View Full Version : Parents

08-08-2002, 04:20 PM
does anyone else have the problem of there parents not letting them spend money. here is my setup,
hl pf tko mag
armson stealth
pmi perfect drop
68/3000 pure energy
rear velocity

My parents think that i have spent enough money and i should be satisfied with the gun i have. i have the money for an intelliframe and they wont let me buy it. damn this sucks.

08-08-2002, 04:26 PM
From the posts I've seen here, yes lots of people have that problem. Not me though, I earn it, I can spend it... as long as I keep up with car payments and such :D

08-08-2002, 04:47 PM
yea i sorta have the same prob in a way, i have the money to spend. If i dont then i work for it.. but everytime i buy something i gat u should keep that money for your car (im 15.. and i hate knowen i gotta get a car its nice but alot of money with not so much the car cuz i have one but gas and the other crap that goes along with it)

08-08-2002, 04:50 PM
im only 13 i work for my money, and they still dont let me spend it. what else am i supposed to spend it on.. nothing, im a geek, paintball is my life

08-08-2002, 04:56 PM
Ok, enough with the caps lol
Yuo have a similar setup to mine actually..
I work for money, they wont let me spend it..
I cant spend it on anything else, Im not good at anything else, lol
All I want is a new tank and an intelliframe then my setups basically complete, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo I have spent too much, and I dont play enough, well, I would play more if I had a comfortable setup, and more money!
I plan to solve everything within a week thuogh.
Im about to earn alot of money..

08-08-2002, 05:09 PM
Life is SO rough….:rolleyes:


Be happy.... you HAVE, you could very well NOT have.

(Now getting back to life's REAL problems..... ;))

08-08-2002, 05:17 PM
personman, were almost in the exact same situation, all i want is an intelli though. paintball is my entire life man, i run around my house and bunker my cats im so desperate.

08-08-2002, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Espomag454
personman, were almost in the exact same situation, all i want is an intelli though. paintball is my entire life man, i run around my house and bunker my cats im so desperate.
Please tell us you were joking. NEVER shoot your marker at animals, do you realize what harm you can do them?

08-08-2002, 05:27 PM
If I am not mistaken, he meant that he pretended to bunker his cats, I don't think anyone would be dumb enough to shoot a cat at point blank range when his parents won't let him get some stuff for pball.

08-08-2002, 06:00 PM
Oh sam, u take things too seriousally.. I have bunkered cats with rubber bands before
AO and paintball is my life, I do nothing other, besides biek

08-08-2002, 07:04 PM
That's not a problem, its a message: slow down and take a little time. Play your sport - you already have a great marker. There are some other things in life. Save up money for a car and a girlfriend in a few years - teach her to play and they you're set! You have plenty of time to get that next gadget for your marker. Learn to be the best you can without it, then worry about upgrading.

Food for thought,


08-08-2002, 08:04 PM
i was kiddin about the cat bunkering thing, no air or paintballs. cars... girls... i dont think so, maybe a car but i already have enough for it. i think the last time i talked to a girl, or the last time a girl even payed attention to me was like 3rd grade. i have nothing else to spend my money on other than paintball. i am happy with what i have, its just that i have nuttin else to spend money on other than paintball. though u do have a point about being the best you can be with what u have fatman. i didnt mean for people to start flamin me.

08-08-2002, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Life is SO rough….:rolleyes:


Be happy.... you HAVE, you could very well NOT have.

(Now getting back to life's REAL problems..... ;))

Exactly my thinking, SHartley. Your parents are actually probobly RIGHT, I hate to say it. Sometimes it's hard as a kid to picture the fact that your parents are always trying to do what's best for you. They probobly want you to SAVE some of your money for your future college education? Who knows... just remember they are trying their best to make your childhood the best it can be, even though sometimes it seems differently.

/me trips on the way off the soap box... DOH!

08-08-2002, 08:18 PM
you are exactly right, but 110 bucks wont do much for a college education

08-08-2002, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Espomag454
cars... girls... i dont think so, maybe a car


08-08-2002, 08:53 PM
hahah ditto with the girl thing
there was this reallllly fat girl who wanted to be my girlfriend way back then.. then there was this fugly one.. both I screamed no in there faces and ran away
But other than that, no intrest from girls :eek:

08-08-2002, 08:54 PM
I honestly doubt they want him to save the money for college. I am guessing they think its pointless to waste anymore money, you already have a nice setup, why not enjoy it?

08-08-2002, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by personman
hahah ditto with the girl thing
there was this reallllly fat girl who wanted to be my girlfriend way back then.. then there was this fugly one.. both I screamed no in there faces and ran away
But other than that, no intrest from girls :eek:


One day you'll get girls like in those pictures I sent you.


08-08-2002, 08:56 PM
here is an idea that worked quite well for me. Tell them you will invest half of the money you make, and really do it. They will be so proud of you that they will let you spend the other half.

