View Full Version : Should we have another AGD model besides Amy

08-02-2002, 09:40 PM
my votes for capo (CaPoEiRa) or TooDamnSweet

any other suggestions or comments:D

08-02-2002, 09:50 PM
Bah!! I vote for me!

Annnnnnnnnnnnd...Amy's not an 'official' AGD model anyway. That'd be Cap!

08-02-2002, 10:31 PM
hahhahahahahah Gunga keep trying


08-02-2002, 10:33 PM
Not another thong thread... I'm not clicking the links with the little paperclips on them anymore...

08-02-2002, 10:39 PM
hey, if AGD could make HIM look good in a bikini, then id buy whatever gun HE was modeling....

08-02-2002, 10:42 PM
Its ok JJ, We stil love you... NE how, has any one ever seen too damn sweet? of so, please post a picture of her, i havnt seen her. but CAP all the way, amy would be nice 2, and TDS if we can see her.

08-02-2002, 10:45 PM
Amy is not an AGD model, but Cap IS the official AGD model...


08-02-2002, 10:49 PM
Gunga decided to get a Sinnet (tm) total-body-makeover to increase his chances of becoming an AGD model. The results:

08-02-2002, 10:51 PM
Thank you Major Damage for paying attention the last 4 months.

For the rest of you, have you guys not been awake? Capo is the official AGD Spokesmodel and we will be seeing more of her once AGD starts cooking up more advertisements and the like.

08-02-2002, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
Thank you Major Damage for paying attention the last 4 months.

For the rest of you, have you guys not been awake? Capo is the official AGD Spokesmodel and we will be seeing more of her once AGD starts cooking up more advertisements and the like.
lol, no problem. I was very surprised I was the first to reply saying she WAS the AGD model lol.


08-02-2002, 11:04 PM
I was gonna post it but you beat me to it major! lol...

Hmmm... I'll start cooking up an AO/AGD/Clare comic for all you AO/AGD/Clare obsessed fools in the winter. I need to find a new parter... Anyone who wants to actually write the dialouge to the comic can IM on aim or email me.

Just to make sure people don't ask what my sn is and all that stuff... I HAVE THE SAME SN FOR EVERYTHING!!! EVERYTHING! Just IM me or email me on hotmail.

08-02-2002, 11:52 PM
hey could u guys post some pics for those of us who havnt seen cap or anyone else

08-03-2002, 12:19 AM
he he he

i havent been keeping up with gossip since the "fatman in a thong" thread freaked me out and made me hide under a rock in a fetal position for a week.

how long has she been the model and what thread was this in?

is everone thinking about fatman in a thong now:D

08-03-2002, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by MajorDamage
Amy is not an AGD model

i never though Amy was all that atractive anyways. I couldn't stand that picture when she was wearing that Maxim t-shirt.
Don't recal what Capo looks like.

08-03-2002, 08:21 AM
For everyone who wants to see what Capo (Clare) looks like, go to the Friendly Corner Forum, and check out the (un)Official Capo Fan Club thread at the top of the page.


Wc Keep
08-03-2002, 10:36 AM
sarge you are very proud to be in the capo fan club arent you?

08-03-2002, 12:39 PM
WC Keep,
Why do you say that? I'm not offended or anything, just curious.


Wc Keep
08-03-2002, 06:05 PM
its not the first time ive seen you direct people to the thread.

08-04-2002, 05:25 AM
Ahh...I just get tired of seeing people asking for pics of her when there are pics on the board (there were several posts above mine asking about what she looked like). I guess people don't realize there are multiple forums on this site.


Wc Keep
08-04-2002, 10:04 AM
ok i get where your coming from

call me crazy but i got an idea. how bout we get a bunch of the ao ladies together and make them into a modeling paintball team. one that would rival the dye girls.

08-04-2002, 07:46 PM
well i wanted some pictures posted here because ive never seen what she looked like (i have now) i have refused to click on any of the fan club threads mainly because i am already part of ONE fan club that we are all a part of.

08-04-2002, 07:55 PM
If I had a dress and a wig on I'd look like a girl... a pretty damn big girl but a girl at that :)

tunaman jr
08-04-2002, 08:35 PM
i think you may have a storm brewin in that head of yours
good idea about the all-girl ao team
and let me know the next time you are comin down to topgun
i had a blast in the 3 man

Wc Keep
08-04-2002, 08:57 PM
yeah sure no problem i had a blast too. i think its just cause i wanna see capo take it to keely watson.

tunaman jr
08-06-2002, 10:48 AM
no holds barred!

08-06-2002, 12:31 PM
Oh, I think Capo could definitely take Keely out. She'd all whip out her secret power of the demon roundkick and BAM! right upside the head! Game over, Capo wins! ;) :D J.K.

Nice qoute in the sig bigsarge72! Big Trouble in Little China rocks!

08-06-2002, 02:04 PM
lol when i saw this thread i thought it was

"Should we have another AGD model besides ARmy":rolleyes:

Wc Keep
08-06-2002, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
lol when i saw this thread i thought it was

"Should we have another AGD model besides ARmy":rolleyes:

i thought the same thing army as a model :rolleyes: :confused: :(

i sort of was talking about seeing capo bunker keely but if we got to see a chick fight i wouldnt mind that either.

08-06-2002, 04:08 PM
I have to say...I gotta vote for my favorite babe...TooDamnSweet!!! :D