View Full Version : Dumb Questions

08-07-2002, 08:08 PM
This might sound dumb but I'm about to take delivery on a used PTP E-Mag. I am new to the E-Mag so I thought it would be a good idea to send the gun off to AGD for a thorough inspection for any possible problems and to maybe get a level 10 upgrade installed. Would this be feasible? Do all E-Mags carry a lifetime warranty or just the original owners of the guns. I would have no qualms of paying for services rendered as long as they were made by knowledgable airsmiths. Also, would the techs at AGD install the Level 10 or would that fall to me ? I have heard great things from the Beta Testers but now that the mod is out, I've heard (read) troubling statements concerning installation and set-up from new owners of the anti-chopping mod. Any and all advice will be much appreciated. Thanks.

08-07-2002, 09:15 PM
um get it and see if there might be any probs.. but ide call agd strait and here it from them

08-07-2002, 10:54 PM
well welcome to AO and the clolorful world of the mag =)

well if you dont get a emag video with it call AGD register your valve and ask that the video be sent out to you... to noly difference between the AGD and PTP versions of the Emag are the body and barrels they take...

with the vid... they go over pretty much eveything that could go wrong... and if something did pop up that was not explained, well your already in the right place for finding out how to fix it... the techs and other very knowable mag users are here... also if all else fails.. the most the normaly charge for workin on a mag that is sent in, last i knew was only $45 and maybe shipping... though withthe E-parts now i'm not sure...

as for the LvX install.. i though i read somewhere here the AGD will do it for $25... but it is not hard to install... in the LVX info thread the pics of the parts are pretty much in order of how they go together and the direction are fairly straight forward and again all questions about it can be or already have been answerd in other threads for the most part..... but again we can walk you through it if need be...

08-08-2002, 03:21 PM
I got the marker today. Minor wear and tear but nothing to cry about.It came with a warp feed, and full freak kit with matching tip. I screwed the battery on and it lit up with AGD 1.37. There was no video with the gun so I am unsure how to turn it from manual to hyper to electric. I scrolled through the options but when I aired it up it began to leak through the barrel (alot). What could be wrong? I am thinking of just shipping it to AGD for service and inspection. If $25 is all they charge to install and set up Level 10 then sign me up. I really would have liked to have tested the gun prior to shipping it. Will AGD give me a video when they return the marker? Thanks for all the support and advice

08-08-2002, 05:12 PM
I have taken a closer look and I found a hole in the body of the mag. Its above and to the rear of the trigger frame. It appears to be there for a reason but there is nothing in there but air. I gassed up the gun once again and it seems that it wants to fire but air continues to rush through the barrel. I placed it in manual mode and when I held the trigger to the rear it wouldn't leak but when I released the trigger...burst of air. The bolt comes forward some but will not close fully. Any comments? Does it need oiling and if so, where and how? How can I increase the velocity? If it's turned down too low, will that account for the air leak? Any help is much appreciated.

08-08-2002, 06:20 PM
There should be a screw in the hole at the back that holds the grip frame onto the rail. As for the leak..you will need to install a shorter powertube spacer. Your best bet would be get on the airgun.com and go to the tech support section. Find the manual that covers your gun and read it. That should help with determining leaks and corrections for them.

08-08-2002, 09:25 PM
I went to Airgun.com and found the exploded photos of a E-Mag. The hole I was referring to appears to the place where the "sear pin" screws into? I guess I'll need to send the gun to AGD. Thanks for your help.

08-09-2002, 09:18 PM
I say send it in there may be parts that are worn out and should be replaced in order to shoot like new. They will check everything for you.

But anyway, to clear some future confusion up for you, the level 10 mod is not just $25. I believe it is 25 to INSTALL, but the actual mod is now 85 (beta was 65). So 85 + 25 = 110. Its not too hard to setup, anyone here at AO will help you if you have problems so I recommend doing it yourself. My AIM screename is drx975 so if you need any help I can help you with your Level10. However I dont have an Emag so I cant help tech that gun.