View Full Version : Trying to convince the wife to play pb with me, and suggestions?!?

08-09-2002, 10:54 AM
Ive been trying to get my wife to play painball with me for the past 6 months but shes just not interested. Ive just about tried everything and she wont budge. Once her friend suggested it, and she said she would go, but Ithink she was lying to her friend... :/ I guess I have to try her to go, lol. Obsolete has the same problem with his wife, But I can see why she wouldnt want to go(she might break a nail). LOL :P

Any help or ideas would be great


08-09-2002, 10:56 AM
Did you try to just get her interested in target shooting with it first? My Wife loves that.

One step at a time…..

08-09-2002, 11:08 AM
My wife has shot it in on the porch at a peice of cardboard a few times. But since the fact that the paintball goes through 2 layers of carboard from 10ft away, it kinda scares her. :/ She thinks its neat, but I think shes affraid to get shot..

Thx though


08-09-2002, 11:18 AM
Try talking local field owners into having a ladies day. An all-ladies team that my wife is on puts one on the weekend after each major local tournament here in MN, and that's a good way to get reluctant ladies out there ... they are more apt to go if they know they won't be the only one out.

The one they do here is all pumps, so the fear of getting overshot is out, and they usually turn the velocity down a bit too, about 250 so that the pain isn't quite as bad either.

08-09-2002, 11:32 AM
Thats a good idea but the only local field owner is a crackhead who probably wouldnt go for an all ladies day. hehehe. I'll just convince one of her cool friends to go, and then let her talk my wife into it. :) Sheeesh, my mother inlaw said she wants to go, and shes an out of shape old lady, lol. Oh well

Patron God of Pirates
08-09-2002, 11:33 AM
Have her put your goggles on and the shoot her.

Revenge is the best motivation ;)

08-09-2002, 11:56 AM
"But honey, all the GOOD Air Force wives play....."

yeah, it didn't work with my good Army wife either:rolleyes:

08-09-2002, 01:53 PM
Threaten to hit her with a bat

08-09-2002, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Jonneh
Threaten to hit her with a bat

LOL. That's messed up man.

08-09-2002, 02:27 PM
I don't try to get my GF to go... but, she did watch once and I think she had a different opinion of the game after seeing girls/women play and just seeing how the game worked in general.

She told me that it wasn't the 'big deal' she thought it was. And the sound of the guns was rather unintimidating, to her surprise.

Even if you get her to play, don't expect her to have a good time or continue. Imagine if she wanted you to dress up in a leotard and take up ballet with her. (Then again, some dudes are into that - but you can see what I mean). Similar to getting some women to play PB.

Here's an idea:
Go alone with her and get her to play 1-on-1 with you if you can, but don't bring a gun and let her do some target practice on you as a moving target. :) You may want to set up some kind of objective for yourself - like if you can capture a flag or something and bring it back... you win. If she shoots you out, she wins. Here's a tip: Let her win.

At least in this way she can experience some of the game, w/o the worry of getting shot. And perhaps may want to take it further.

Then again, she may hate you for it... take all your stuff... leave you... and sell it on EBay.

08-09-2002, 02:31 PM
Tell her to shoot you at 10 feet away.
That might do it...
If you really have no other way you can think of..
Stand 30 feet away and let her shoot you as many times as she wants. LOL

Patron God of Pirates
08-09-2002, 02:50 PM
When I first got into paintball I accidentally shot my girlfriend (at the time) in the inner thigh from about three inches away.

She didn't even flinch, she just looked up at me and said "You, are an idiot." and walked off.

After that she wanted to play paintball. Apparently it didn't hurt as bad as she expected. Meanwhile my friend had been shot in the arm from sixty feet out and was whimpering about it for a week.

