View Full Version : What do you wake up for?

08-04-2002, 08:51 PM
I am in an abnormally happy mood right now, not to say I'm rarely happy, just that right now I'm ultra happy. I was thinking about some stuff, mainly about why I am so happy. I decided to make a list of everthing that makes me happy so if I ever forget, there it is. Add your lists too:)

-Homestead Creameries Chocolate milk
-My dog, Bernie
-Coca-Cola in a glass bottle
-My down comfortor than is great all year
-Catfishing at night with some friends
-Taking my little cousins paintballing for the first time
-Driving on the Blue Ridge parkway at night
-Melodic and Trance music
-Watching James Bond movies
-Going to Church and Youth Group
-The smell of new vinyl singles and albums
-The smell of the Hardware store
-Taking walks with my dog and friends
-Talking to the neighbors about new movies
-Listening to Guns n' Roses when I drive
-Going to my friends lame parties(mine are lame too:p )
-A pretty friend of mine named Rachel
-Tim, my church youth minister, He's a genuine cool guy
-Field trips that turn into "Where are noah and his friends" games
-The hope that one day I will be able to buy everything on my kids Christmas lists, and then some
-Not being a pothead, drinker, or smoker
-Being a conservative republican, but still being cool with all the left-wingers
-debating useless things with my brother
-Meeting people
-Bonsai trees
-Falling asleep in the car with one of my friends, and not worrying about what everyone makes of it
-Finding money in my pockets
-Putting stickers on everything
-Knowing college has been payed for
-One shot eliminations
-Finding an unclaimed pod when I ref
-Sleeping in on Saturdays
-Making families on the Sims, and not killing them for once
-Second winds
-ripping a fart during final exams
-Coming to AO not worrying about getting flame for shootin a mag, being openly christain, or not liking the popular band
-Being single during Spring Break
-1 lb turkey sandwiches w/ mustard

I'll probably add more later on as I think of them. Now add yours. It might help someone remember theres.:)

08-04-2002, 09:01 PM
you have too much time on ur hands

08-04-2002, 09:19 PM
Doesn't make me a bad person though:)

08-04-2002, 10:03 PM
But...claiming to be a church goer I see. Why exactly is it that you like to be single when attending spring break? I believe pre-marital sex is a sin. You like to be single to look at the single girls? :D

08-04-2002, 10:11 PM
Haha, naw, it's not a sin, though I respect it as one anyway. But what I meant was that I can go out with other girls I meet where ever I am during SB and not worry about someone at home or abroad.

08-05-2002, 08:57 AM
OK, Here's a few more:

- TooDamnSweet

- something I'm lot allowed to talk about here

- something else I'm not alloed to talk about here

hmm, this is harder than I thought it would be ... ooops! prolly shouldn't talk about that either!


Too many rules!


08-05-2002, 09:13 AM
hrm... last time I was in that good of a mood... heh. I'm not even going to ask why you're in such a good mood, but I'm guessing you had a great night? Either that or you won the lottery... but then you'd be making a post called "what would you buy with 40 million dollars?" BTW, is pre-maritial sex really a sin, like I'd go to hell for that? I thought it was just looked down upon... :confused:

I really like bonsai trees. They're keen. :D

08-05-2002, 09:56 AM
Ok, I'll list some things:

Church and Youth Group.
Driving on a road all alone.
Playing with my cats and dog.
Blowing things up in my backyard with Adam.
Lighting someone up who has been talking crap all day.
Sleeping in.
Having no homework.
Playing games or hanging out with friends.
Having a decent coversation with my parents.
Having people compliment my paintball gun.
Hot Chocolate in the winter.
The color green.
Smooth wood.
A non fuzzy cell phone call.
The movie Tommy Boy.
And there are a lot more but I'm just going to stop now...

Alright, pre-marital sex is considered a sin by the christian church. It goes against God's commands, and therefore is a sin, which according to the bible is rewarded with eternal damnation unless you ask for forgiveness. Mmm....sounds toasty, doesn't it? Anyway, i'm not saying you have to believe that by any stretch of the imagination, but that's what the church believes and what I believe.

08-05-2002, 11:15 AM

I wake up in the morning so I don't get fired and lose the bed I'd much rather be sleeping in.

It's good to know that when I die at least I'll be nice and toasty!

08-05-2002, 11:16 AM
I dont really get happy..
Even when I play paintball im not extremely happy.. I cant remember the last time I was really happy..
Oh.. nm it was when I got irboddens barrel.. nm

08-05-2002, 11:23 AM
Ok, I'm generally pretty happy, and tend to find something good in most situations, but here's a few of the main things:
-I'm healthy

That's the main things, I could go on for a while :D


08-05-2002, 11:34 AM
My emag makes me feel good. Also my very fat husky.

