View Full Version : Paintball funnles (patent pending)

08-07-2002, 10:56 PM

Why hasn’t any company made a paintball funnel yet? Every time my friends and I fill our pods and hopper we are always complaining about how long it takes to fill them. We do it by hand because we don’t get good results pouring the bag directly into the hopper/pod. Anyways it would basically be a funnel shaped object that would prevent paintball spillage. Pics. Coming up tomorrow if anybody is actually interested in this. Oh by the way, if this product hasn’t been created yet, I’ll say this: Patent Pending!


p.s. I would trade this million dollar, empire building idea for an Extreme Emag ………or IR3.

08-08-2002, 12:38 AM
Go ahead an submit a patent for a funnel... LOL.


Invented by Me.

08-08-2002, 07:40 PM
thats a good idea maybe you could make them to fit the top of pods. but you cant like call patent pending unless you actualy do it. lol. PLus that dont matter all I have to do is change it a lil bit and vuala ( sp)

08-08-2002, 08:58 PM
Prototype(s) are in construction. Patent Pending!

I was planning on having an approximate base of 2 and 1/16 inches, the diameter of a pod. It will also have a sloped top because hopper "mouths" are at an angle, and the slope would hel prevent spillage. Pics up if anybody actually wants to see this.

Patent Pending, thats right... I'm talking to YOU!

08-08-2002, 09:03 PM
Already done man...the ghetto way...a 2 liter bottle. Cut off the bottom half, open the neck a little...viola! (no sp);)

08-08-2002, 09:08 PM
NoooooooooooooooooooooOoOoOOooooOOoOOOooOOOOoOoOOO OOOOoO.

*ahem* I think I'll still make some just for fun.

08-08-2002, 10:27 PM
A local field has been open since 1988. Since around 1990 they had a funnel to fill the balls. Oh, and it's illegal to say patent pending unless you have a patent for something. You may be fined or something.

08-09-2002, 05:20 AM
Major Paintball have the Super Sack (http://www.majorpaintball.net/supersack.htm) that they are selling.

08-09-2002, 07:50 AM
Wow, That looks pretty good. I kinda like it.

08-09-2002, 11:09 AM
somebody beat you to it. http://www.paintballchannel.com/photos/cgi-bin/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=Tournaments/International_Amateur_Open/2002/Products_and_Vendors&image=DSC00230.JPG&img=96&tt=

08-09-2002, 11:11 AM
wow, those are all really big. Is that last one cast iron or just shiny plastic?

[edit] I was thinking something arround the size of a coke can, those two are way to big.

08-10-2002, 07:23 PM
and awesome.

Man you can fill like 10 pods in a minute.

why would you the size of a coke can? that would hold less paintballs than a 150 pod?!!!?!??!

You been smokin :p

*EDIT* you know, I been thinkin, this could lead to paintball vending machines at huge events :p

08-11-2002, 11:22 AM
those sacks are cool

funnels are not so cool

and vending machines is a great idea, like a refrigeerated(sp) machine that dispenses, 100,200,500, or 2000 balls. and they give u like a bag or sumtin like that sack and u hold it under a nozzle and the come out. or they come out in indivdual bags.

08-11-2002, 04:14 PM
I think it would kill lines in big events a bit

08-16-2002, 01:18 AM
Remember the last time you lost a quarter in a Coke machine? Imagine if that were a $20 or a $50...
"Aw, man! Stupid machine ate my ball money!"

And then of course what happens if someone loads the machine wrong, and all you get in your bags of balls is a groovy paint soup with shell flecks. Mmmm... ;)

But I do like the idea of manual funnels and super sacks, those look really handy.

johnny dee
08-16-2002, 04:59 PM
oh my god man you are gonan patent a funnle...what my buds and i do is we each bought a cheap 100 round tube of viewloader from a local store and shot all fot eh crap at target practice and junk liek that and than we kept the little 100 round pod and we bring that with us and we just scoop up the paint to fill teh hopper and we do the saem with our pods....whats the point of a funnle just bring a cup or somethign taht you can use to scoop and fill

08-16-2002, 05:14 PM
Lol.... we've done this for like 2 years now.. take an orange juice jug or milk jug (Half gallon works good) cut the bottom off of it.. the mouth is already large enough to fit paintballs in it. We even have one with a slide on it to stop the paint when the loaders full. Then slap another pod under it..move the slide outta the way and fill up another. Patent Pending.. sheesh :rolleyes: Funnels have been around forever!

