View Full Version : A question for TDS

08-04-2002, 12:01 PM
Hey TDS,
I was reading in that massive (65 page thread), "TooDamnSweet needs some AO spirit" that you were from Hawaii. Where do you live in Hawaii? Do you play paintball anywhere overthere? I was going to post a thread to try and find out who all was in Hawaii, because I thought I might be the only one. I live on Oahu and normally play at Hawaii All-Star.


08-04-2002, 12:36 PM
Oh, and for the record, I'm not looking for a date or anything (I'm happily married), I'm just trying to find some fellow AOers in Hawaii :D :cool:


08-04-2002, 08:18 PM
Hey bigsarge,

I live on Oahu too, I'm in Kaneohe. I've only played twice once at AllStar and once at Ku'uloa. There are at least two other AO members that live in Hawaii. I can't remember their screen name right now but I'll post them later. It would be kewl if we got together to play. Thanks for the invite!!!

08-05-2002, 12:51 AM
Cool, I live in Ewa Beach. I have a friend in the Marines that lives on the base over in Kaneohe. I really like that side of the island. I used to play at Kuoloa, but the team that I like to play with moved from there to Hawaii All Star, so I play there now (plus it's a lot shorter drive :D ).
I wonder how many AOers would be up for an AO day in Hawaii :cool:


08-05-2002, 08:54 AM
All right Sarge! Enough with the smooth talk! We found her first! And don't try that "happily married" line, it didn't work for any of the rest of us either!


TDS, if I move to Hawaii will you play with me too?


08-05-2002, 11:01 AM
i have a friend who lives in oahu, honolulu i think. i don't know where he plays though.

08-05-2002, 11:11 AM
i love hawaii

i was there 2 years ago and won the maui jim fishing tourny:) in Kona

anyways, hawaii is mighty nice

i wish i lived there


08-05-2002, 11:35 AM
Graycie, I live like 20 min from Honolulu. There's a good chance your friend plays at All Star, because it's like right next to the Honolulu Airport.
If any of you guys have seen the "Smoked" tape or DVD from last years world cup, you saw a couple of the guys from the Hawaiian Homegrown team (2nd in 5-man novice). When Chuck Hendsch is talking at the beginning, he says "..we have teams from overseas..." and you see three guys with green/black jerseys on doing the shaka (hang-loose) sign. Those guys play at All-Star. Unfortunately, they never showed them playing :confused:


08-05-2002, 12:30 PM
Uh oh! Could this be? A second thread dedicated to TooDamnSweet? ;)

08-05-2002, 04:25 PM
Cool, I live in Ewa Beach. I have a friend in the Marines that lives on the base over in Kaneohe. I really like that side of the island. I used to play at Kuoloa, but the team that I like to play with moved from there to Hawaii All Star, so I play there now (plus it's a lot shorter drive ).
I wonder how many AOers would be up for an AO day in Hawaii


My dad used to live in Ewa Beach. How do you like it? Kaneohe is a really nice area. I like the mountains. :D
An AO day in Hawaii would be fun!! I'm up for it. :D

All right Sarge! Enough with the smooth talk! We found her first! And don't try that "happily married" line, it didn't work for any of the rest of us either!

Hey FatMan, are you lost? You belong on the other thread. LOL

TDS, if I move to Hawaii will you play with me too?


No comment... ;)

Uh oh! Could this be? A second thread dedicated to TooDamnSweet?

Ummmmmmm NO! I think your lost too! Go back where you came from......

08-06-2002, 10:27 AM
Ewa Beach is pretty nice. I live in a townhouse community in Ewa by Gentry, so my neighborhood is nice, but it's pretty hot down there. Kaneohe is gorgeous, I love when you come out of the H3 tunnel (from Honolulu towards K-bay). It's one of the best views on the island.


08-06-2002, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

Hey FatMan, are you lost? You belong on the other thread. LOL

TDS, if I move to Hawaii will you play with me too?


No comment... ;)

Lost? Nope! Where you lead, I will follow!

No comment, huh? Avoiding the issue or what?


08-06-2002, 03:32 PM
LoL, You crack me up Fatman. We have got to hang out sometime, and you can tell me about Scotland, and their quality ale and whiskey products :D


08-06-2002, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by bigsarge72
LoL, You crack me up Fatman. We have got to hang out sometime, and you can tell me about Scotland, and their quality ale and whiskey products :D


Yeah, that would kick (oops! sorry) butt! You should come to the Clemson AO meet! Bring the rest of the HI crowd!


08-06-2002, 04:41 PM
Ewa Beach is pretty nice. I live in a townhouse community in Ewa by Gentry, so my neighborhood is nice, but it's pretty hot down there. Kaneohe is gorgeous, I love when you come out of the H3 tunnel (from Honolulu towards K-bay). It's one of the best views on the island.


