View Full Version : need a rpg to get addicted 2. anybody?

08-01-2002, 10:21 PM
hey i know i shouldn't be saying this when skool is about to start but. i need a new rpg to get addicted to. something still underground would be nice b/c they dont really attract stupid people that go around hacking. also something with free online play would be nice but not neccesary. thanks

also im looking for something thats primarly online play(other than everquest). thanks

08-01-2002, 10:38 PM
Neverwinter Nights...it's horribly addictive.

08-01-2002, 10:44 PM
yea i've read about it but its more primarily of a story mode. im looking for primary online game play. im probably gonna get anarchy online but i wanna see what else is out.

Sir Chopsalot
08-01-2002, 10:59 PM
you could play ultima but you will get so addicted you start getting up earlier and staying up later just to play it.....oh those were the good ole days

08-01-2002, 11:25 PM
Ive heard Morrowind(sp) was an awesome game, but i havent played it. Im stilla fan of old-school SNES rpg's. Right now I'm working on Final Fantasy 5 and 6

08-02-2002, 02:43 AM
My personal favorite is Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty, but Dark Age of Camelot is pretty cool too.


08-02-2002, 02:45 AM
well right now im sold on Anarchy online. im probably gonna pick that up on saturday.

08-02-2002, 04:02 AM
I got an RPG for you!!!!! Rainbow six black thorn! (you can imagine your Ding Chaves! :D

08-02-2002, 09:22 AM
Not sure how popular it's gotten, but Dungeon Seige is a pretty good time

08-02-2002, 10:09 AM
Morrowind, Gothic, FF 11 when it comes out it will be for PC and have onine play

08-02-2002, 12:52 PM
my brother plays morrowing like 24/7.... and that's exactly why I haven't bothered to touch the game, don't want to get addicted.

You could play that everquest game, I heard people have committed suicide cause that game, must be good, but still wont play it :D

08-02-2002, 01:01 PM
Morrowind is really really boring! Thats just my opinoin though. Neverwinter is supposed to be good to, and free.

Did you know you spelled school with a "k"?

08-02-2002, 02:16 PM
morrowind is boring if you make it boring. you can do almost anything you want literally. and it doesnt need to be online because theres like 9 billioncazillion npcs

08-02-2002, 02:31 PM
Morrowind is a really awesome game, I've got it for Xbox and it rules, the graphics and sound are crazy, it is only 1 player though, but as said before there are thousands of NPC's, and there are a huge amount of side quests. Even after you beat the game, it still keeps on going so the game really never ends, and the possibilities for a customized character are huge. Asheron's Call was a good game, but lately its quality of patch content has declined to nearly nothing, seeing as it is too easy to exploit the game for mass levelling and basically becoming a god in a little over a week. Diablo 2 was really fun until it got hacked like crazy, what was even more fun was telling people looking for hacks "interesting" urls to find them at, that would be totally unrelated to what they were looking for, and sometimes disturbing. If you are looking for a good online play RPG, I'd hold off until the new Star Wars one (I think its called Star Wars:Galaxies, but don't quote me on it) comes out, it looks really good and seems like the gameplay will be interesting, incorporating bounty hunting and other neat stuff. If you *must* have one now, check out Dark Ages of Camelot.

08-02-2002, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by Snewk
Neverwinter Nights...it's horribly addictive.

I'll have to second that! Everyone here at work is addicted to it...and I work at a game company...so that says something right? :D

08-02-2002, 05:47 PM
rainbow six is a first person shooter.

Diablo 2 is a great game. I used to play it some but my brother played constantly.ultima online and anarchy are good from what i've heard.

I've heard of a guy who quit school so he can play everquest.

08-02-2002, 05:53 PM
I've been beta testing Earth and Beyond! and its a fun game. It looks great and almost all of the bugs have been worked out. i think its comming out soon.

08-04-2002, 01:03 AM
Morrowing if you're an Avid Rper, and can appreciate the detail put into creating the game. Endless possibilities. It's what you make of it.

Neverwinter is another hit with the Rpg/action crowd currently.

As for online games - UO if you don't mind the dated graphics. One of the best online gaming communities ever created. The current state of the game is considered by many to be rather eh.. 'pathetic'. Still a decent game.

DAoC is the current leader in Online games. (well the newest one at least)

There's a huge list of online games that are coming out soon, or going Beta. Just search for them on the net. ;)

08-04-2002, 12:16 PM
Wait for Star Wars Galaxies, thats going to own all! :D
DAOC is kinda tight, trust me....its addicting.


Do a search on EQ and I posted alot of pics of DAOC in that thread if you want to see SS's.

