View Full Version : rt/valve lvl10 question

08-09-2002, 09:03 PM
im getting back into paintball after almost 3 yrs. i finally got my mag working after tons of oil and qrease(guess i forgot to clean it after last use)
anyway i wanna upgrade to the rt valve and lvl10. but dont wannna spent the 285$ to get them seperately at the moment.
my question is will the rt valve be coming thru with the lvl 10 setup anytime soon?

08-10-2002, 09:11 AM
just a thought, I beleive the intent of level 10 is to upgrade all the running AGD lines with it, classics, minis, RT pros, emags, and the retros... but it will take them a while. If you wait a few weeks and order it over the phone you may be able to sweet talk em into giving you a level 10 retro....
