jon and JJ up and see if they wanted to play the next night. They did and i got em a case. Well, Saturday rolls arround and JJ comes and picks me up from the hotel and we head on out. We stopped for dinner at the Hooters In Lansing. Then we proceded to go to CC.

Country Club... GREAT! PLACE. It was awesome!!! I have never played indor before and i was amazed! Keith, the general manager, i gotta give him mad props for running the show so well. He hooked us up, and did it well. His staff was great too! especially the guy nick nammed " Trailer Park" Mark, And the other guy Mike. They were really cool, and fun to talk to.

Ok, so JJ and I arrive at country club. It seems as if Jon brought the whole factory! It was Jon, JJ, Roman, Me, and "Dirty Tommy" on these boards. Saul was supposed to come but he couldnt make it. It was awesome, we had alot of fun. Then the e-mag started to act up... Well JON To the RESCUE!!! he helped me out and we were good to go! It was a great night with tons of paint flying. JJ goggling me, me getting hit in the hopper (with a warp mind you) and alot of fun.

Well, JJ had to leve at 9 for a batchelors party, and Jon being the great guy he is, offered to take me home! After jon faught with the money to pay for the stuff, we were on our way. We climbed into his PIMP mercury cougar. I mean wow! 2 tv's (one in thevisor of the passenger seet) a dvd player, Infinity aluminum coned Subs, , Kickin sound system, and a PS 2 on the way! It was one tight car! The funny thing was that jon had to drop his pants to sit in the car since they were dirty, he had his slider shorts on underneath, but it still looked really funny. So we roll down to the gass station where jon gets out and pulls his pants up, lets just say it loked really bad, Ok/ So we get gas and were on our way, we hold a great conversation to the point where we mis the exit, well we end up in Gary indianna and turn around, we get back to chicago and its all over. So sad. It was so much fun, I mean, WOW, AGD does their best to take care of us. I Mean these guyts went outta their way to help me have a good time. all while habving fun!

***Jon, If you read this, Drop me an E-mail at [email protected]*****

The night of sexdual Inuendos...

" Jon, I rubbed my Ninja Off...." ( me reffering to the ninja stickers not being 100% watterproof)

" could yu hold this and twist?" ( me asking dirty tommy to help get my tank off the marker)

and thenb there was jon and his pants...

and me and my pants, which i split up the crotch... lol

ALL in ALL it was an awesome trip, Jon has pictures, and so does Dirty Tommy. It was alot of fun guys, and i hope to do it again next year.

Shout outs to...JON My buddy, my Bro! my Dawg>?? lol.... JJ, im sorry your favorite waitress wasnt workin that night... Roman, Thanx for being a great guy and letting me use your setup when mine was down and sorry for getting hit in the warp! Keith.. Thank you so much for running a quality opperation at country club..... Trailer Park Mark...Thanx for being so funny... Mike, .... LOL! Dirty Tommy Thank you for twisting so well!!!......TOM thank you for everything, and thank you for running such a good business, even if marketing isnt your strong point!
Joan, Thank you for all of your help.... AO guys, thank you for being AO, if there wasnt AO, this wouldnt have happened.... Any one else i may have forgotten, im sorry!

::edit:: forgot an innuendo! "It needs to be lubed up"

Patron God of Pirates
07-29-2002, 12:08 PM
It was most likely not the water, but oil from your hands that rubbed the ink off.

I wasn't able to UV coat or laminate them, so on hot days the ink can still run if you touch it with your bare hands.

Will Wood
07-29-2002, 12:08 PM
Sounds like fun! I wanna do that lol!

07-29-2002, 12:11 PM
ah.. ok patron, its all good, its stayin on the hopper 4 ever, its the imfamous ninja now!

07-29-2002, 12:40 PM
I've got some pics at home of the night @ Country Club. I'll post those up tonight.

07-29-2002, 03:53 PM
cool!! i cant wait to see them!

07-29-2002, 05:04 PM
Lucky! Shoulda snagged an extreme while you were their. ;)

07-29-2002, 06:58 PM
Here's a bunch of open people waiting to start. That's MagMan007 towards the left in the black Dye jersey, me in the camos in the middle, and JonAGD aka 'Tattoo' in the blue and white Paintball Junkies jersey.

07-29-2002, 07:00 PM
Here's Jon and I....and Bill aka MagMan007 trying to give me some 'rabbit ears'. Sheesh! That's the thanks I get for fixing his E-mag! :p

07-29-2002, 07:05 PM
doah! i didnt get the ears right! lol just playin with you JJ, Hey, how was the party? also, thank you again for workin on the e-mag, you will recieve your thanks, do not worry!

07-29-2002, 07:07 PM
Here's Roman (the guy who makes the mainbodies that you all use) playing peek a boo with someone. :)

07-29-2002, 07:08 PM
Here's me, Jon, and Bill lurking behind a bunker.

07-29-2002, 07:09 PM
New from AGD!!! The Big Gut (tm) - allows you to do the warp lean that much further out by acting as a counterweight! :p

07-29-2002, 07:11 PM
Here's one of Bill laying down some Level 10 - Emag combo goodness on some poor victim!

