View Full Version : benchmark body rail

brazen serpent
08-05-2002, 07:17 PM
I just purchased a benchmark body rail for my sons p/f automag+lvl10. The sear pin seems to go into the body rail kinda tight. When we've got the whole thing together, the sear and trigger rod seem to bind up. Does anybody have any info on this?

08-05-2002, 09:14 PM
Do you have an old or new sear pin? I had an old (vintage '94) sear pin that was black and had straight sides and had trouble fitting it into a newer rail. The newer pins that are silver and pill shaped seem to fit much looser. I took a dremel to my old one and rounded the edges down and it fit better.

I don't own a benchmade rail, so I don't know about their tolerances.

08-05-2002, 09:26 PM
yea i have one, didnt have a problem but i do have the newest pin i guesS? i dont use the rail anymore though. so try buysing a new pin there pretty cheap

08-06-2002, 12:07 PM
I had the same problem on my Benchmark rail. I tried a sear pin from one of my other mags & that fit fine. At some point I picked up another pin from AGD & that one works fine, too: It looks like the older pins were just a tad thicker than the newer ones (either that or the pin tolerances are off...)