08-09-2002, 05:36 PM
try reverse psycology
honney you probably dont want to go play paintball cause you probably wouldnt be that good at it.
or jelousy psycology
honney i know you dont want to go play paintball so im going with (insert friends name here) and his friend (insert obvious female names here).
or insult her feminin sidein hopes that she will seek revenge on the field and prove you wrong.
honney im going to go play paintball i dont know if you want to go or not cause your a girl and we all know girls dont play violent games.(***warning this one may be very very very very hazordous to your health use with extreem caution****)
or use em all
honney you probably dont want to go play paintball cause you probably wouldnt be that good at it so im going with (insert friends name here) and his friend jill i know shes a female but shes rare and can play real good so enjoy your day.
and if that didnt get her to go the the field with ya you can look for a female player at the feild to hook up with cause after using that line your sure to be single again and marry her and there ya go a wife that plays paintball you win...

08-09-2002, 05:47 PM
lol this is funny!

08-09-2002, 06:01 PM
I'd say don't press the issue..I mean I know you want her to go play..but if she doesn't want to go...hey..more paint for you ;) I think the jealousy/you're a girl and can't do it anyway scheme would work the best. Girls hate being told they can't do something cuz they're females. If that doesn't get her going...I don't think anything will. Maybe you coul doffer to do more of her stuff around the house... here's one:

Baby.... if you go play paintball with me...I promiss I'll clean the bathrooms! And yunno..thats a big step for me! :D

08-09-2002, 06:02 PM
Lunchbox, are you trying to give him advice to get his wife to play paintball... or to get himself divorced? :)

Originally posted by lunchbox
try reverse psycology
honney you probably dont want to go play paintball cause you probably wouldnt be that good at it.
or jelousy psycology
honney i know you dont want to go play paintball so im going with (insert friends name here) and his friend (insert obvious female names here).
or insult her feminin sidein hopes that she will seek revenge on the field and prove you wrong.
honney im going to go play paintball i dont know if you want to go or not cause your a girl and we all know girls dont play violent games.(***warning this one may be very very very very hazordous to your health use with extreem caution****)
or use em all
honney you probably dont want to go play paintball cause you probably wouldnt be that good at it so im going with (insert friends name here) and his friend jill i know shes a female but shes rare and can play real good so enjoy your day.
and if that didnt get her to go the the field with ya you can look for a female player at the feild to hook up with cause after using that line your sure to be single again and marry her and there ya go a wife that plays paintball you win...

08-09-2002, 06:42 PM
Had the same problem with my wife. She is into to martial arts and is in good shape so you'd think it would be a natural. Finally convinced her to go because one of her friends wanted to go. She had a good time and will now come out occasionally.

Notice I said occasionally. For whatever reason she didn't fall in love with it. She even had one game where she was outnumbered badly and ended up taking us all out (including her poor husband!). She still described it as "okay". Sheesh.

At the same time, however, I am kind of glad she is not too into it. Her independence forces me to do other recreational activities other than paintball (balance is good). Also when I go to the field without her I can truly paintball geek out without worrying about her wanting to leave after a couple of games :D :D

08-09-2002, 08:34 PM
Make her a promise if she does this then you take her out to eat or a nice candle light dinner and a 3pack of our friend Trojan

08-09-2002, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by magsRus
Make her a promise if she does this then you take her out to eat or a nice candle light dinner and a 3pack of our friend Trojan

Dude... no.

08-09-2002, 09:04 PM
My wife plays almost everytime I go. I got her started on a pump day like someone suggested above. She did get shot in the neck, but that just pissed her off! She was already a fireball so I guess that helps. I really stressed the social interaction with other players by finding nice people to play with that were not always in "T" mode when they played. She now can ramp up to "T" mode just like anyone. I usually play a mid slot and she plays back for me. I couldn't ask for a better partner.:D If you want, have your wife pm doobieschick with ???. She will answer. She says the field having few "Tourny" players helps a lot.
Good refs help also.

08-10-2002, 01:39 AM
I have a good plan now. My wife's good friend from work,Nicole, said she wanted to go paintballing. This is when my wife seems a little interested but they havent brought it up in a few months. Next time they hang out, Im going to make a deal with Nicole to have her convince my wife to go. Whats the deal? Nicole is a lush and likes to drink, so I'll just buy her a few rounds and Im set, LOL!


08-10-2002, 09:22 AM
"But honey, You get to SHOOT me!"

That might change her mind :D :p ;)

I know some girls that play paintball when they're pissed off at something, so maybe you should try pissing her off...hehe...