View Full Version : A Boken Tippman-Need help

08-01-2002, 11:30 PM
My friend asked me to fix his Tippmann 98. Thsi is the problem- I cock the gun, pull the trigger, it shoots and recocks. I pull the trigger again and it just shots, but doesn't recock. what the heck is wrong with this fricken thing?

08-01-2002, 11:33 PM
check all the seals in the gun, when u gas it up put some oil in the asa, if that doesnt work, make sure the sear is hitting the hammer right....if none of those simple things dont work let me know and I will see what i can do for ya

08-01-2002, 11:37 PM
I put oil in the ASA. that didn't seem to work. I hate taking those danm things apart. so I'll check the seals when i get more suggestions. Also, on the second shot, It doesnt sputter, it just basicly uncocks.

08-01-2002, 11:39 PM
i own a tippmann and when you cock the gun to fire it, then pull the trigger, is the hammer bouncing back and forth like when you run out of co2? if it is, the sear is probably worn down or the sear spring has been stretched. Try and give us a little more detail into what is wrong
!oops, you responded while i was writing, so i guess youre not sputering, check the sear and sear spring anyway, and also, you might want to try and get a stronger main spring, if the one he is using right now isnt dtronge enough to open the valve, then it could cause he gun to just uncock, is he using a rear cocking knob or rear velocity adjuster?

08-01-2002, 11:46 PM
Nope. it is just all stock. If it is the mainspring, why will it fire the first shot only? Oh, I hate Tippmanns!!!

08-02-2002, 12:20 AM
go to www.paintball-forum.com and try to ask someone in the tippmann forum. there are some guys there that can field strip a tippmann with there eyes closed(those things take forver!) Im pretty sure its the sear or sear spring.

08-02-2002, 01:00 AM
I had the same problem for a bit when I shot an M98, replace and oil the O-Ring on the hammer.

08-02-2002, 03:45 PM
i was reffing a game this week and the same thing happened to a kid with a M98. the retard didnt have the tank screwed ALL the way in. big different with that on tippmanns then with other guns i've discovered. he had the EXACT same problems u described. im sure it isnt that obvious, but give it a whirl.

08-03-2002, 11:15 PM
Your problem may be that you might of tightened the screws to much when putting it back together.

xtreme paintball
08-04-2002, 12:10 AM
Had to be a M98, huh? I know JACK about them. If it was a Prolite, I could answer almost anything. In my early years of playing, I didn't really know how to treat and maintain a gun, so I did just about anything you could possibly do to screw it up...now I can fix almost anything on it.:p

I'd say that this is the BEST place you could possibly go for help with a M98: Tippmann tech forum (http://www.tippmann.com/forum/display_forum_topics.asp?ForumID=9)

HERE (http://www.tippmann.com/forum/display_topic_threads.asp?ForumID=9&TopicID=5527&PagePosition=1) is a thread specific to this particular prublem.