08-05-2002, 11:58 AM
things that make happy vol. 1 by: Joker :D

ok this is in no order of preference

this forum
my pets
my good life
my friends
my good fortune
EARLY summer mornings when its nice and cool
the beach but ive only been once
family vactions and get togethers
riding my bike on a early summer morning
swimming in nice cool water
long late night talks about life realgion and anything that the forum wouild prob not allow with my best friends
camping out with my best friends
doing crazy and pointless things like butying rafts at wal mart then using them to float doown a creek
goin out with friends
blowin stuff up with friends
getting mason soaking wet with cold water(mason is one of my bosses at work)

08-05-2002, 03:44 PM
I'm surprised no ones' mensioned music? Not just the current fav songs... but stuff that reminds ya of good, bad, weird things. Anything nostalgic.

08-05-2002, 07:49 PM
stuff that makes me smile
Bunkering that pesky player/teammate
getting a oneshot one hit
my cat sleeping or doing anything but chewing on me
halfmoon cookies
the simpsons
anything involvingpudding
free stickers
free prettymuch anything
square watermellons
pulling in my driveway
my bed
my paints
my previous awards
cute animals
hot chicks workin the drivethru

08-05-2002, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by dansim
hot chicks workin the drivethru


08-05-2002, 08:51 PM
i try not to get up at all.... takes too much energy.... i miss the dayz of sleepin a min of 15 hours a day..... but now... its alarm set for 4am so i might hear it by 5am and get to work for 6am (granted its only 5 min away) then i am a walkin zombie all day at work... ok so i sit down for the better part of the day and only do what i have to do at a min to keep my job... and even thats not much....

at heart i'm a mix of a sloth and a bear getting ready for the long winter nap... but go by being the really big kid at other times (when my eyes are open more then a 1/16") though today was a wierd dayat work i was told i actually looked peppy... and everyone in the area just gave me and teh guy that said it some very strange looks.... i thnk i know the cause of this aledged peppy-ness but i need to give it about a week to be sure.... myself i hope it dont last... i rather like being on the verge of fallin asleep... very little stress and a lot easier to just go with the flow =) beside i figure i'm just savin energy for the next time i go out to play =)

08-05-2002, 09:16 PM
I would sleep for weeks at times if I had that choice.

08-05-2002, 09:34 PM
chicks and beer.

08-06-2002, 12:11 AM
The list,,
My daughter.
Driving on a warm summer night with good tunes blasting.
My boat.
Girls at the lake asking for a ride:D
Paintball with good friends.
And thats about all it takes to wake me up in the morning.

08-06-2002, 12:16 AM
Getting offers on my tank makes me happy, but that hasnt happened yet wink wink :D
Sleep makes me happy.. untill I wake up

08-06-2002, 10:30 AM
ok nobody has said it yet

the best part of waking up, is folgers in your cup

08-06-2002, 01:40 PM
Some of the best things that make me very happy, not in any order:

-A drive down a twisting road on a warm Saturday afternoon, with nowhere particular to go and the wind on you.
-College football on fall Saturdays, especially when I used to be on campus.
-Writing your thoughts down.
-Thinking about her.
-Planning all the great things you'll teach your kids when you have some.
-Playing paintball, and not just becuase of playing. Because of getting together with great friends and sharing the field of battle side by side.
-Seeing an ol' buddy after years apart and realizing it's just like old times.
-Sharing a beer and talking about life's quirks.
-Loving someone so unconditionally her hapiness comes first.
-Boating at the lake.
-Great workouts where you discover how strong you really are.
-Doing something for someone without them even expecting it, only because their smile and surprise was enough payment.
-Spending time with kids.
-Doing any number of a million things with a special woman who makes you see things you didn't notice were there.
-Fast cars.
-Good food.
-Being a citizen in the greatest nation on the planet, even though we generally take it for granted.

08-06-2002, 03:03 PM
-Work :(

08-06-2002, 03:25 PM
mmm graters ice cream

08-09-2002, 03:39 AM
-Not having my mag break down
-Spending time with hot girls
-Punk Rock (not the new poppy stuff)
-My car not being in the body shop
-Snowboarding the untracked back country of Crystal Mountain
-Driving real fast on twisty roads (gotta love the handling of a gti)
-A good screwdriver (the drink.not the tool)
-Animating things in 3dsmax
-Going to a good concert with a good mosh pit or at least hot girls
-Definately Bonzi trees
-any time spent away from my annoying brother and sister
-chilln' with friends
-burning and blowing things up in my backyard
-a successful bunkering run
-Not getting hasseled in downtown seattle by the police for dressing like a "punk"
-Being able to speed and not get pulled over by the cops
-A throty exhast
-Beating hondas in races(dubs rule!!!!)
-Not being crushed by fat stage divers

It's almost 2 am and that's all i can come up with now except for the things i can't mention here.

08-10-2002, 10:38 PM
i love my girlfriend.
i love paintball.

thats bout it to me. i wake up not thinking about what i am going to do in the day just hoping i get to see my girlfriend and that i play paintball that week

08-10-2002, 10:46 PM
i wake up for my girlfriend and to play paintball...both make me extremely happy....especially because i just got a new mag and i'm gonna see my girlfriend tomorrow....for example i wasnt seeing my girlfriend today and wasnt playing paintball till like 7:00 or atleast chilling at my field....so i didnt get up till like 3:00 in the afternoon...