08-20-2002, 09:30 PM
already made check warpig about the IAO some company has made a loader for pods

08-21-2002, 07:23 AM
Yah, but is there a compact model???? As they said a coke can sized model that you can just have laying around in your sack?? People WOULD buy it.... there are home made products for just about everything, but most people arent gonna make them. Lets say this is a quarter inch thick high quality plastic funnel thats sized right for pods and for paintball bags... I'd get into it.

the Punnel

08-21-2002, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by johnny dee
oh my god man you are gonan patent a funnle...what my buds and i do is we each bought a cheap 100 round tube of viewloader from a local store and shot all fot eh crap at target practice and junk liek that and than we kept the little 100 round pod and we bring that with us and we just scoop up the paint to fill teh hopper and we do the saem with our pods....whats the point of a funnle just bring a cup or somethign taht you can use to scoop and fill http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/cwm/3dlil/eek13.gif

I guess I forgot my english to WTF dictionary today, wanna run that by us agian? or at least translate it.

My local field has paint funnels from Wal*Mart, they fit perfectly in the top of a hopper and pods will slide right inside the hole.

08-21-2002, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by johnny dee
oh my god man you are gonan patent a funnle...what my buds and i do is we each bought a cheap 100 round tube of viewloader from a local store and shot all fot eh crap at target practice and junk liek that and than we kept the little 100 round pod and we bring that with us and we just scoop up the paint to fill teh hopper and we do the saem with our pods....whats the point of a funnle just bring a cup or somethign taht you can use to scoop and fill

My spelling isnt great either but christ dude pre read your posts so they are readable.

I got one of those ball sacks (LOL):eek: . The guy gave it to my dad for free 'cause he couldn't take credit cards. IT works really great and saves money on paint. At the IAO I put the whole case in and after every game I would run back to the car and he would fill 4 pods and a hopper in about 3 minutes. No paint spillage either.:D

08-30-2002, 05:47 PM
ok, if you wanted to do a vending machine, do it like a coffey machine, you would put your pod underneath and select how many balls you want and how many pods. or... you would select how many load your pods in theside and have em come out the other side filled and ready to go. there would be a big metal slide out thing cut for pods, you would load em in, close it and it wouls circulate your pods through and put them out the other side

08-30-2002, 07:10 PM
this is what some people at my local field do... it works REALLY well

what you need.

a 1000 round jug... with cap
a paintball pod( 100,140,150, doesn't matter)

the pod- take off the flip-lid and cut a good size hole in the other end

cut a whole in the cap of the 1000round jug so the cut pod can fit in(the part of the pod that the flip lid was on)... glue it or just fit it snug

fill the jug up with paint... and stick the cut part of the pod in a hopper or paintball pod... and POUR AWAY

when the jug is empty, just open another bag of paint and put that in the jug

08-30-2002, 07:14 PM
hey, i bet AGD could market these pretty easily... buy a mag then buy a EZLoader...

hmm... EZLoader... that has a nice ring to it

that idea is my birthday gift to Tom kaye... happy birthday
(now i'm wonding... what if today really was toms birthday)

08-30-2002, 09:37 PM
how about the Superfunnel Extreme? I can see the big cheesy commercials now...


08-30-2002, 09:47 PM
What are you waiting for? Everyone else is already on the field... Buy a EZLoader(aka super funnel eXtreme) before it's too late

09-02-2002, 02:25 AM
I have a great method that i use

It takes no time at all u can do it anywhere really

1) get a piece of paper

2) roll it up so there is a good 1-2" hole at one end, and a wider, 4-5" hole on the other end

3) Now you have a funnel that took about 2 seconds

4) Pour your paint from something into the funnel which pours it into whatever u are pouring it into! (That was worded badly but oh well!)

:D :cool:

also... you can fold this funnel up and put it in your pocket or wherever!

09-02-2002, 03:11 AM
Hey newbs! J/K, but i figure everyone knew...


Hold 185 rounds (the medium sized ones, which equals 5 over the capacity of your hopper, not including that extra elbow room) (yes i know it says vl 200, and crap like that, buts its 180 (for newbs)). I use them, they also seem to fit into one of my zip pockets in my camo pants... i can carry 2 + a hopper full which is plenty for rec

09-02-2002, 09:03 AM
Take one of those really long plastic funnels that you can find in an auto parts store. Cut it off about halfway up so that the bottom opening is large enough for multiple paintballs to fit through (about 2" or so). The top end of these funnels is usually somewhere around 5" dia., so it's easy to take handfuls of paintballs right out of the case and dump them into the funnel. I've been using one of these for about 6 years now, with no problems. It's probably not a completely perfect design, but it's quick and cheap to make (only a buck or two for the funnel).

Hope this helps... =)