08-04-2002, 02:03 PM
Yeah, star wars galaxies will dominate I'm thinking, it's unbelievable the depth to it so far.. too bad my computer won't be able to run it. :( Even if you don't care for starwars (like me) it's crazy cool. Diablo 2 is fun, but not anymore, no one plays it just to play, they only do the freaking cow lvl and trading... it's really fun though when you get a game of 8 going with everyone playing together doing quests.... (wow I sound like a nerd.. o wait..)

08-04-2002, 03:44 PM
well i already got anarchy online and its pretty kool. i like it and have a feeling that once i get at a higher level im gonna get addicted more than i already am. but im a star wars fan so im probably gonna get galaxis once it comes out...ooooh im getting giddy already.

08-04-2002, 05:14 PM
Dragonrealms. We don't need no purty graphics. :D

It's the old style text-based MUD. You won't find pictures. But the community is nice. And it's not crowded at all, maybe 1500-1700 people at peak times. Was playing EQ till last month, but...believe it or not, people butchering everything in sight that's red at level 60 just finally got to me. (read: anything that looks like a dragon, the gods, and the kings of Velious cities, and anything else that looks like it's got nice stuff when it's a corpse) I'd enjoyed seeing these things around, especially the dragons because they added color to a somewhat boring environment. Too bad that for the most part you couldn't exactly have a conversation with them.

Anyways, if you do join Dragonrealms, they're a bit tight when it comes to OOC talk. Oh, and they have an odd healing system.


08-04-2002, 08:53 PM
Yea, Dragonrealms is a sweet game, and yes they hate OOC (out of character for those not RPG inclined) talk, and they especially hate the acronyms lol, rofl, and lmao. I love the game, I just can't seem to get past the 10th circle or so, I can never make up my mind. And yes, the healing system is crazy, you can either go to a hospital and pay to be healed (it is way expensive) or you can wait until another person that is able to heal you can (only certain characters can heal people, and the people that can heal are not able to fight in combat, its kinda weird.) The MSN gaming zone has a more convenient way of paying to play, but you do miss out on some of the higher end features that play.net offers (like premium services and stuff, but those cost $30 a month and you are crazy if you need them)
zone.msn.com/dragonrealms (http://zone.msn.com/dragonrealms)

08-06-2002, 12:56 AM
i played EQ and DAOC and DAOC is everything EQ isn't. Great graphics. Great game play and everything. DAOC is better then EQ and EQ been out what 3 years? plus there increasing the graphics on DAOC in there new expansio pack soon. most eqers or anarachy online players who tried DAOC mostly stay to it. Try it out, you get a free month before paying. Want any info on it my aim name is AntNytro. I ca help you out in it.

08-06-2002, 01:36 AM
i might since i get a free month of play like anarchy but i like anarchy b/c its futuristic. i hate mid evil type games. just me. thats y i cant wait till star wars galaxies comes out.

08-08-2002, 09:09 PM
Is DOAC's sword play ran with the mouse. Like the old game Die By the Sword? Ya swing the mouse around and you hack and slash stuff up?


08-08-2002, 11:42 PM
DAOC is lame.
Everquest is cool, better graphics engine.
Morrowind is cool, just takes too long to do the later quests.
Gothic is by far one of the coolest games I have played in a long time. The way it drops you into the game and you barely have to load anything. The voice acting is superb! I would recommend this game to anyone looking to play a fun single player rpg. Action, quests, and it doesn't make you run all over the place!
Never played neverwinter nights.
Diablo 2 is not much of an rpg.
Dungeon Siege is fun for awhile. Just gets old after a week though.



08-09-2002, 03:05 AM
EQ better graphics? lol block faces. Search the internet a little you see the diffences and what gets rated better.

08-09-2002, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by spawnboy
Is DOAC's sword play ran with the mouse. Like the old game Die By the Sword? Ya swing the mouse around and you hack and slash stuff up?


DAOC swings the sword for you. Depending on your dex/quickness and your skill determines the speed/accuracy and percentage you hit. Basically you run upto someone and hit the war mode key and let your characters beat each other. Its differant for mages and archers though. With those characters you control what spells/when you shoot, which usually takes more skill you play, and is more fun.


08-09-2002, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by ICOM
EQ better graphics? lol block faces. Search the internet a little you see the diffences and what gets rated better.

EQ does have better graphics. I guess you never searched. DAOC is what I compared it too and it has low polygon models. Also the fact that they use the tons of those lame models on most of their guys. If you say it has better graphics play it in first person mode. Why do you think they start you in 3rd person view for DAOC. It's because their graphics blow. Everquest has ten times better detail, and block faces are almost out with the new expansions. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

08-09-2002, 10:14 AM
i have die by the sword cool game.

the best rpg i ever played is stonekeep by far