View Full Version : Decisions Decisions

08-02-2002, 04:48 PM
ok im so stuck in a nut shell right now i dont know what im goin to do E-mag or Nasty impulse i just can't decide whta gun i wnat and i dont no which one is better or worse i like the guns very much but i just dont know which one is better can ne one tell me why a E-Mag is beter than a NAsty impulse or Can anyone TEll me why a Nasty impulse is better than a E-MAg :confused:

mike e
08-02-2002, 04:54 PM
imho opinion

the impys look like shoeboxes with barrels. they have a tall profile and are not the most mobile gun on the market. however the nasty is backed by SP and i have absolutly no problems with them. they are a great company and i really like there products. you can easily take that gun out of the box and play with it as is. no new barrels, no new reg, and no need for extra flash.

the emag is really small, maybe even to tight and though the stock barrel is good i dont think it compares to a smart parts stock barrel.emag is more easily adapted for a side feed for a warp, and has mechanical mode just in case, but hybrid is nice

for all intents and purposes the rate of fire will be about the same for the majority of people out there. accuracy with paint to barrel will be the same, and both guns are about as equally consistent. i think it will come down to comfort, size and frankly, looks. both guns are capable of great performance, its just a question of which one you think you'll look better with while performing.

im not sure about the price difference on them though

08-02-2002, 04:57 PM
Hmm, that would be a personal opinion honestly. (Most people on this forum will say Emag) Both guns perform very well. Try both out.

If you go with an Impulse, I think your better off going with a plain black Imp and putting a blade trigger on it. Than you can rip.

08-02-2002, 05:03 PM
Emag all the way.

08-02-2002, 05:04 PM
if i get a nasty i will probally get a magnetic trigger on it cause i heard its fast but im still having tough decision i just dotn know i thikn they both look tight and they both preform bettter than allllota guns

08-02-2002, 05:50 PM
wait for the extremes... then you will have the ACE and a lighter gun.

08-02-2002, 06:21 PM
yea i would get a Extreme but i dont have 1300:(

08-02-2002, 07:32 PM
Depends on the trigger. If the Nasty comes with a Magnetic Trigger, then get an E-Mag (IMHO Impy Mag Triggers suck) if it's a sprung trigger, go Impy.

Personally, I really don't like magnetic-return triggers. If the E-Mag had a spring trigger, I'd like it a lot more. ( Used to think what I had against the E-Mag trigger was the Hall Effect sensor & lack of click, but after trying the Magnetic Impy trigger and the new IR3 opta-trigger, I realized it's the magnetic return that I hate.)

08-02-2002, 10:27 PM
E-MAG all the way

08-02-2002, 10:32 PM
i think nastys do come with some type of magnetic trigger i know a guy who has one and he has a magnetic trigger and he can rip on it, but it's personal preforance really they are both good high qualitly guns

08-02-2002, 10:54 PM
hmmm, lets see, can an impy chop? YES yes it can. fuirst off, most nastys dont come stock with vision. and even with vision, you can still chop. With lvl 10, yes you can still chop, but it is even lesslikely than with the vision. Also, e-mags rock. You can get a blade trigger for them, and the TL63 blade triggers rip, and are more comeforthabe IMHO than those dinky stick blade triggers they try to pass off. Also, e-mags are the fastest thing you can find. throw in an e-magnumborad down the road and you will not be dissapointed. I serriously reccomend e-mag. And heck, of your dead set on gettin an impy, why not get a bushy for a hell of alot cheeper? you cna get a bushy for 445 now a days. NE who, i reccomnd e-mag

08-02-2002, 10:58 PM
well..i've been there...but it was with a bushy..i thought..higher ROF than my mini...and i hated it...i just liked the way a mag felt in my hands...because the nasty imp will feel totally different than a mag..and some people dig it...and some don't (like me)...and I sold the Bushy and got my eMag...and well...it just feels like home in my hand...and you may feel different..but that's just my thought process...

08-02-2002, 11:05 PM
ive decided emag now i need some money haha i wanted a blue anodized one with warp and 68/3000 flatline and level 10