Dirty Tommy was there too of course, but our battlefield photographer, "Trailer Park" Mark didn't get any pics of him. :( But....DT did take a couple pics which'll hopefully end up on here soon!

All in all, a great night of paintballing curtesy of the boys @ Country Club Paintball!

And as for the bachelor party I left early to go to...I shoulda stayed and played more paintball. The scheduled uh...'entertainment' never showed up!!!! Paid $30 to drink about 5-6 Miller Lites. Bleh.

Perfect Tommy
07-29-2002, 09:08 PM
“Dirty” Tommy?!?! Well, after the first slide into a bunker I certainly was…. I guess this is what I get for lurking around here instead of posting…. Or maybe I should just change my name….

I happened to be in Chicago last Friday so I stopped in at Airgun Designs for the $.25 tour. Jon took time out from his busy schedule to show me around and introduced me to everybody from Tom Kaye on down. Even better, he invited me to join him, Roman and JJ (Gunga)from Airgun as well as MagMan007 for some indoor speedball at County Club Paintball on Saturday night. Jon even arranged for a loan of a warp fed level ten mag from Keith, the field manager, since I had no equipment with me. On the way down to CC I picked up a pair of shin/knee guards, which really came in handy.

Country Club (http://www.ccpaintball.com/) is my new favorite indoor field. The facilities are great and Keith and his staff really took care of us. The only complaint I heard was that the carpet was too slick with paint, but I found it to be an advantage – it made it easy to slide into bunkers.

Jon sat out several games to work on other people’s automags, including strangers who just happened to ask the staff for help. Now that’s customer service!

I'll post the couple of pictures I have in a minute.

I can’t say enough thanks to Jon, Keith and everybody. It was a great time!

Perfect Tommy
07-29-2002, 09:10 PM
Here's Roman, Jon, Gunga, myself and MagMan007

Perfect Tommy
07-29-2002, 09:17 PM
Here's Keith (on the left) and Trailer Park Mark. Keith runs the show at Country Club, and does a fine job of it. Mark is another one of the guys at Country Club, and if he had taken a cool picture of me, I wouldn't have posted this photo ;)

07-29-2002, 09:21 PM
Yeah...there's another picture of me that should be destroyed! :p

07-29-2002, 09:26 PM
Hey! What are you doing at my field?!?!?! :D:D:D I live like 5 minutes from CCP, how'd you guys like it? Did you meet George the owner? He's a freakin god. Keith's awesome too, really helpful guy.

Perfect Tommy
07-29-2002, 09:28 PM
There's another one with both your mouth open AND your eyes closed...that picture was the lesser evil.

Somehow I was having too much fun to take action shots. Next time...

07-29-2002, 09:33 PM
IM SORRY TOMMY! woopse! lol! where did i get dirty from? HaHA my bad! im glad you had fun, good shot of trailer Park Mark 2! lol

Perfect Tommy
07-29-2002, 09:38 PM
Hey, no problem, I've been called worse!

Probably more accurate, anyway...

07-29-2002, 11:35 PM
Thanks Guys :)

It really was a great day hangin with ya. Glad We were able to help make your stays more enjoyable :)

Until we see again

07-30-2002, 12:28 AM
Hey Jon, i gotta say, you guys went way over any one could posibly expect. I gotta give it to you. Good job. You guys rule, and jon, tell me, when you get that ps2 in the car, whose gunna do the driving?

07-30-2002, 08:14 AM
I am:p

hehehehe Grand Theft Auto bro

Load SM5
07-30-2002, 10:52 PM
You have a playstation in your car Jon? Sweet, drive home slow from the airport after you pick me up later this month.

07-30-2002, 11:15 PM
lol, i can see jon swerving in the road, with nelly's "hot in here" blasting, and Load and him playing PS2

07-30-2002, 11:22 PM
he didnt get to meet george, he already left by the time they got to ccp. but on the upside they did get to meet me.:D

07-30-2002, 11:28 PM
Marc Thats an up side? lol hey if you can, get on aim or msn messenger and get me at fender0076

10-22-2002, 05:56 PM
Well looks like you had fun magman

10-22-2002, 06:08 PM

zach rumchak
10-22-2002, 06:46 PM
hey i line by country club paintballl how do you guys like it? it is real expensive though

10-22-2002, 07:57 PM
Im an idiot, I thought you were in Chilli

10-22-2002, 08:07 PM
i am.... that is an old thread.... check the post dates

Creative Mayhem
10-22-2002, 08:11 PM
Magman, sounds like you had great time,as does everyone that checks out the "Mag house of worship". Actually I think Tom should have himself ordained as a minister of his own religion "Magdom" Hey, it would be another write off on the taxes..... Glad you had a good time, I'm really gonna have to get down there one day to take my "tour"

C Mayhem
AKA Purple Wang

10-22-2002, 08:13 PM
lol, I correct myself, I am an idiot:rolleyes: