View Full Version : "Now I know"

08-10-2002, 12:40 AM
Pulled this off one of my gun sites:

I WILL NOT FORGET................
I sat in a movie theater watching "Schindler's List,"
asked myself, "Why didn't the Jews fight back?"
Now I know why.
I sat in a movie theater, watching "Pearl Harbor
and asked myself, "Why weren't we prepared?"
Now I know why.
Civilized people cannot fathom, much less predict,
the actions of evil people.
On September 11, dozens of capable airplane pas-
sengers allowed themselves to be overpowered by
a handful of poorly armed terrorists because they
did not comprehend the depth of hatred that moti-
vated their captors.
On September 11, thousands of innocent people were
murdered because too many Americans naively reject
the reality that some nations are dedicated to the
dominance of others. Many political pundits, pacifists
and media personnel want us to forget the carnage.
They say we must focus ! on the bravery of the rescuers
and ignore the cowardice of the killers. They implore us
to understand the motivation of the perpetrators. Major
television stations have announced they will assist the
healing process by not replaying devastating footage
of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers.
I will not be manipulated.
I will not pretend to understand.
I will not forget.
I will not forget the liberal media who abused freedom
of the press to kick our country when it was vulnerable
and hurting.
I will not forget that CBS anchor Dan Rather preceded
President Bush's address to the nation with the snide
remark, "No matter how you feel about him, he is still
our president."
I will not forget that ABC TV anchor Peter Jennings
questioned President Bush's motives for not returning
immediately to Washington, DC and commented,
"We're all pretty skeptical and cynical about Washington."
And I ! will not forget that ABC's Mark Halperin warned
if reporters we ren't informed of every little detail of this
war, they aren't "likely -- nor should they be expected
-- to show deference."
I will not isolate myself from my fellow Americans by
pretending an attack on the USS Cole in Yemen was
not an attack on the United States of America.
I will not forget the Clinton administration equipped
Islamic terrorists and their supporters with the world's
most sophisticated telecommunications equipment
and encryption technology, thereby compromising
America's ability to trace terrorist radio, cell phone,
land lines, faxes and modem communications.
I will not be appeased with pointless, quick retaliatory
strikes like those perfected by the previous administration.
I will not be comforted by "feel-good, do nothing"
regulations like the silly "Have your bags been under
your control?" question at the airport.
I will not be influenced by so called,"antiwar demonstrators"
who explo! it the right of statement to chant anti-American
I will not forget the moral victory handed the North
Vietnamese by American war protesters who reviled
and spat upon the returning soldiers, airmen, sailors
and Marines.
I will not be softened by the wishful thinking of pacifists
who chose reassurance over reality.
I will embrace the wise words of Prime Minister Tony Blair
who told Labor Party conference, "They have no moral
inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent. If they could
have murdered not 7,000 but 70,000, does anyone doubt
they would have done so and rejoiced in it?
There is no compromise possible with such people,
no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with
such terror. Just a choice: defeat it or be defeated
by it. And defeat it we must!"
I will force myself to:
-hear the weeping
-feel the helplessness
-imagine the terror
-sense the panic
-smell the burni! ng flesh
-experience the loss
-remember the hatred.
I sat in a movie theater, watching "Private Ryan"
and asked myself, "Where did they find the courage?"
Now I know.
We have no choice. Living without liberty is not living.
-- Ed Evans, MGySgt., USMC (Ret.)
Not as lean,
Not as mean,
But still a Marine.

oorah Marine, oorah.

nic m85
08-10-2002, 01:18 PM
that was pretty good

08-10-2002, 01:32 PM
hm...that kicked bum...

thats for that great article army..

08-10-2002, 02:39 PM
damn jarheads always come out with the most patriotic stuff...well, semper fi.
nuff said.

08-11-2002, 05:51 PM
now i know. and knowing is half the battle. ;) that kinda works. thanks army. powerful words.

08-11-2002, 07:40 PM
that was pretty good..i like it

08-11-2002, 08:31 PM
That falls out of the realm of what I call (and many others) "Irish bar rules".
Don't get me wrong, I thank you and your brothers and sister in arms daily.
My father is retired military and served in Korea and Vietnam.
Still, please practice what this forum preaches.

08-11-2002, 09:50 PM
I personally like it. It is very true what is said there.

08-12-2002, 01:10 AM
Originally posted by than205
That falls out of the realm of what I call (and many others) "Irish bar rules".

Still, please practice what this forum preaches.

Umm..Explain please? How am I not in the realm of an off topic forum?

08-12-2002, 06:27 AM
Well, it has political implications, as this person is obviously a republican and conservative. However, there is the possibility this is not the case. I mean, however you look at it, the Clinton administration failed many times. But, enough with political debate, I think it is a well-written essay of the problems with our media and society.

08-12-2002, 07:09 AM
Irish bar rules - No religon, No politics and no sex.


• Avoid topics containing religious, racial, or political discussion (they are the top three flame starting toipcs)

08-12-2002, 07:58 AM
It is at the discretion of the moderators as to when a thread should be closed, I had a nice debate about God in the pledge of allegiance, which stayed open for a bit, then was closed because it had run its course.

08-12-2002, 08:53 AM

08-12-2002, 10:22 AM
It's not a thread about religion, politics, or sex. It's about peoples attitudes and how we have been lulled into a physical and mental state of compliance for the last 60 years.

It's all about patriotism, it's all about leaving behind the pacifistic training you have recieved, it's all about facing the dangers, instead of running away.

