View Full Version : anyone play in lake ozark area/new MO AO day?

07-29-2002, 12:47 PM
i am heading up to my grandmas place in osage beach this coming up weekend, and if i dont blow all my money at the rush concert i realy hope to get some good paintballing in before summer comes to a close. i was wondering if anyone plays in that area, or like kingdom city or someplace like that. if anyone knows of someplace to play around there i'd love to know, and if you would possably be playing the 10th or 11th that'd be sweet too.
i thought i saw something about the new mo ao but cant find the thead for it. if there has been any dates or anything plz let me know.

07-29-2002, 05:48 PM
I play at Battle Creek Paintball in Kingdom City. if you take I-70 west from Kingdom City the next exit is Hatton. Take the exit and turn left. Follow the gravle road and you can't miss it. There are some speedball fields in near the road. Past them is a split off. Turn right and take the first turn to the right up the hill.

I don't know if I will be there or not, depending on my schduel but ther is usually about 10-20 players there every Sunday. You can check out the web sight at www.battlecreekpaintball.com

There is a new thread, but nothing has been set up yet. I think everything is in the where are we going to do it and when phaze right now.