View Full Version : Warp Feed Cocker Bodies

08-09-2002, 03:38 PM
I'm thinking of building my own Autococker from scratch and i love my Warp Feed soooo much i can't bear the thought of playing without one. I would really dislike the adapter thing on my gun as well. That thing is just fugly!!

I've seen pics posted of a cocker with a Warp breech and i was wondering if any of you fine people would know who makes them. Are they in production or was it just some custom job?

If anyone knows where i could get a custom body made up with a breech that could help as well. As long as it doesn't cost an arm and a leg! I'm willing to spend some cash to build it the way i want it but i don't wanna take a huge loan out to do it :(

I'm planning on doing it bit by bit.

08-09-2002, 04:11 PM
I know that WGP made a run are side feed STO bodies. I don't know how many they made, or if they are still in production. RobAGD posted some pics awhile back of warp feed setups on side feed autocockers, you might be able to dig it up in a search, or contact him and he might be able to help you get ahold of one the WGP bodies. You might also want to try asking around in the autococker forums over at paintballcity, and see if one of the very helpful guys over there can help you out. If you cant get ahold of any of the side feed bodies WGP made, check out docs machine (http://www.docsmachine.com/), he makes right feed angel bodies, so im sure he can make up a side feed cocker body.

08-09-2002, 04:11 PM
They are WGP vertabrae cockers. I know that there is some place to buy them on the web. I do not know if you can buy just the bodies or not. I know that there was a link in a thread before so just search for like warp cocker and somehting will come up.

08-09-2002, 04:26 PM
you might be able to go to a place like
and they may be able to mill you up a side feed body.

08-09-2002, 10:23 PM
No, they probably wouldnt :) They mill...dont create. You need material there in the first place, and they dont do "one-off" full bodies. Not without LOTS of money ;)

Its a vertebrate cocker, I'm sure you can buy em somewheres. I remember getting linked to one at a store you can buy it at, unfortunately i dont remember the store, but it wasnt one of the big ones.

08-10-2002, 08:50 AM
actually, if you give one of them a body, im sure he will make it warp-fed.
i remember doc did a couple vert feed shockers a couple years ago.

08-10-2002, 09:12 AM
Thanks for the info. I did see pics of the Vertibrates not too long ago, i remember that now.