View Full Version : painting or powder coating

08-08-2002, 10:11 AM
okay I want to color my mag body. I have seen a powder coated gun and they look good. But I have also heard about people using auto paint. Has anyone tried either? If you have tried the auto paint or have seen it, does it work? Does it stay on? Does it look good?


08-08-2002, 03:47 PM
Low and behold...I have tried both..powder coat is denfinatly the "Lasting" way to go..it's almost inpenetrable, hard to scratch, and you get several colors/textures to choose from. Autopaint definatly allows you more color/design ability however it doesn't hold up as well. I have about 4 coats of base coat, and about 6 coats of clear on my gun now and it's starting to flake off around where the body meets the rail. (Guess I shoulda used a coarser sandpaper when prepping :eek:) Check out my sire and you'll see the difference. The pics with the 90* warp adapter was powdercoated and the warp MM setup is airbrushed with autograde paint.

08-09-2002, 03:12 AM
One note, if your going to paint yoru body, rail and/or grip frame. make sure you DO NOT paint where the body and rail meet, also between where the rail and gripframe meet. The layers of paint can throw of tolerences and potentially ruin your marker.

08-09-2002, 09:41 PM
lol why dont you guys think and get it anodized without the risk of having your gun ruind

08-09-2002, 09:54 PM
'TheMiniMagMan', I think you should learn a little more before you open your mouth and make such a foolish statement. Automags cannot be anodized because they are stainless steel, only aluminum can be anodized. SS will actually produce a very violent chemical reaction if subjected to the same operation.

Moral of the story, make sure you know what you're talking about before you post. :rolleyes:

08-12-2002, 01:15 PM
If you're seriously considering powdercoating I'd go with JUNKY. I'm currently getting my Mag parts done with him and he's really good from what I've heard. Once I get them back I'll let you know how they turned out. Here's some pictures of his work: http://www.paintballoregon.com/powderpics.html With powdercoating there are less possibilities, meaning acid fades are the extent of creativity. Painting can be flames, signs, virtually anything, though you should know who you're having the painting done by. A friend of mine does some good airbrushing, lmk if you'd like that. If painting is done by someone who hasn't a clue, you're in for trouble, but this guy knows what he's doing with airbrushing.