View Full Version : rednecks...

08-08-2002, 07:41 PM
Why is it that everyone looks down on Rednecks? ppl are always crackin jokes on um and stuff like that. Sure Jeff Foxworthy is one and makes fun of them and makes jokes, but its different if you ARE one. but if your not and your makin fun of us...then its just mean. I live in Tennessee and I'm proud to be a redneck. I think anyone who looks down on us justa misconception of what a redneck is. ya'll should download a song by Charlie Daniels called "A few More Rednecks" great song by him and explains what one actually is.


08-08-2002, 07:54 PM
It's just for fun... people make fun of polish people as well, even me, and I'm polish :D

08-08-2002, 07:59 PM

08-08-2002, 08:18 PM
I totaly agree with ya ive got Rednecks on one side of my Family and Hillbillys on the other so i get to make fun of both. Im tired of people that make fun f something they no absolutley nothing about. I bet most people dont know the Difference between a redneck and a hillbilly anyway.

08-08-2002, 09:10 PM
thats right

08-08-2002, 09:21 PM
Us yankees dont get any respect either....

08-08-2002, 09:23 PM
people like to make fun of us asians, cause most of us have accents, and have weird habits.

I means, listen to camp kill yourself "Bran's Freestyle"

You rednecks aren't the only ones. Everyone gets it. Canadians, Americans, Europeans. Laugh once in a while....

08-09-2002, 02:31 AM
you have to admit that freestyle is pretty sick. But yeah I am tired of all the stereotypical jokes. Most of them need to stop. Up here in washington it seems that being a "redneck" or whatever you wanna call it seems to be a big thing now and it's not like I live in the stick either. It's all about having big trucks and having confederate flags even though i don't condone the whole confederate flag thing or any racist things at that.

08-09-2002, 06:27 AM
Originally posted by RetroEclipseMan
and having confederate flags even though i don't condone the whole confederate flag thing

just want everyone to know that it aint hate, its heritage

Yea.....things HAVE settled down on the whole edneck jokes a steriotypical thoughts about wearing camo and flanel. with big guns livin out in the sticksshootin anything the walks. I admit...I've had some pretty bad relatives that did that. but things have settled down and not ALL of us are like that. theirs the occasonal one or something...but thats just cus its them.

08-09-2002, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Emagster

just want everyone to know that it aint hate, its heritage

Oh i know it is but the problem that I have noticed is that a lot of younger kids up here as well as a lot of people my age have started wearing things with the confederate flag on it or having it in their windows and they don't truly know what it stand for. They actually view it as an object of racism and use it as that to show that whites are better or whatever.

08-09-2002, 02:47 PM
Hey, it's not just big guns and trucks....
Don't forget the part about marrying your sister too :D


PS I'm not from the south, but I did grow up in the country, and country is country, with or without the accent:)

08-09-2002, 04:55 PM
I don't mind rednecks, except for the racist ones. I don't like it when people display the Confederate flag. I think that it symbolizes oppression, as well as heritage.

08-09-2002, 07:20 PM
People in Washington think there rednecks thats just funny I dont consider the way most people use the Confederate flag as Heritage most peopel use it to symbolize racism. The only way i see it as heritage is if you Fly the Flag on a pole but not on a Shirt or hat or things like that it makes me mad when i see people abuse the confederate flag.

08-09-2002, 09:28 PM
everyone knows my opnion on this... well everubody should:rolleyes: the confederate flag has already been talkd about here and shoudnt be again since the thread got closed so lets stop befote the convo goes to far

08-10-2002, 10:23 PM
when it comes to rednecks and trucks we look down on the other people ;).

i hate when they lower a nice truck.... its then only streatable(i dont think thats a word but o well). when i get a truck im raising it up and getting some mud tires on it ;)

shoot if a car didnt look so bad raised. i would raise the one im getting when i start drivin. :)

alright i just need a quick explanation. what does the confederate flag stand for? hehe

08-11-2002, 08:59 AM

brans freestyle kicks arse.....

i dont make fun of anyone because of what race/nationality they are...

(the follwing races/nationalities are excused from the above claim)
asians,middle easterns,polish people,germans,africans,mexicans,americans,redneck s,yankees,haiwaiins,people who like chocolate,paintball players,irish,italians,french,people from south america,people in FL,new yorkers,and,,,,canadians


08-12-2002, 01:52 PM
i have to admit, when i play paintball with my chuch I wear a confederate flag on my leg. I dont do this to try and push rascism on anyone or anything like that. i do it to show that I'm proud of my part of America. I aint proud about why the civil war occured and think slavery is an awful idea and I hate rascism. I'm just proud of what I am

08-12-2002, 02:40 PM
Well, as with many things, the term "redneck" doesn't mean exactly what it used to mean. It used to mean you worked for a living doing physical work outdoors (and thus typically had a sunburned neck). Today, it typically means you are uneducated, ignorant, uncultured, and often bigotted. Of course, even THAT is changing these days, as it is becomming fashionable to be "redneck" and thus it is starting to mean outdoorsy and you drive a pickup truck.

Another major point, you don't have to live in the south to be a redneck - in fact I've met plenty of rednecks in NJ, JY, PA and other parts of the country. Also, not all folks born in the South are rednecks, and you don't have to be a redneck to love the South and Southern heritage.

The Navy Jack of the confederacy was first used to represent racism by the KKK in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Since then most people think of it as a symbol of racism. There are several other flags that were flown by the Confederacy, and in fact, the Naval Jack was never an official flag of the Confederacy. It would make more sense if people who are all about Southern heritage would fly the Stars and Bars or other official flag used by the confederacy. I think the one used over Robert E. Lee's headquarters is one of the coolest ones (shown below).

Not everyone who flies the Naval Jack (or Battle Flag as it is also called) is racist, but certainly there are quite a few folks who fly it and are, and some of them fly it BECAUSE they are. On the other hand, you don't have to fly it to be racist. Some of the most racist people I've met never set foot in the south, but grew up in large cities in the Northeast.

So in the end, it is all just soup. There are folks all over the country who work in offices and drive pickups and fly the Confederate battle flag because that's what rednecks do, even though they aren't really rednecks, and they aren't racist either, they just think its cool. An there are people all over the place who don't drive pickups, don't fly the flag, but they're racist, and ignorant and they're rednecks. Then there's a whole bunch of us who are just people. We don't have a name, I don't think.
