View Full Version : The Mole 2 ... final show ... any guesses?

07-30-2002, 09:37 PM
Okay I am sure that some of you watch the Mole 2 on tv ... tonight was the final game and they will tell who the mole is next week.

Any one want to guess who the mole is and why?? Also if you have seen any of the clues let us know and we can try to work it out ...

Im addicted to the show since the first season. If I had a job that would let me go for almost two months I would love to try out for it.

Of the three remaining I am thinking its Dorthy ... she seems to be both throwing games easily .. and at the same time, the ones she helps win she does it at the last second ... during the brain teaser game she solved most of them with only seconds to spare. And tonight she was wearing a hooded shirt with ears ... that to me seemed like a clue that she is the mole.

What do you all think?


07-31-2002, 08:31 AM
i think bill because old people are sly...

07-31-2002, 09:16 AM
Im going to stand by Dorthy (since it was my first guess) ... but a friend showed me that on one episode they received a telegram that had a phone number on it. If you drop the zeros, the rest of the phone number actually spells out "The mole is Bill" ...

07-31-2002, 10:11 AM
lol wow if im right you owe me 80 trillion dollars *puts finger to his mouth* :D