View Full Version : AGD..question about my emag...

08-03-2002, 05:05 AM
I just got my emag yesterday...and so i've been playing with it...i watched the video about 5 times just to familiarize myself with it...and then CaPo suggested I take the sight rail off to take off a little weight (and also the fact that she thinks it looks better without it)...well...when i took the rail off i noticed something..the sightrail screw holes on one side of the rail have anno in them all the way down to the bottom of the screw hole..but in the other side just the lip of the screw hole had anno and the rest was just what looked like bare aluminum...i was just wondering if this was normal or not..(a little bit of the lip of one of the screw holes was either scratched when the rail was put on or just didn't get any anno on it, i just can't tell or not)..

08-03-2002, 06:23 AM
Yes thats normal, it due to complicated electrical currents in the ano bath.


08-03-2002, 07:18 AM
It sounds like maybe they used the screw holes in one side of the rail to screw in the suspention lines for the rail. If something was screwed into the hole during the anno process it would make sense that there wouldn't be anything there.

Load SM5
08-03-2002, 09:26 AM
What a screw hole is'nt annoed all the way!!!!!! Send that defective piece of crap back!!!!;)

Have you been able to play with her yet?

08-03-2002, 11:25 AM
See AGD doesnt have quality like BE:D


08-03-2002, 01:32 PM
ok..cool..just wondered..she's spiffy anyways...