View Full Version : biased against mags

08-07-2002, 08:32 PM
Ok, I have a question for all you mag owners. Is it just me or is the whole paintball community biased against automags and their owners?

The reason I ask this is in my local "pro" shop I go in looking for parts for my mag and I get treated like an idiot for owning a mag. Everyone always tells me that mags suck and to get a new gun. Another reason I ask is if you look in any issue of action persiut games there are never any new aftermarket parts for auotmags. Its all cocker and angel stuff. Dont get me wrong AGD does an awsome job of making 'gun accessories, but I wold really love a sabertooth trigger to go in my Dye frame.

Please tell me that things are not as bad as I think they are. Thanks for your input.

08-07-2002, 08:36 PM
around here they are as bad as you think last time i was in my local proshop the guys were like yeah a kid came in a tried out this cocker and sold his mag to get one. So i was like ok and he kept going about how the kid just put an I-frame on it and liked the cocker so much betterthats when i told him i would never give up my Mag for a Cocker.

Cursing with your post count! Not going to get you much of a warning. You know better. One more chance... cphilip

08-07-2002, 08:38 PM
I go through the same thing on a daily basis. It got old fast so I started going after the same guys every game who had cockers and angels. After a few weekends these guys started getting tired of being eliminated by the "sucker with the mag," so the tried getting me on their team. No way no how. All the junior players on the field are now wanting a mag, so just keep your head up and start turning theirs.

08-07-2002, 08:38 PM
I hear that a lot, and even got funny looks when I went into a “local” shop and when they asked me what I had. But then they SAW my RT Pro and almost drooled all over it. They said it was a “Sweet setup”.

The fastest way to stop the looks and comments is to put it in their face or shoot them with it. ;) Hard to argue with either.

Mags are coming back though…. Mark my words! :D

08-07-2002, 08:39 PM
All of the poeple here dont have mags, there are some cockers, timmys, angels ect. but reason there arnt many after market parts is b-c #1 Agd made the gun and they dont try 2 rip u off so that give u the best from the start. #2 most aftermarket mag parts will do u bad unless Agd makes the parts them selves.. such as retro upgrade.. WARP.. intell frame.. then all the bodies, soon there will be all the Alu stuff out( i think)

08-07-2002, 08:47 PM
thats what it seems like when i bring my gun in. its not very "tricked" or maced out real nice. i just like the simplicity and low profile of mags. it seems like there, because its not chrome with ton of gadjets on it. they are the kind of people that would hit your 12x with there angel and instead of apologize and shake hands after the game, they would ignore you cause there better than you. oh well. once guy is nice, hes Tito, hes a great guy.

edited out derogatory name - watch it! cphilip

08-07-2002, 08:58 PM
There are a surprising number of 'Mags in my area, no bias here. Everyone gets along in the shop and on the field....even the Tippy owners!

08-07-2002, 09:10 PM
I just shoot at people on the field and they shut up. :)

08-07-2002, 09:17 PM
yeah, they shut up when i nail them for popping out the same spot every time:D

08-07-2002, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Venom5447
Another reason I ask is if you look in any issue of action persiut games there are never any new aftermarket parts for auotmags. Its all cocker and angel stuff.

That should answer its own question. Most people put aftermarket stuff on there gun to make it perform better and some to make it look nicer. Mags don't need all the fancy gadgets to get better performance. They are near perfect, right from the factory.

08-07-2002, 09:18 PM
There are also a large number of mag owners where i live. Mag owners around here get as much respect as cocker and angel owners do. At least at the stores and fields i go to. I have even talked to alot of cocker owners who are selling theirs for mags.

08-07-2002, 09:22 PM
I know how yo feel, but i also feel really good in a since. Mgas at my local pro shop are always looked down on. when ever I'm about to play a game a frigin ref is always like "so, what do oyu think is better? a tricked out automag or a stock cocker" and he always asks this to a cocker dude and he's alwys like "uhh, well thats a hard question. I guess i owuld go witht he cocker since they have way more accuracy and distance" and I'm just standing there grinning thinking...."HAHA...and ya'll actualy think ya'll know aht your talking about" of course...I always go out there and shoot about 3 ppl a a game and the cocker guys are like...yea...I got about 2 guys out. I'm special.
but a change of events actually happened the other day. i was out at my field and I was talkin about my e-mag and the manager was like "yea...e-mags are pretty sweet guns" andthis is coming froma cocker jock that thinks mags are low on the totem pole. I was like :eek: . but very happy.

08-07-2002, 09:24 PM
The problem I have is that the fields I go to rent mags. People with there own equipment ask me why I would by something that they rent to newbies. One thing I do like is that Tom Kaye has regular articles in APG. Says something about how much the people at AGD know about paintball.