08-08-2002, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by personman
hahah ditto with the girl thing
there was this reallllly fat girl who wanted to be my girlfriend way back then.. then there was this fugly one.. both I screamed no in there faces and ran away
But other than that, no intrest from girls :eek:
hey man at least u get the fat girl and the fugly one, i only get the fat one. What exactly is the limit? i spent 450, and it is all my money. some of the stuff was bday gifts.

08-08-2002, 09:12 PM
sorta...my parents are gettina lil iritated with how much i spend...but dont. my gun my money not their problem

08-08-2002, 09:24 PM
well i used to have that problem with my mom. i just kept persisting and my mom finally let me get a marker (spyder) then i went onto my mag, and finally now my gz timmy which will probably be the last one for a while. i am 16 now and started when i was 12. so dont worry for now. give it a lil while just kep persisting with your parents. show them articles about why paintball is good like this one http://www.animalpaintball.com/Paintball-Info.htm and be positive about whatever they say. show them you respect them,

08-08-2002, 09:27 PM
thats what im sayin emagster. thanks for the article mr mag i hope it works.

08-08-2002, 09:30 PM
i was also wondering, if i install a double trigger on my stock frame and cut the trigger guard, will that cause long term damage to the gun.

08-08-2002, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Espomag454
thats what im sayin emagster. thanks for the article mr mag i hope it works.
Actually if I may… as a parent I need to point out something. When a child has money and says “It is my money, I should be able to spend it any way I want.”, it is like a slap in the face. Can a parent say that? No. We get paid and spend it on Rent or Mortgage, Car payment, Insurance, food for the family, utility bills, and much more. Then when all that is taken care of, we MAY have some money left over… and where does that usually go? You got it, the kids.

Do kids have that problem? No? So how can they honestly say “It is my money, I should be able to spend it any way I want.”? And you can’t bring up the argument that you were not asked to be born so we OWE you something or it is our JOB to support you. That is simply not fair.

Am I upset? Nah… not by a long shot. But I would like kids to think about it from all sides before making such statements. Life is not always as simple as young folks think it is. ;) Just some things to think about…… Kind of makes those statements seem REALLY selfish don’t they?

08-08-2002, 10:00 PM
hey man i didnt mean to start a war. chill

08-08-2002, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Espomag454
i was also wondering, if i install a double trigger on my stock frame and cut the trigger guard, will that cause long term damage to the gun.
Yup, thats what I did, lots of trigger slop so intstead of geting a new trigger, see if you can find a trigger shoe.

08-09-2002, 12:07 AM
espo- if you have the regular stock frame, stick with it. it is one of the best frames out there.

sam- you have a point, but look at it this way. you are a kid who is in love with paintball. you work really hard mowing lawns and such because you arent old enough for a real job (i am now and i have one, but this si espo and person) and when you finally have this money you saved for, your parent say you cant. i think allowing kids to save up and buy things teaches them how to be responsible with their money. sure it sounds bratty to say ti is their money and they can do what they want, but they arent old enough to have to worry about adult problems. that is what being an adult is all about.

Gitaroo Man
08-09-2002, 12:31 AM
my parents don't let me even have a paintball gun.....it sucks....even though i do but still

08-09-2002, 06:36 AM
Okay… I was NOT upset before and openly stated to… however, want to know what gets my goat? When kids come on AO and make a post complaining about parents and then when an actual parent makes a valid point they tell them to “chill”.

MrMag- yes, but how about this? In life you can’t always GET what you want even if you have the money for it. And the ONLY reason he HAS money is because his Parents pay for everything else. That was my point. And what is worse is if they ALREADY have a lot of great stuff (as this kid already does), what does letting him buy anything he wants “teach” him? Responsibility? How about teaching a little moderation and control?

By simply letting them save up and buy whatever they want, you only teach them how to “get” and then “spend”. It does not teach them what is more important, priorities. Sure kids don’t have the same responsibilities and “priorities” that adults do, but you have to start somewhere. And judging from what this VERY young kid has already, I would say his parents are not THAT terrible anyway.

Heck, we don’t even know the full story. We only see one small slice by someone who wants to come on AO and complain that they have the inch but want the mile. And I am not about to second guess what another parent is doing (in this regard) when their child comes on AO and complains because they can’t get everything they want (when they already have more than most kids their age)…

And please, if you (kids) don’t want to hear what parents think about this matter, don’t post about it. Do you think if a parent came on AO and posted about something that our kids did that upset us we would not be bombarded by tons of irate kids telling us to “chill” or that we simply don’t understand, etc.? But I would be willing to bet that they would not be as “nice” as I was with my last post….

The big difference is, is that WE were kids at one point, you YOU have never been parents. People can get upset at that, but it does not change that fact. So please do not make me into the “bad guy”…. All I did was respond in a calm and rational manner… from a parent’s perspective. And that is what AO is all about “perspectives”.

And I give my right arm to kids, mine and others.. day in and day out. Just something to think about....