View Full Version : Indoor Fields

08-07-2002, 03:28 PM
It's been a while since I played paintball indoors and a lot has changed in the sport in that time. The two indoor fields I've played in were large warehouses with a single gigantic field with a hugh 2 story structure in the middle surrounded by smaller bunkers. Both of these fields are closed.

The only indoor field left in my area (Operation PB) is only 6200 sq ft. This seems small to me and I rather not waste my time.

How are the indoor fields in your area? How big are they (either dimensions, square footage, or simply a description - good for 5 on 5 or 10 on 10 games)?

08-07-2002, 04:24 PM
the one near me... i would have to say is kinda small... then again it is in a mall....

all the bunkers are about 20' apart... probly good for 3v3 to 5v5 but on rec dayz its more like 15v15 at times... the start of those games are fun to watch/play.... then its just a matter of who from those left have the jewels to move and the aim to go with it.... myself seeings it just rec... go on my kami/bunkerslapping runs... now those are fun, instill fear/respect into the newbies and give me a good reason to sit out a couple of games to rest ( which is for 15 min tops)... of course one of the refs hates when i do this... usally he is on the side of the field i am running down so he has to run to: get out of my way, get out of the way of the incoming ballz from the other team, call people out as i shoot them... etc... of course he really hates it when i only get about half way after shooting a couple of people out and then get shot out myself cuz i just stop, put my mag up and jump over to the side line, put my BBD on and slowly make my way out w/o sayin i'm out and he is wondering where i went.... the other refs usally geta kick out of watchin him run to.... =)

08-07-2002, 06:28 PM
great 3v3 good 5v5 ok 7v7.. not really big but still, ive never played there myself but i have been there

08-07-2002, 07:41 PM
what do they put on the floor? is it sawdust or dirt? what is the best material to put on the concrete floor. The fields I've played on had sawdust over concrete and it was slippery!

08-07-2002, 08:56 PM
well the one i play at in my local mall is pretty much just a thin carpet (1/4" thick if that) on top of the concrete/tile floor.... kinda makes knee pads a must there... esp fer big guyz like me....