View Full Version : help

07-30-2002, 06:17 PM
I don't know anything about mags but I'm trying help my dad fix his.

He has a stock pf that is about 3yrs old. Just recently it has started giving problems. He will be shooting away and all the sudden it just stops. The trigger goes limp and nothing works.

A quick fix is to just unscrew the tank - something inside the gun clicks - then screw it back in. It will then work anywhere from 5 to 500 shots and will do it again.

He believes the clicking sound is coming from a pin on the front of the ?valve? He has cleaned the gun and replaced the spring. nothing has helped. Can you guys offer some advice that will get him ready to play again?

07-30-2002, 06:24 PM
Sounds like your having boltstick to me

replace the powertube spring and maybe the bolt spring too if it still gives you problems

take the valve out and slide the bolt off
use a quater to unscrew the powertube tip
the spring is now exposed

probably wouldn't happen, but make sure you don't loose the o-ring under the spring

OH, almost forgot

it might not be a spring, you can get spacers inplace of the powertube spring too... in that case just change around with the sizes a bit

07-30-2002, 07:18 PM
yup that does sound like boltstick.... and there are things to do to check...

next time it happens take a stick squeegee and push it against the bolt... if the trigger rod pops back out and it works again that would be the problem....

take the valve out and take the spring off the bolt and stand them next to each other... if the spring is short then the bolt the spring is a likely cause if its taller your ok

as long as the valve is take off the powertube tip (use a nickel best tool in the world) =) and see if you have a spring or a spacer.... either way this is the surefire way of fixing.... get a agd powertube spacer kit... it comes with 5 different spacers... find the size of the one you got in there and go one longer....

there is also the option of getting a level 10 upgrade kit... to see what it is about got the main fourm there will be a sticky post near the top that sayes "All level 10 info here" and it will explain al with vids.... basicaly it pretty much eliminate chopping due to feed problems (loader not keeping up), shortstoking and mis-shaped paintballs.... all for $85.... this also will fix your boltstick problem....

07-30-2002, 07:23 PM
if it was bolt stick it would be leaning out the barrel right??

is it leaking down the barrel?

if it isnt i think his On/off is messed up...

07-30-2002, 07:59 PM
the spring has all ready been replaced and it dosen't leak down the barrel.

07-30-2002, 09:09 PM
an idea, but i'm not sure if it would lead to the problems your having

check the edge of the bolt sear, the part that would catch the bolt when it returns back.... it might be too smooth to keep the bolt back

just another idea