View Full Version : This is pretty funny...

08-03-2002, 11:07 PM

my computer is acting up and wont let me right click, or i would just post the pic, but anyway, can the ball even make it out?

08-03-2002, 11:11 PM
oh my!! thats pretty long...it might see daylight

08-03-2002, 11:15 PM
I dunno, it looks photoshopish to me. Are there any experts out there?

08-03-2002, 11:25 PM
hehe, i remember someone posting that a while back, its still kinda funny

08-03-2002, 11:34 PM
some kid that use 2 live by me had a rebal.. with a 32" "boblong snyperballer" it was 32" but did not say anything about boblong on it.. lol so i dunno. oh and it was a full barrel no added on crap

Kaiser Bob
08-03-2002, 11:37 PM
With the equation barrel system, you can make a 6ft long barrel or longer if you wanted to...

08-03-2002, 11:37 PM
2 and a half feet of barrel?

i dunno about that

08-04-2002, 12:30 AM
a cliff moment :D

08-04-2002, 12:31 AM
nice one speed ball, i dont have any of those pics anymore

my comuter crashed or something and lost almost all of my pics, but i will add that one:)


08-04-2002, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by Cliffio
nice one speed ball, i dont have any of those pics anymore

my comuter crashed or something and lost almost all of my pics, but i will add that one:)


hehehe :D :D :D

08-04-2002, 01:07 AM
id say its photoshopped, thats why the glare is so "glarish" i guess.

08-04-2002, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by petefol
id say its photoshopped, thats why the glare is so "glarish" i guess.

no, that is real.

08-04-2002, 01:15 AM
really??? haha if thats real the ball must come out at like 1mph. you might as well just reach the barrel across the field and slap someone with it.

08-04-2002, 01:21 AM
Originally posted by petefol
really??? haha if thats real the ball must come out at like 1mph. you might as well just reach the barrel across the field and slap someone with it.

lol, that was good but more air and less paint would get the ball's out of the barrel.

08-04-2002, 01:43 AM
thats not real

look where the barrel screws into the gun, its too dull and then there is that light in the middle, it doesnt match, its photoshop, pros, but photoshop


08-04-2002, 04:28 AM
1. I posted that a year ago

2. I am almost positive it is real because the person who owns the barrel is a ICQ contact of mine which I talk to from time to time. I told black a while back what the length and make was...I am not sure but I believe it is a 28inch J&J barrel. It was either 28 or 32.....I can't remember.

How long is that CP barrel manike was about to buy?

08-04-2002, 07:37 AM
When I was showed it I was told it was the sort of display novelty barrel for a barrel company. It was one of the smaller ones, I dont remember which now....

08-04-2002, 07:58 AM
that is real. 32 inches.. :)
there was a picture of pointing it at a mailbox. you could tell its damn easy to sight down. :D

Top Secret
08-04-2002, 09:20 AM
I believe that was determined to be fake at PBN. Check out the whack lighting near the barrel. Photoshop.

08-04-2002, 09:32 AM
I think the last time this came up I said about the same thing as I am about to say now….. I personally don’t care if it is fake or real. If it is fake, it is a darn good one. If it is real, the owner is silly. Unless of course he/she plans to put a barrel plug in it and use it as a crutch when he/she twists his/her ankle while playing. Can you also imagine trying to USE that in regular rec play?:rolleyes:

08-04-2002, 11:56 AM
I dont belive thats real.
Check out the back.
No one makes backs that long.

08-04-2002, 04:22 PM
I dont know man, you can see a shadow of the barrel in the grass. If it is fake, the guy who made it deserves people to believe it.

08-04-2002, 04:33 PM
I dunno bout htat one but I did see a huge CP once in a pic taken at the CP booth... it was either a 24 or 30 ish incher... and WAS real. Search around someone will find it.

08-04-2002, 04:41 PM
the front does kind of look like a j&j ceramic

08-04-2002, 06:50 PM
I can see a use for a 32" barrel if you could get the fps up to 300 and have enough air for a game. Think about inflatable bunkers... you can lean into them and use the barrel to create a crease. then you can shoot from behind cover.

just a thought.


08-04-2002, 11:22 PM
that whole pic looked not right to me, for some reason i thought that the hopper looked fake, and also look at the web adress (icedillusion) somethin there says not real to me anyways

08-04-2002, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by spider54
that whole pic looked not right to me, for some reason i thought that the hopper looked fake, and also look at the web adress (icedillusion) somethin there says not real to me anyways

yea...the "icedillusions" kinda gives it away...

08-04-2002, 11:58 PM
someone finally agrees with me it is a good day... err night... err early morning

08-05-2002, 09:20 AM
that pic was originally posted on a different website...something like countryback paintball or the like.

It's just fun to look at.

08-05-2002, 01:27 PM
yup its real. i even called jj to see how much it would cost. they said somewhere in the region of 400

08-05-2002, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
yup its real. i even called jj to see how much it would cost. they said somewhere in the region of 400

thank you, my point is proven.

08-05-2002, 01:58 PM
anyone remember the CP 2 foot barrel at world cup last year?


08-05-2002, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Cliffio
anyone remember the CP 2 foot barrel at world cup last year?


saw it in person it is nuts

08-05-2002, 02:39 PM
ive seen a 52" barrel made out of pvc for a stingray one time

08-05-2002, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by petefol
really??? haha if thats real the ball must come out at like 1mph. you might as well just reach the barrel across the field and slap someone with it.
haha thats funny