08-07-2002, 09:33 PM
while there are not many mags around me i seem to be in a well educated area. most people even seem to know about what attributes to accuracy and no one slams anyone else's setup. also i never hear the "my (insert marker name here)shoots farther than anything else" comments. although it is hard to find anything mag related things at any of the stores but so far no one has been slammin on mags. or any other marker for that matter. we all get along. too bad it isn't like that everywhere.

08-07-2002, 09:43 PM
I always like to play on the same team as the people who dislike mags. I'll group up with the cocker guys and play with them all day if i can. Usually by the end of the day they have a new respect for automags and the people who shoot them.

(I was known as "level 10 mag guy" by all the cocker shooters last time i played)

08-07-2002, 09:51 PM
yeah, i dont like how people judge you just because of what kinda of gun your shooting. granted, if your shooting a 2k2 milled and ripped angel, you will get a little more confidence and respect. but when i had to use my brothers spyder to go rec ballin, people were like wow, hes got the jersey and all that stuff, and a spyder. so when the refs started telling, i went over to the right tape near the kids watching to show them i could play, and i got a few good comments after the game.

08-07-2002, 10:05 PM
We don't any real 'pro' proshops. There is a sports store near that carries rebels and spyders... model 98's.. etc... they have a minimag on hte top shelf that is collecting dust... they want like 500 for it. pffft. So anyways I go in there and ask to see that minimag and the guy looks at the shelf and grabs a red rebal and says "this one?" I about blew an oring trying NOT to laugh. I redirected him to the mag.

A month late I came in looking at barrels. They had a few 32 degrees stuff and an all american. I asked if they had automag threaded ones anywhere and he was like 'What?' i repeated and he said 'Oh no we only carry the good ones'...

The good ones equalling spyder/model 98 threads.

so we don't have problems i nthe same way you all do.

my mag = best gun at the local field. and it's a old standard feed 68 with a stock barrel.

xtreme paintball
08-07-2002, 10:21 PM
Everyone at my field and proshop seem to get along very well. Here's a typical conversation at my field:

ME: Sup man!
HIM: Not much...hey...sweet mag!
ME: Thanks..that's a nice cocker.
HIM: You played any good games lately?

So, as you can see, there's not much marker tension around here...except when a noob comes up and says something like "Hey, which one of you has a better gun?"


08-07-2002, 10:31 PM
I see it as a chance to play the underdog. I don't get nearly as much crap for shooting a mag as some do but I still get the occasional snicker or remark at the chrono or in the staging area, and when I do I just laugh because they are usually from the same people who shoot cockers than never work.

08-07-2002, 10:34 PM
You know, we all hear this crap about people being biased against 'Mags and all, but how'd it start? Just the Cocker 'Mag thing? thats pretty weak if thats just it, imo


08-07-2002, 11:06 PM
the guys at my feild are sooo cool. its just the proshop where i get looks. i have never met nicer people than the guys at my field.

08-07-2002, 11:20 PM
I just finished setting up my RT Pro/Armageddon today and played a couple games for my friends birthday party. I think the paintball "crowd" was a little envous today. I kept getting comments on how cool it looked, how nice the trigger was, and loads of people wanting to shoot it. I was amazed at how quickly I was able to rip on that trigger even on an 800psi input. Maybe it helps that I do run around the house with it, bunkering he cat and such and practicing the trigger. BUT, today was my first time with that marker and I was glad I spent the money, shot quick, well balanced, compact, and it doesn't chop paint! I don't even own a squeegee... well I broke 1 because of a short stroke, but that doesn't count ;)

Mag's rule... and I think with the introduction of the Extremes and the broadening of Emag, Level 10, Flatline, etc, sales, AGD will be back in the top of the market soon!

08-07-2002, 11:31 PM
See year ago ther was like no mags in my area and then my one friend got one that was really nice well ofcourse tat set off a chain reaction around the area and around 70% off th paintballers around here shoot mags especialy since the lvl 10 is now out,by th way afcourse my team shoots all mags i mean thee's no other way to go in my point of view:D

08-07-2002, 11:31 PM
i got a bunch of looks on the field when i used a RT mag, with warp, LX, and minimag barrel. it shot like a dream, but i was having problems with the trigger, and how it was very unrespsonsive. it wouldnt pressureize for me to shoot again, and it was in a tourney! it kinda sucked, but my gun *EDIT* Rude and crude. The rules say no cussing, so why did you feel that you had to? This is a warning. Army

Mega Man
08-08-2002, 12:00 AM
well my feild always does a good job of not having any aruging or talk about others guns sucking. The head ref, before I started reffing, owned a sweet minimag, he's really cool and kind of my romodel, anways he's really good, when I was growing up in the world of paintball my friends all got cockers, I got a mag, and thats how it went, they all had the same setup, same air tank, same internals, etc. but I was diffrent, theirs were totally tricked I guess you could say, I got a benchy 2x, retro valve, new barrel and I was good to go, I do have a sweet Impulse now, but when I get to play, my break from reffing on days, I mostly play with my Impulse, but we do have those days where players come in real cocky and rude about their cockers, timmys, or angels being so awsome, thats when I always decided to skip reffing a few games and whip out my Mag lol:D , I may have an Impulse but I still love my mag, and I get the same respect from players and my fellow refs playing with either.

