View Full Version : XMAG - Stock Board vs. Emagnum ???

Jack & Coke
08-07-2002, 06:01 PM
I am seriously considering picking up an XMAG when they become available.:p

My question is what are the stock firing modes, capabilities, and limitations of the Stock AGD board vs. the Emagnum (http://9375.adahost.com/emagnum.asp) board?

If someone could be so kind as to provide a list of pros and cons for each board, that would be great!:)

Is this true?

Stock capped at 16bps?

Emagnum uncapped?

I was hopping to get some feedback from people who have played with the Emagnun... Is it worth the $$$?

Thanks for your time:)

08-07-2002, 06:22 PM
dont forget that the emagnum board voids Agd's warranty

08-07-2002, 06:25 PM
Stock - Semi only, 16bps max.

Emagnum - Full Auto, Auto Response, 20bps max, no led.

No offense, but that website you just linked to had all the info I just listed, so I don't see why you wanted someone to respond. Oh well.

Also, they are very much so worth the money. You now have unlocked the full potential of your Emag.


Jack & Coke
08-07-2002, 06:25 PM

08-07-2002, 06:26 PM
maybe its just me but what "unlocked" potential

you wont ever be allowed to use any fire mode but semi anyways, and for 200 bucks, or around that, its not worth it in my opinion


Jack & Coke
08-07-2002, 06:28 PM
can the stock do: Turbo, Burst Modes, Auto Response, and Full Auto?

08-07-2002, 06:34 PM
can u use those on any decent field?


i hardly see how one can justify spending 200+ bucks on a mod that voids the agd warranty and whos novelty will wear off quicker than you would think

just my opinion, seems silly to spend 200 bucks for some dumb board that can shoot burst

but whatever!


08-07-2002, 06:34 PM
I belive Stock has Burst, Manual, Semi and Hybrid..

08-07-2002, 06:34 PM
No, but can you use Turbo, burst, or any of that at a reputable field? 200 bucks for a 'wow' factor is too much for me.

08-07-2002, 06:53 PM

capped out at 16bps
2 burst modes(3 and 6)
has LED
limits the potential of the E-mag(IMHO)


BPS-as long as the gunc an cycle that fast, so cna the board
adjustable burst mode(not necesarry, but its a specticle to have a 12 shot burst, hehe)
Full Auto, Auto Response, Turbo, semi
no LED(its ok, but it WOULD be nice to have one)

ok so it voids AGD's warranty...big WOW. DOn has helped me SOO MUCH fixing up my e-mag. i believe he knows as much about mags as needed to know to fix something.

In my opinion...its seriously THE BEST thing made for the E-mag. I love mine

08-07-2002, 06:55 PM
the agd warranty is one of the best in the biz, i say wow to that

what other company can you take a 8 year old gun and have it fixed for free?

08-07-2002, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Cliffio

what other company can you take a 8 year old gun and have it fixed for free?

a little off subject, but if its 8 years old, it wouldn't be an E-mag. Now I admit...AGD has AWESOME customer service. yes, best in the business, but still....if anything goes wrong with the emagnum Don will fix it and get it back to you just as fast as AGD could.

08-07-2002, 07:01 PM
Personally I tent to agree with those who mention that you CAN’T use the “great” features of the EMAGNUM Board on standard fields. If you have the extra cash and want the “WOW”, go for it. That is after all why people buy cars that “can” go 150+, trucks that “can” go off road, etc. ;)

I would not buy the board, but would never slam someone who does. To each their own.

But on another issue:

Originally posted by Emagster
ok so it voids AGD's warranty...big WOW. DOn has helped me SOO MUCH fixing up my e-mag. i believe he knows as much about mags as needed to know to fix something.
LOL For some reason I just don’t think you understand the principle behind a “warranty”. It is not that you can’t find someone to fix it if it breaks…. It is that you will not have to PAY to have it fixed. ;)

(Added because more got posted before I could post… LOL: Yes, he will fix “his” stuff, but it still voids the AGD warranty that I believe covers more than the firing board.)

Jack & Coke
08-07-2002, 07:09 PM
Great input guys! I have not even considered these issues... tyhttp://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

08-07-2002, 07:35 PM
The E-magnum's only limit is a feeding device and an air system, it can go well beyond 20 cps but no hopper keeps up and not many tanks can either. I would say if you wanna spread some AGD gospel very easily, get the board, otherwise, be happy with what you have.

Kaiser Bob
08-07-2002, 08:18 PM
Ok the stock board isnt capped to 16cps in the extreme, it is now 20cps. Also nobody knows at this point if the emagnum will even support the ACE. But you do get better battery life and all the crazy fire modes to show off. Honestly unless you plan on using it for demonstrations or testing, you may want to think how much the 'flash factor' means to you. :)

Jack & Coke
08-07-2002, 08:59 PM
Whoa... stock XMAG = 20 cps?


08-07-2002, 09:06 PM
I think that just spending $200 for a little chip is nuts.

how much do the materials cost for one of those?

