View Full Version : What i think the supermag body should look like:(pics)

08-09-2002, 05:29 PM
Check this out:

08-09-2002, 05:39 PM
Wasn't there already a thread JUST LIKE THIS? I remember it... was it deleted?

08-09-2002, 05:41 PM
okay lets just rip off the intimadator huh? at least make it a pretty gun your gonna steal from

08-09-2002, 05:41 PM
ya i deleted it cause this is the updated version, and i learned how to attach files to make it easier. Sorry if im being annoying.:(

08-09-2002, 05:47 PM
why not just edit the original post so we dont have to say its ugly 2 times
and its not a x mag so why use a xmag valve if you want to use the aluminum valve thats cool but just cause the xmag uses a aluminum valve dont mean all the new alloy valves that come out will say xmag.
just a lil advise on the pic take the xmag logo off the smag valve even though i think its ugly and has a hunchback dont mean others wont like it.im not tryin to be sarcastic or mean just that its not what im into but then again i think a jeep with its roof off looks alot better than any car out there.

08-09-2002, 07:21 PM
A timmy mag? :rolleyes:

I don't like it at all. I think the "supermag" needs an original design, unlike any other gun, but still will look awesome.

mike e
08-09-2002, 07:50 PM
i liked the mag because they are the only gun that dont look like a shoebox with a grip on them, please dont ruine that for me, its the last thing i got:( :( :(

08-09-2002, 09:34 PM
just foolin' around don't worry bout this.

08-09-2002, 09:47 PM
^^^^^^^^ lol :rolleyes:

08-10-2002, 04:09 AM
Like it better than a C&C extreme look. Not enough to buy it though.

What? You dont' like my opinion? :mad:


08-10-2002, 10:30 AM

08-10-2002, 01:48 PM
well if people are just foolin around atleast ill put a good band


08-10-2002, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
well if people are just foolin around atleast ill put a good band

who is that?

08-10-2002, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by speedballbanks

who is that?

That's Metalica, but I could have sworn he said a GOOD band.

08-10-2002, 06:14 PM

08-10-2002, 08:54 PM
all metalica was good for was killing a good thing¨...remember napster? remember how lars ulrich baisically killed it? i think it was because no one was downloading their music that they got upset and decided to shut it down. thats the real reason

08-10-2002, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by magman007
all metalica was good for was killing a good thing¨...remember napster? remember how lars ulrich baisically killed it? i think it was because no one was downloading their music that they got upset and decided to shut it down. thats the real reason
No offense, but no ONE person or even ONE music group could kill Napster. There was more to it than what you realize. Have you ever heard the saying, “There is a right way and a wrong way to do something.” ? Well, as much as Napster was a “good” idea, the creators were not as “pure of heart” as many would like to think. Nothing in this world is truly free, it may seem so at first but then you get hit with the catch.

Napster users just never got around to being hit with the catch… only those who did not want their music being given away free were. I am not even going to argue about artists’ rights, or that you may record stuff on your own and give it away, or any of the many other issues that have been argued to death…. online, in the real world, and in the courts. If Napster was not ILLEGAL they would still be around. And no single person or music group was “responsible” for that…. NAPSTER was. Lars was a point man, but was backed by countless other artists. Yes, he was on one side of the issue and others were on the other…. and each side had their day in court.

There are many other LEGAL download sites and systems out there. Did I like Napster? YOU BET! And I also speed in my car. But when an illegal act is stopped, you can not blame those who stopped it….. sorry… no matter how “fun” that act was. And it is all fun and games until it is YOUR rights that are being violated… trust me on that.

Also Metalica is one of the most well known bands of their type, and their style has been copied by countless other newer bands. So to say they did nothing good would not be quite accurate. You may not like their music (heck I don’t like all of it), but you can not (being honest) say they have not had a major influence in the music industry and their style of music.

Again, I am not trying to come down on you, but you made some pretty bold statements with absolutely no credence to them. I think I will leave it at that…..

08-10-2002, 10:29 PM
first off, get rid of the xmag valve, the put on a different sight rail, and then change the milling, that looks exactly like a timmy.

08-10-2002, 10:42 PM
lol sorry mr shartley sir... i agree, i just had to be an uneducated bastard for once. lol now i can see shartley rockin out to metalica in his basement with an airguitar and a leather jacket. then totally rebelling againsnt anyt hing that resembled a cat with headphones on its head! lol. sorry.... i kno im gunna catch it for that one too.

08-10-2002, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by magman007
lol sorry mr shartley sir... i agree, i just had to be an uneducated bastard for once. lol now i can see shartley rockin out to metalica in his basement with an airguitar and a leather jacket. then totally rebelling againsnt anyt hing that resembled a cat with headphones on its head! lol. sorry.... i kno im gunna catch it for that one too.
LOLROF... no... no catching anything for it. LOL I actually like some harder stuff now and again. The soundtrack for “The One” is kickin’ and fills a need now and again. ;)

08-10-2002, 11:35 PM
I have to point out a few things. My article of evidence?
An article from Courtney Love. Think whatever you want of her. The article speaks clearly and concisely and is well written by her.