Yeah Ewa Beach can be really hot! The view from the H3 is very beautiful, but I was really scared to drive on the H3 at first. I stayed off of it for about a year before I got the nerve to drive on it. It still freaks me out a little.

Lost? Nope! Where you lead, I will follow!

No comment, huh? Avoiding the issue or what?



Ummmmmm what issue was that again? LOL

08-06-2002, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
Lost? Nope! Where you lead, I will follow!

No comment, huh? Avoiding the issue or what?



Ummmmmm what issue was that again? LOL [/B]

Oh YOU know the issue! You're not fooling me! But that's OK, I know how to push your buttons! :D

BTW, did you get my email this morning?


08-06-2002, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by bigsarge72
Graycie, I live like 20 min from Honolulu. There's a good chance your friend plays at All Star, because it's like right next to the Honolulu Airport.

could be, but most likely he is doing some renegade play.

If any of you guys have seen the "Smoked" tape or DVD from last years world cup, you saw a couple of the guys from the Hawaiian Homegrown team (2nd in 5-man novice). When Chuck Hendsch is talking at the beginning, he says "..we have teams from overseas..." and you see three guys with green/black jerseys on doing the shaka (hang-loose) sign. Those guys play at All-Star. Unfortunately, they never showed them playing

when i went to hawaii and played the gws two years ago i met this kid nick, who ended up playing for homegrown. i have no idea who plays for now or if he even plays anymore.

08-06-2002, 10:58 PM
Wow, a second thread. Can we say assimilated? :D

08-07-2002, 01:55 AM
when i went to hawaii and played the gws two years ago i met this kid nick, who ended up playing for homegrown. i have no idea who plays for now or if he even plays anymore

I think the last time I played at All Star, there was a guy named Nick still playing for them. Not sure if it's the same guy, but it could be :cool:


08-07-2002, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by Timmee
Wow, a second thread. Can we say assimilated? :D

Ummmmmmmmm NO
This thread has my name on it, but it's really about Hawaii! Sorry, I am with the Federation.......Nice try though. :D

08-07-2002, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

Ummmmmmmmm NO
This thread has my name on it, but it's really about Hawaii! Sorry, I am with the Federation.......Nice try though. :D

Yeah, she SAYS that, but ask her about her implant! Go on, ask her!



08-08-2002, 01:37 AM
Notice Fatman said, "Ask her about her IMPLANT" (singular), not "Ask her about her IMPLANTS" (plural).
The Implant thing is a Star Trek reference.
Just clearing that up for you hormonal paintball players.:)


08-08-2002, 03:09 PM
Notice Fatman said, "Ask her about her IMPLANT" (singular), not "Ask her about her IMPLANTS" (plural).
The Implant thing is a Star Trek reference.
Just clearing that up for you hormonal paintball players.


Everyone listen to sarge. :D

Yeah, she SAYS that, but ask her about her implant! Go on, ask her!


I have no implant. And yours was removed about a month ago...which actually explains a lot. LMBO JK

08-08-2002, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

I have no implant. And yours was removed about a month ago...which actually explains a lot. LMBO JK [/B]

Ha! Shows what YOU know! My implant is right ... uh ... its right ... where IS that implant ... wait a minute ... here, let me get the zipper open ... uh, HEY!

Arrrrrgh! My implant is gone! Waaaahhh!

No fair!

Life's not going to be as much fun without it!


08-09-2002, 07:37 AM
hey sarge, you gonna be in the whos your daddy tourney on labor day weekend? i'm from kauai and we'll have a couple teams going to oahu to play. look for butigroove...I'll be the kid shooting the emag.

08-09-2002, 02:42 PM
I don't think I will be able to play (my wife's due date is around then), but I may stop by to check it out.
Are you guys bringing any of the butigroove models? :D


10-12-2002, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by prikkaboo
hey sarge, you gonna be in the whos your daddy tourney on labor day weekend? i'm from kauai and we'll have a couple teams going to oahu to play. look for butigroove...I'll be the kid shooting the emag.

I was lurking on the Hawaii All Star site today and saw some of the pictures from the Who's Your Daddy Trouney. Looked like alot of fun!!! How did your team do prikkaboo?

Is anyone gonna play at the AllStar Open on Discovers Day? Or the Aspire to Inspire tourney in November? I don't belong to a team but I was gonna go to watch...

10-13-2002, 06:56 PM
yeah who's your daddy was alot of fun. They got a picture of me in it...Woohoo. just look for the kid shooting an emag with the ref right behind him. Hehe damn ref pulled me for a dye sticker on my hopper. We cant make the aspire to inspire tourney because the funds just aren't there(flying and hotels add up quick). but We're hoping to be able to play in the january one.