View Full Version : Movie-Signs *warning spoiler*

08-08-2002, 09:00 AM
I guess Signs is getting mixed reviews. I thought it was very good, and had a few very scary parts. When grant moves the TV to the living room and you see the reflection of the alien, I jumped out of my seat. The alien in the pantry was pretty freaky to. Again, i almost crapped my pants when the fingers came under the door. I thought it was just the right amount of Visual in the movie. It didn't over do it like most alien/monster movies. They only show you enough to keep you on the edge of your seat.

08-08-2002, 11:17 AM
When they showed that video that showed the alien in Mexico while Merril was in the closet, it took my breath away. I just didn't see it coming and just imagining if it was real, grabbed me by the poo-poo. Also when the little kid was next to the coal shoot and it grabbed him, I screamed(along with everyone else)too. Very very good movie. The underlying themes are so incredible. I'm definitely gonna buy this one.

08-08-2002, 12:34 PM
Yeah, the tv clip was pretty good. The coal shoot was awesome. I almost didn't notice the hand at first. The scariness was done well. It was all shocking instead of in your face typical cheese.

08-08-2002, 03:19 PM
The TV clip was cool, it was my favorite part. Also I thought it was pretty funny when merril(SP?) started beating the alien down with the bat.

08-08-2002, 03:23 PM
thanks for giving all the parts of the movie away to all of us who haven't seen it. (Don't reply to this)

08-08-2002, 03:26 PM
haha yea, he seemed to have a bit too much fun doing that. I know I would have. Was it just me or was there something seriously messed up with those kids? If I saw them at Walmart or something, I'd get scared.

08-08-2002, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Python14
haha yea, he seemed to have a bit too much fun doing that. I know I would have. Was it just me or was there something seriously messed up with those kids? If I saw them at Walmart or something, I'd get scared.
LOL! I said the same thing! That those kids were messed UP! I mean all this crap is going down, a spaceship in their backyard and all these aliens outside their house, then INSIDE their house and they just stand around being all creepy and indiffrent! Normal lil' kids would be crapping their pants screaming their heads off! But not these creepy lil' kids! Especially the lil boy! I mean he kills his dog and just sits there stairing at it, he always looks like nothing fazes him lol.


08-08-2002, 05:25 PM
you say lil to much.

08-08-2002, 08:00 PM
i saw that movie...if you ask me it was VERY funny. especially when they saw that alien walk past the window at the birthday party or whatever it was. that part was hilarius. and w/ the alien in the tv i just yelled look behind you when i was in the theater...people got pissed. it was hilarius(sp.)

Gitaroo Man
08-10-2002, 12:37 AM
i thought it was sweet

08-10-2002, 08:18 PM
That's what I'm talkin about baby! "Spoiler Alert"

See that Load.......a man with a little respect for those of us that have yet to see the film! :p

08-10-2002, 09:36 PM
Some guy from the Something Awful Forums wrote this:

<@aL13n_B0ss461> look ez planet 2 invade
<_Scoutd00d2390> wtfs that stuf on 70% of da surface??
<@aL13n_B0ss461> dunno u go chek it out
<_Scoutd00d2390> k
<_Scoutd00d2390> its deadly poison :/
<@aL13n_B0ss461> k. lets invade
***Scoutd00d2390 has quit IRC(Invading)
***aL13n_B0ss461 has quit IRC( )

08-10-2002, 11:05 PM
Lol Jonneh - so true...humidity...rainfall...duh...

Has anyone seen unbreakable? Its by the same director. Interesting twist in the movie a little too similar to Signs.

08-12-2002, 09:44 AM
I liked it. It was not what I was expecting, I would put in the same catagory as Contact and Unbreakable. A little preachy but a good flick.


Load SM5
08-12-2002, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by wingman898
That's what I'm talkin about baby! "Spoiler Alert"

See that Load.......a man with a little respect for those of us that have yet to see the film! :p

Hey goober, I did'nt want it to be a spoiler thread and when someone made it into one I posted a warning up top. ;) Really have your panties bunched up about this don'cha?:D

08-12-2002, 10:30 AM
<@aL13n_B0ss461> look ez planet 2 invade
<_Scoutd00d2390> wtfs that stuf on 70% of da surface??
<@aL13n_B0ss461> dunno u go chek it out
<_Scoutd00d2390> k
<_Scoutd00d2390> its deadly poison :/
<@aL13n_B0ss461> k. lets invade
***Scoutd00d2390 has quit IRC(Invading)
***aL13n_B0ss461 has quit IRC( )

People have said that to me too (but a little more intelligibly), but the reason they invaded the planet was to harvest humans. Having it covered in water is obviously a downside, but if Earth was the only planet in the solar system with humans on it, they didn't have a whole lot of choice.

08-13-2002, 06:06 PM
LOL Load