08-07-2002, 09:39 PM
$200 isn't all that much compared to the price of the X-mag, which will probably be way up there! Man btw, i bet dye could a very slick looking X-mag! Gee golly the anxiety attacks! Jeez, i going crazy over something that would take me like 50 years to pay for!!!

08-07-2002, 10:07 PM
The capabilities of the board are more than the gun could physycally hope to do...

It even has warp and AC eye support. I yanked my warp circut board out, and the motor is being run directly by the full 18V e-magnum circutry.

If you like supertuning, the board can vary every variable related to the e-mag and warp.

With a level 7 bolt you can chop carrots faster than the worlds greatest cheifs... A great tool for the wifey.

08-08-2002, 07:39 AM
One thing I'm surprised no one mentioned yet is the different trigger on an Emagnum.

I'm not sure of the exact electronics behind it, but the trigger on the Emagnum is TWICE as sweet as the stock Emag.

If I ever get an emag, I'm going to HAVE to upgrade the board to reproduce that trigger. Tunaman has an Emagnum and its just an amazing gun.

In an electronic gun, you are spending $1000 + to get a better trigger. Why not spend $200 more and get the BEST trigger you possibly can get?

08-08-2002, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by Thordic
One thing I'm surprised no one mentioned yet is the different trigger on an Emagnum.

In what way is it different? :)

08-08-2002, 08:59 AM
what's the possibilty of putting an emagnum in a C&C?

08-08-2002, 09:03 AM
rob, its easy, you just need to snip and resolder the solenoid leads.

08-08-2002, 09:05 AM
great, maybe I can get a discount if I just get the board. time to call Don

08-08-2002, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by manike

In what way is it different? :)

To be honest, I'm not familiar enough with the electronics to describe the difference in technical terms. I believe it has something to do with the HALL sensor being more sensative on the Emagnum, but I would say Butterfingers would be more qualified to answer the technical side.

As for the usage side, the trigger pull on the Emagnum, at least the way Tunaman has his set up, is A) shorter, B) seemed smoother, and C) was MUCH easier to rip on.

I've shot many standard Emags. I've shot SprayingMango's old blue Emag, spacemanspiffs SFL, Tom's Extreme, Jon's Emag, Tunaman's Emag (pre-Emagnum), Kaiser_Bobs Emag, etc. While the triggers were nice and all, I never really clicked with them (no pun intended, sorry). I liked the microswitch triggers better.

When I shot Tuna's upgraded Emag, though, I fell in love with it. The trigger was amazing. It was at least twice as easy to rip on, and the trigger pull was VERY short.

I'm not trying to start hype ;). I have nothing to win or lose based on the success of the Emagnum. This is just my opinion after using the product, as compared to the "stock" product this is an upgrade of. In my opinion, its a very worthwhile upgrade indeed.

Satisfied, Simon? :)

08-08-2002, 09:48 AM
Cool :) I'm probably going to try one out on my C&C :)

When you say easy to rip, is it like trigger bounce? I want to avoid that if possible because they are cracking down on it in the Millennium series.


08-08-2002, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by manike
Cool :) I'm probably going to try one out on my C&C :)

When you say easy to rip, is it like trigger bounce? I want to avoid that if possible because they are cracking down on it in the Millennium series.


No, not bounce. The trigger pull was just so amazingly short and sensitive that I could pull it VERY fast.

It was a light enough trigger that all I did to shoot at high speed was anchor my finger against the bottom of the trigger guard, and then just sorta wiggle my finger without moving it off the trigger guard. I hope you can understand what I mean :) The actually movement of your finger is limited because your finger is pressed against the bottom of the trigger guard, so the motion against the trigger is VERY slight. It's similar to fanning, but "normal" fanning throws off your aim because of the odd and somewhat rough finger movements. With this, your finger is barely moving so it doesn't throw your aim off at all.

I never planned on getting an emag, but now I plan on getting one, but ONLY when I can afford to get an Emag + and Emagnum at the same time. In my opinion, it was THAT good.

Added on edit: The Emag was in E mode, not hybrid.

08-08-2002, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Thordic
It was a light enough trigger that all I did to shoot at high speed was anchor my finger against the bottom of the trigger guard, and then just sorta wiggle my finger without moving it off the trigger guard. I hope you can understand what I mean

Yes I can, because I do that with mine :)


08-08-2002, 10:00 AM
The e-magnum board circutry is more sensitive to the HES input than the stock.

If you want to avoid trigger bounce or accused trigger bounce this would probably not be the best thing to do.

The HES becomes so sensitive that any slight movement anywhere near the trigger point will fire the gun.

08-08-2002, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by manike

Yes I can, because I do that with mine :)


Well, Ive never shot an Emag setup that shot quite as smoothly as this one. :)

As a point of reference, SprayingMango's Emag had a Rob Hoover trigger job, and I've shot that. I liked the Emagnum feel more.

For those who don't know, Rob likes insanely short triggers. His gun was banned from tournaments for having TOO sensitive a trigger.

<Why can I never spell sensitive right? *sigh*>