After you read the article you need to ask yourself a few things.

1. Who is Lars representing?
2. Did Metallica sell out? Does anyone care if they did?
3. If most bands make thier money on concerts, do these bands care about napster that much?
4. What other bands spoke out as much Metallica?
5. Will I ever be able to find a large (honestly, every song imaginable) database storing the songs I want?
6. Will it ever be reasonably priced?

08-10-2002, 11:46 PM
that has got to be the ugliest gun ive ever seen! Get rid of that stupid hump in the middle

08-11-2002, 01:39 AM
but i think it should be something like this

08-11-2002, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by than205
I have to point out a few things. My article of evidence?
An article from Courtney Love. Think whatever you want of her. The article speaks clearly and concisely and is well written by her.


After you read the article you need to ask yourself a few things.

1. Who is Lars representing?
2. Did Metallica sell out? Does anyone care if they did?
3. If most bands make thier money on concerts, do these bands care about napster that much?
4. What other bands spoke out as much Metallica?
5. Will I ever be able to find a large (honestly, every song imaginable) database storing the songs I want?
6. Will it ever be reasonably priced?
Interesting Article, thanks for posting it.

I agree with some of what she says, but disagree with others. Sometimes being too close to the subject matter can distort the way you see it. ;) She is trading one crook for another, and in my opinion because the “public” crook is the one that actually buys her stuff… the other she PAYS. ;) I think her article is a PR tool, a good one, but a PR tool none the less.

But she brings up MANY other good points. However, I am one to always say “Don’t dismiss one point because there are OTHER points just as bad.” Anyone who knows even a fraction of the crap that goes on in the music industry knows that it is filled with money grubbing sharks and to actually GET any money you have to be smarter than the average bear.

Of course there is a tradeoff…. Most artists would never be heard if it wasn’t for the industry and the exposure it provides them….. kind of a catch 22. You as an artist just has to be the smarter one….. And if Artists think that they can bypass the industry and use systems like Napster to promote their work and “let the world know they are there”, I am sorry… I think they are fooling themselves. When the average person goes to get something off these systems, they generally already know what they are looking for. They hear it on the radio, on a TV Show Review, or at a friend’s house, and then they go on these systems to look for it.

Want to know something that effects us “consumers” more than anything she wrote? The cost of a CD! It costs a fraction of what a Cassette does to make, but they charge us what they do….. hmmmmm

Yes, the music industry is a money pit filled with vipers of all shapes and sizes. We don’t need to start pointing out which is the bigger snake to make the smaller ones not look so bad…. They are ALL bad. ;) :D

“How about if I shoot you in the foot and not the chest?” Well, no thank you, I don’t want to be shot at all. :D

08-11-2002, 05:43 PM
I think the music industry is a lot like the football one. The artists/players are only making a fraction of the money in the sport and don't even get many benifits. It seems like the people making money are people who already have it. Like in the music industry it's the producers, and the record labels. In football it's the feild owners and the team owners. The artists might get a little money from cd sales, but all i really see them getting is a "fake" platinum record to hang on their wall. However if those platinum records were actually solid platinum i know i'd take one!

08-11-2002, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by fearc7
I think the music industry is a lot like the football one. The artists/players are only making a fraction of the money in the sport and don't even get many benifits. It seems like the people making money are people who already have it. Like in the music industry it's the producers, and the record labels. In football it's the feild owners and the team owners. The artists might get a little money from cd sales, but all i really see them getting is a "fake" platinum record to hang on their wall. However if those platinum records were actually solid platinum i know i'd take one!
Well… I think some people are also forgetting one thing….. Even those in the music industry and sports industries that are “being so taken advantage of” make more than most people who work MUCH HARDER will ever make.

This puts me in an odd position when commenting on these situations, because although I see injustice, I see even MORE by them complaining about it. LOL I have yet to see one of these people end up in the poor house because the industries they were in “screwed” them… it was because of stupid choices they themselves made. And yet you see these overpaid folks complain and even go on strike over what percentage of the “screw the general public pie” they get…. not because they really had it SO bad. LOL

I could go on, but I think most get my point. If anyone cries a single tear for any of these folks, they are shedding a tear for the wrong people…… it should be for themselves (the general public). ;)

Oh… and one more small point…. Does everyone realize that at one point Entertainers were paid to perform FOR people, making the audience the important part of the equation. However, now people pay to SEE Entertainers….. hmmmmm Just something to think about…

08-12-2002, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Gotenks
but i think it should be something like this

Cut the sight rail down on top and a little on bottom.