08-08-2002, 12:05 AM
Screw pro shops. Never listen to anyone who's a got a profit to make. Pro shops hype cockers so they can sell more aftermarket parts for them, and that's almost all there is to it. Most everyone who doesn't shoot mags hates them, which is kind of cool, in a way, because now it's punk rock to shoot a mag. Nobody disses my setup except the pro shops and those oh so cool small time tournament players. A team rocking bonebrake angels got maxed by a team using tippmans at our last locals only tournament. The team using the angels were whining because their guns couldn't shoot the tourney paint(fresh marbs) Must suck to pay that much for a paintball gun that doesn't shoot paintballs...

EDIT: I forgot I can't say that here!

08-08-2002, 07:25 AM
i also must have one of the "magic" fields because when i went with my mag everyone was like sweet!(they saw my polished body) and the kids i say next to had a matrix and a shocker i think and they were cool about it saying talking about the level 10(which surprised me) and i told him i had it and he was like COOL! too bad my gun wasnt working though because i would have showed him(darn oring :\) he still thought it was cool and we talked about his matrix and my cocker and mag and stuff between games and had a good time. now i have no gas for my gun trying to retime the cocker(messed and shoots and recocked at almost the same time and i dont like it like that)

08-08-2002, 09:12 AM
Mag parts are hard to come by @some of my local shops.
There's this one place that had a bunch of brand new aftermaket stuff as well as AGD parts which one day I notice was placed in the clearance section along with used markers and other used parts.
What the hell does this tell you about 'mag owners in my area???
Come think about it, I'm the only one who plays with a 'mag on the local field I play on.
It's a good thing there's the internet...:p
I love my 'mag. PERIOD. It has simplicity and packed with performance. Although it acts up once in a while, but it's nothing I can't fix.

08-08-2002, 09:43 AM
people where i play hate how mags short stroke and get all messy(not a problem when i get the level 10), but they also hate how they never know where im shooting from cuz this gun is so quiet you can only hear the paintball wizzin by your head.

08-08-2002, 01:41 PM
I think the bias against Mags has existed for a while now. I think it offically began when guns started branching out in different technologies and companies. I remember back in the middle nineties when I was trying to figure out what was going to be my new, better gun purchase (at the time I had a Tippmann) I did a lot of research into the Mag and Cocker. I wanted to know everything there was to know about both so I could make an educated choice. It was between these two because at the time they were commonly refered to as the big two in tournament level guns. Shockers weren't that popular, as with other markers, and the Angel wasn't around yet.

Anyway, I chose the Mag for several reasons which I'm sure everyone who has one already knows what they are. Now, I started to notice as some years went past that fewer and fewer people began to play with Mags and our "pro" shops wouldn't carry much in the way of Mag parts. It was the combination of the "new cool thing" Angels and the marketing and commercial flooding of the Cocker that helped push them out there more IMHO. Sure, the Mag chopped balls but all guns do if you don't shoot them right. It came down to a big disparity in aftermarket parts and customizations not available for the Mag but available for the Cocker and a TON of new electrics that made AGD less popular. But, those of us lucky enough to choose for ourselves what we believe instead of believing the hype stuck with our Mags and now I think our loyalty has been rewarded with the LV10.

Easily, I have as much money in my Hyperframed RT as an Angel owner. When I pull it out and people look it over I get some looks and questions of "Why do you have a Mag?" or my favorite, "What is that? Is that an E-Mag?" I'm proud of the fact I picked a product, tricked it out as much as I can, and it competes with anything out there. It makes me a nonconformist in a sea of followers. The last time my team went out and practiced, there were a couple teams there shooting only Cockers and Angels. I wonder if they actually looked into what was a good gun for them, or just had someone say "This one type of marker is the best so just get one of them." Choose for yourself, because the best gun is th one you know the most about and feel the most comfortable with. It's the player behind the marker that counts anyway.

08-08-2002, 02:21 PM
u guys got it tough, the guy who owns my proshop, and alot of the employees have mags. they always have a surplus of mag accesories(sp..) and not much cocker or angel stuff at all.

08-08-2002, 02:47 PM
From my perspectve, one of the things is the customizing. The 'Mag shoots better with the stock components, and that turns some people off. I think another thing is the fact that the 'Mag body, for so long, was just a tube. There's very little, that I can see, that can be milled off the body. That's one of the only advantages of the 'Cocker or Angel. With the Extreme coming out, though, maybe all that will change.

08-08-2002, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Telefragged
Maybe it helps that I do run around the house with it, bunkering he cat and such and practicing the trigger.

Heehee, maybe I should try this....got 4 cats.

08-08-2002, 08:49 PM
I'm lucky, RobAGD works at my local shop. He sold me my RTP.:)