08-10-2002, 11:56 PM
What Wakes Me Up vol.1 (next vol. soon when i think of more)

#1- (the most important) the look on my girlfriends face when i took her to dinner friday ( long story, heres the link to see it... http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=415357#post415357 )

#2 to go to school and chill whith the chicks and my buds.

#3 My friends brothers GTO that i steal from time to time

#4 For my Parents being in good health and alive

#4 Family


#6 sleep

#7 my mag

#8 stuff we arent aloud to talk about

#9 hitting the strip on saturday nights

#10 blowing stuff up in my yard

#11 pissing the neibors off

#12 my steel potato launcher...... (Paintball cannon)

#13 playing hide and go seek with my budds with are cars using the whole city to hide

#14 paintballing their cars as they drive by unsespectedly

#15 Haveing good friends who got your back till the end,and who know how to tell a good lie to cover your butt

#15 have a good pair of running shoes (reasons are irrelevent)

#16 doing point-less crazy stuff

#17 egging, rolling, rice and wattering, paintballing the principals car on the last day of school

#18 knowing how to do stuff so scientifically incling that a normal high-school kid wouldn't know

#19 proving my Biology teacher wrong

#20 know people sterotype me to be your average pot-smoking teen who has smoked himself to stupidness when I'm really really smart ( especially in sciene and math)

#21 I could go on for many page with stuff that i wake up for

#22 " Asta-Lavista Baby"

08-10-2002, 11:57 PM
oh and i forgot one pissing off the bouncers at the at one of the clubs at the strip

08-11-2002, 08:48 AM
lol lilafroboy...

i would say.....

-girls(hott ones)
-food(ya gotta eat!)
-school(i have to wake up at 6am:()
-mountain dew(yummy,my favorite)
-my hair(the wierdest in my school)
-my mag(w00t,retro minimag #vv02178)
-paintball(paintball r0x0rz ur b0x0rz)
-AO(AO owns..obviously)
-#digitalradio(channel on mIRC,they kick bum)
-my friends(thanx everyone)
-my football(which i havent thrown in like 3 monthes)
-Punk music(punk rawk owns)
-the inspector gadget techno remix song(if u want it,IM me)
-riceburners(im rice 4 life..)

thats about all..

08-11-2002, 12:18 PM

08-11-2002, 02:54 PM
How do you get Mirc to work

Will Wood
08-12-2002, 05:38 PM
I wake up for work...lol...
And school during the school year...

But what makes me happy?

*Fire (I'm a pyro-maniac deep inside lol)
*Taking off ice-skates after ice-skating. Feels damn good after getting that deathgrip off your feet.
*cleaning my pbgun
*Money! mwhahah
*Uh..Too lazy to type anything more..

08-13-2002, 10:18 PM
i dont know why i get up, maybe i wont tomarrow. yeah, sounds good, i wont get up tomarrow, it will probably just be a bad day anyway.:(

08-15-2002, 12:33 AM
Hey, this is a great idea... I'm sad right now, so maybe this'll cheer me up!

Here's my list, in random order

My Family
My girlfriend
joking around with my mom
Working on the farm with my dad
The farm in general
Driving tractors, swathers, dump trucks, loaders... other large equipment.
My dog
Our shops
Our tools
My pickup
My T-maxx
My neon beer sign in my room
Our Four-wheeler
My minibike
my extremely small bicycle
My loft
Our land by the river
B.B. guns
Guns in general
barbeque ignitors
hot-shots A.K.A. cattle prods
horned toads
Country music
dirt roads
my go-kart
my motorcycle
loud engines
big engines
video games
digging holes
acting stupid
being husky (hey... at least I've got enough to eat!)
Cranking up the dueling banjos in my pickup to embarass my g/f
The exit sign above my door
The last minute before you go to sleep and don't remember your troubles
gumby and pokey
bows and arrows
working on the lathe
having to lock the hubs in on my pickup
eating till I explode every sunday at noon
gnarly tire treads
the smell of starting fluid on a cold morning
diesel exhaust
when the last bell rings at school
staying up late
getting up early
digging holes
tearing things apart and putting them back together
70 degree weather
going yardsaling with my parents
winning an e-bay auction
chopping wood
feeling wanted

there's way more where that came from, but I decided I'd stop before it got out of hand...

08-18-2002, 12:34 AM
nothing like playing around in photoshop at 1 am...

08-18-2002, 01:16 AM
1. Shooting the guy with the angel that sprays & prays the entire game from all the way across the field with my cocker right in the face then watching that nice big orange splat explode directly in the center of his goggles.

2. Eating as much subway food as I possibly can for 48 cents

3. The opposite sex.

4. Waiting the 27 days till I can legally drive without anybody else in the car

5. Playing with my dog every morning when he's hyper and wakes up

08-18-2002, 10:57 AM
yea.. last night at my local field, there was this local 3 man team and all they did was spray with their angels.. and i had my RT pro and inside i finally came back and i finally bunkered billy the kid. hes the dude in my sig. you don't have to have an angel and spray paint to be good.

08-18-2002, 10:29 PM
nice work -Xugg- that a dream for me :).........