View Full Version : i need help

Wc Keep
08-01-2002, 10:32 AM
ok i won a 32 degrees chest protector on ebay for my friend. after i won i noticed that the seller is a dirt bag who doesnt like to ship items once he received payment. i was just wondering what i could do to insure that i receive the product immediately after i paid for it.

08-01-2002, 11:05 AM
make a deal where he sends first, gives u a confirmation number and skans the receipt, then u pay him once you see that the has indeed shipped the item. Or just dont buy it at all.

08-01-2002, 11:24 AM
you could use a third party system like paypal

Wc Keep
08-01-2002, 11:27 AM
i was thinking about using paypal but how do you get your money back if he decides to scam me?

is it possible to use cod with ebay purchases?

08-01-2002, 11:34 AM
do cod

08-01-2002, 11:49 AM
you can use anything with ebay. I think the way paypal works is you send the money yo paypal, and he sends his item. When paypal gets both things, then it will ship them to whoever is supposed to get it. If he never sends his stuff, paypal will send you your money back. Paypal does need you to set up an account, and I think that they take a little off the top so it might be less hassle to do a COD if you just used ebay casually.

08-01-2002, 11:58 AM
I think you can use a bid-retractor, and cite his crappy record when you do it. They'll let you null the auction.

Wc Keep
08-01-2002, 12:12 PM
how do i use a bid retractor?

08-01-2002, 03:47 PM
Paypal doesn't work that way, as soon as you pay him over paypal, the money is his. You can then make a claim with paypal if he screws you, but good luck with that. I'd say you got a 50 50 chance of that working, if that.

And I think Retracting your bid only works before the auction closes. It's to edit mistakes made in the bidding process, eg wrong amount, wrong item etc. Once you have won the auction it doesn't work.

The best way to protect your self is to buy from high rated sellers with good feedback and little or no negative responses. If you've already paid for the item, you'll have to go to dispute resolution. I think Square Trade is the name of one, but ebay has links to them on their site.

You can do COD on ebay, but only if the seller specifies that he will accept this form of payment in the auction listing. Most sellers do not. I don't.

How long since you paid for the auction? Has he emailed you saying he has received your payment? How did you pay?

Wc Keep
08-01-2002, 03:53 PM
i havent paid yet for the item. he has yet to even email me any info. the reason im worried is because another member emailed me and notified me of his 100+ negative feedback.

08-01-2002, 04:02 PM
This guy has over 100 negative feedback responses on his profile, and you bid one of his auctions? That was a big Mistake.

Do you know you can click on the number next to his Ebay Handle and see his profile yourself, and everything anybody has ever had to say about him. You can also see what he says about other people. Check that out for yourself and make sure he actually has that many negative feedback hits. Thats a lot. I mean a whole lot. Power sellers with like 5000 transactions maybe generate like 20 total over the coarse of years. It's just a cost of doing business.

You said he hasn't contacted you yet? When did the auction end?

Will Wood
08-01-2002, 04:43 PM
I buy anything from users with a sunglases icon..That means it is a new account. I don't buy from anyone with any negative feedback is there total is under 50ish. If they have a couple hundred or thousand feedback, I generally don't do the deal if they have had recent negative, and only bid if the negative is long time ago.

08-01-2002, 05:08 PM
You mean you don't buy anything from someone with the sunglass icon I assume. Your smart not to buy from new accounts, but actually all the sunglasses icon means is that they have changed their handle recently. You could be a member for years, but change your Handle, and your branded with the sunglasses for 30 days.

Wc Keep
08-01-2002, 05:59 PM
the auction ended this morning in the wee-hours of the day. he has 1900'ish positive 100 nuetral and 100 negative.

08-01-2002, 06:16 PM
Well, he is a BIG time seller.

He might possibly forget auctions, packages, etc. Get his phone number and your set.

I wouldn't worry.

08-01-2002, 06:44 PM
Wow, thats a lot of bad feedback, even for a power seller. Since the auction is already ended, your options are kind of limited. You can either pay and hope he comes through. And if he screws you, you can give him negative feedback and notify ebay/dispute resolution. Be aware that he'll probably give you negative feedback in turn. Or you can not pay at all and probably get negative feedback yourself for failing to pay.

Just because hasn't contacted you yet doesn't really mean anything. Some sellers take up to 3 days before they contact bidders, some contact within an hour of the auction close. It just depends on how he's set up and how many auctions he's running.

Chances are that he just doesn't have a very organized way of doing business and some people aren't getting their stuff very quick and so give him negative feedback, and he returns the favor by not shipping. This is just hypothetical, I could be way off, I'm just trying to provide a possible reason why.

You've kinda backed yourself into a corner and there isn't really a good option for you. Myself, I would pay and hope he comes through. Just make sure you have good contact with him and he notifies you when he receives your payment, and when he ships. Try to get a tracking number from him too. UPS has these on most if not all of their shipments, and the post office does them for under a dollar. And after this, however it turns out, chalk it up to experience and ALWAYS look at a sellers profile before bidding. I know it doesn't help much, but hopefully I provided a little insight. Let me know how it turns out and good luck.

Wc Keep
08-01-2002, 06:49 PM
thanks a lot for all your help. its not the money im worried about since its only like 15 bucks its just that i need the chest protector cause my friend wont play without it and i dont want to have to be in limbo on weither im going to get the item or not. so again thanks everybody.

08-02-2002, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
thanks a lot for all your help. its not the money im worried about since its only like 15 bucks its just that i need the chest protector cause my friend wont play without it and i dont want to have to be in limbo on weither im going to get the item or not. so again thanks everybody.

Chest protector you should have given him one of those thick sleeveless jackets. Chest protector :( . Hes probably one of those people who sell info or those littl eproducts like teeth bleech kits :) check his feed back maybe its negative because it didnt work not because he didnt ship :)

Wc Keep
08-02-2002, 09:52 AM
reason i didnt give HIM a sleeveless vest is because they dont protect her as well. yeah amazingly this girl really wants to play.