View Full Version : Intellifram Trigger Moves

07-30-2002, 08:46 PM
I just got my retro minimag with intelliframe, and lv10 *starting to drool just thinking about it*, and i found a slight inconvienance with the trigger. It moves side to side. A good 1/8" too. It tends to move that much on the right side though. The left side has less movement. What can I do about this? BTW, I got it used so I didnt expect it to be perfect and I dont think AGD should be responsible for it either. I didnt get it from them.
I saw a review from pbreview that had the same problem...The guy said his moved left and right. Here is a quote from him " A bit too much side to side play in the blade for my taste. So i machined up some virgin teflon spacers to take up any slack. This helped two ways, it took all the side to side out of the trigger, and being teflon, made the pull even smoother."

Now, i guess it worked but I am clueless as to how to do this. Can anyone help me out? I dont even know what teflon is or how to get it or anything about installing it etc.

Or does anyone have other methods of fixing this?

Thanks. All and any help is greatly appreciated.

07-30-2002, 08:58 PM
have you gassed up the gun? when it's gassed up the trigger rod pushes the trigger so it doesnt move as much.....

07-31-2002, 05:06 AM
well now dont i feel stupid......i was think about that last night too. o well. if it still moves when i gas it up then ill post a response. however, i think youre right and it should be fine then.

08-07-2002, 10:39 AM
I was supposed to buy that gun......


08-08-2002, 12:56 AM
Well there has to be a little bit of side to side play, it's harder to pull the trigger when there's too little side play. Consider yourself lucky, the Intelliframe barely has any, try putting an aftermarket trigger on your stock frame, that's nasty.

08-10-2002, 04:11 PM
how much you get that setup for? ... i also am saw that review and would like to know what he meant for my own personal info

08-11-2002, 03:11 PM
i got it for 300 bucks. its a chrome, center feed, retro minimag, with a lv 10, and intelliframe. it also came with a 14" boomstick, smart parts sticky grip, and dye gas thru fore grip. overall im very happy with it.

08-11-2002, 04:10 PM
thats aloooooooooot of stuf for a tiny little amount of money, you are very lucky, i got mine for 280(look at sig) and it didnt have half that stuff:( I envy you, you lucky lucky person

08-11-2002, 05:29 PM
Yes I do consider myself very lucky. Brian Terry (man who sold me the gun) is an extremely nice and generious person. I even offered to pay 400 or more but he only charged me 300. He also has been very helpful to me recently. I am greatful to have run into him.

08-12-2002, 12:35 AM
BAM! (sound of jaw hitting floor) wow i thought i got a great deal, for 225$ i got a minimag, all american, KAPP gas-thru and tourney adjuster. you are insanley lucky

08-12-2002, 01:35 AM
Yeah brian is a good guy. I know him personally ...
I was all lined up to buy the gun but I guess I didnt come up with the cash fast enough. I didnt know it was on AO till to late. Ive used that gun a few times and fell in love with it. When he said he would sell it to me I nearly flipped my wig haha
Dont part that gun out man its a keeper.
If you have aim chat at me, my screen name is Dittohead8. Hope to hear from you.

08-12-2002, 04:13 PM
Yea its a beaut....tricked out pretty nicely too (mag standards). Basically, the only other thing I could add to greatly improve preformance is a warp. And I dont think Ill do that. I dont think my fingers can untilize the capabilities of it anyway. Im just gonna put a revvy with x-board on it.
I might put a wood grip on it too. Does anyone know a web page where they sell them?
I was also contemplating a powder coating but I dont know enough about it to get one just yet...What I would like to do is give it a splash effect in a blueish/blacklight color, while still showing some of the chrome body. Is that possible? Can anyone direct me to a web page that can do this? Gotta be reliable though. I dont want to mess this gun up.
Brian recommended a crossfire tank (800 output) for it. Thats what Im going with.
Then all I need is a cradle and adapter and Im set to play at the world record game at Skirmish.

Ive got about 625 bucks to blow on the gun. Anyone got any recommendations for additons and upgrades? Comments about what I am considering getting are welcome.

08-12-2002, 06:46 PM
I have a suggestion, since you have 625 bucks and i have none, could you buy me a nitro tank? lol imagine if someone actually did that

08-15-2002, 11:25 AM
smart parts has wod grips for sale. forgot their site but it's easy to find