View Full Version : System X Drop

08-01-2002, 01:16 AM
My df came in today and it has turned my RTPro into a whole new gun. Its like its an extension of my arm now. Its so much more balanced and it looks tiny when I hold it. I am really glad I invested the money for it and the nickle plating only compliments the RTPro. Only thing is I can't get the asa off the hose and I do not want to break anything. I plan on talking with AGD to see what can be done. I should also have the LX soon. I am so glad I finally got a mag.


08-01-2002, 03:53 PM
I just got my SystemX drop today. I love it very tru on how it balances out my gun feels a lot more comfy. It makes my SFL look even sweeter. Tron your going to love the lvl10 mines been flawless ever since I got it. 2 cases of diablo and not a chop or break:D :p

08-01-2002, 06:57 PM
yea, i have one of them, and i love it. what is your problem tho? please explain it to me, maybe i can help. it si a really nice drop, but with most on off asa's the on off dosnt do much good, oh well!

08-01-2002, 08:36 PM
hey the dzk2 on-off was the best thing ever made 4 a screw in tank:rolleyes:

08-01-2002, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by magman007
yea, i have one of them, and i love it. what is your problem tho? please explain it to me, maybe i can help. it si a really nice drop, but with most on off asa's the on off dosnt do much good, oh well!

Actually I just couldn't unscrew it. I finally got it but it took some work. Now I just have to seal it with some loctite 545 I believe. I am not sure but I know they have answered what type to use over and over again. I wont have it for at least a weak since I am sending it over to AGD because my body came to me stained.