It is all about the same way I think, the Gunny was able to put it much more eloquently than I.

That he mentioned Jews by way of "Schindlers List" does not make it a religious topic. That he mentioned the Liberal media and the non-action of the former Administration does not make it a political topic.

I suppose I shall be tossed from an Irish bar, as I enjoy talking about politics and religion. But you know, 'tis funny how I was in Shannon Ireland not to long ago, in uniform, talking to a member of the Catholic clergy about the troubles up north. As I was tilting back a pint of Guiness, he mentioned that he enjoyed our conversation.

...and yes, the Clergy are welcome in the pubs, and are often there to mingle with their flock, and talk about politics, religion.....but not so much about sex.

08-12-2002, 10:44 PM
yet another great example of american propaganda.


08-13-2002, 11:33 AM
While I do agree with most of what was said, it was obviously a conservative biased opinion that on one hand bashes Clinton (who was, after all, a president so I would assume should get the same sort of devotion as republican president) while implying that anyone who questions George W is not patriotic and couldn't believe in America.

I am surprised and disappointed that a moderator who generally closes political and religious threads even if he agrees with them has posted this strong political article. This would have been closed if I had posted it.

08-13-2002, 11:49 AM
No, I would not have closed it, had you or anybody else posted it.

This is NOT a direct statement towards ANY political party or person (ie: "If it wasn't for Klinton and the lousy Liberals, this wouldn't have happened.")

It is NOT directed towards ANY religion (ie:"See? The jews caused it.")

It contains NO referrences to ANY sexual act.

It is however, a wake up call, reminding you that freedom isn't free.

Don't play the semantics game, it makes you look silly.

08-13-2002, 12:35 PM
What he said ^

08-13-2002, 01:16 PM
Personally I think the point was, too many "Americans" take for granted what our country stands for. Do you think the founding fathers would have stood for what happened on september 11th had they been in office during that time? I don't believe they would have. (Granted it was a different time then, but time is really a figment of the "Human" imagination.)

Too many times have thing been swept under the rug by our "Democratic Government". I even heard the President say something about "We should try to get on with our lives and look past this disaster", WTF is up with that? The day after they're wanting people to forget the whole thing! I say HELL NO I won't forget! As a matter of fact..I can still vividly remember the details of that frightful day. The goverment/media wants people to forget so they can be "under control", Personally I was ready to talk to my recruiter just to go and kill some freaking T's! (T=Terrorist, counter strike term.)

Also, most of the younger generation, (myself included) have never witnessed a genuine "reason" to stand up for our country! Previous generations did, i.e. Pearl Harbor, and for that... Mighty America rose for the occasion.. whooped some isass and then nestled back up to where we are today.

Anyway... the worst thing that can come of that day would be for people to forget it and move on with their lives. Then...all the lives lost on that day would have been in vain. I believe every person young or old should have a place in their hearts and memory of what happened, and to keep their heads up and Alert! If something doesn't look right notify someone. Too many people live their lives with the "Herd mentality" that the bureaucrats want. Seeing only the advertisements for articles in which the government makes money! I believe that if people were shown the footage everyday up until now... Bin Laden and every other terrorist organization could possibly have been eliminated by indivdual American extremists!

Don't think a backwoods Kentucky, Moonshine stillin' redneck with a 308 winchester wouldn't like an opportunity to track some of these cowards down and have them for dinner.

Just my ranting thoughts (two cents)... I personally Love my country and will do what's necassary of me to make sure its defended.

08-13-2002, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Army
No, I would not have closed it, had you or anybody else posted it. [B/][QUOTE]

This I'll have to take your word for

[QUOTE][B]This is NOT a direct statement towards ANY political party or person (ie: "If it wasn't for Klinton and the lousy Liberals, this wouldn't have happened.")[QUOTE]

Then why did he specificly bring up Clinton and his past actions (not even going to debate the valititly of the statment)and ABSOLUTLY imply that he had done something wrong?

[QUOTE] It is however, a wake up call, reminding you that freedom isn't free. [QUOTE]

This I agree with and suport. But, as I said before, it's not the sentement it's the political nature of the post I'm questioning

[QUOTE]Don't play the semantics game, it makes you look silly.

I don't see anything having to do with semantics in my post. Were you directing this at me? If I wanted to play the semantics game I would point out that my post had nothing to do with semantics and who is it that really looks silly for trying to make this point? I'm sory but calling me silly isn't a good way to make your point.

I'm not sure why it looks like my responses were in Army's post.

08-13-2002, 02:00 PM
That makes me want to go and kick some Terrorist TAIL!:D

08-13-2002, 02:58 PM
It IS semantics. It is NOT a biased "opinion", he stated the truth. The truth is not an opinion. Klinton GAVE (not sold) scramble and frequency jumping technology to Iraq, Yemen, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Oman. America lost many lives to terrorists, and all Klinton did was launch a few missiles against empty buildings and fields.

Contrast that with George Bush going to war to help a friend (Saudi's, Kuwait), Reagan going to full attack against terror and communism (Grenada, Panama, Libya), and George W. Bush going to war against terrorism.

On one hand, you have a draft dodger who "loathes the military" and demonstrated in Moscow against the Vietnam war. While on the other, an accomplished fighter pilot who un-questionably did his duty for his country.

I am Patriotic to the core, that alone is a political statement. The Gunny is obviously Patriotic to the core (Corp?), and sees the truth. But he did not write all that to simply bash Klinton, he pointed out that Americans have become sheep, ever willing to follow the tinkling bell. Not me, call me the black sheep in this family, but I'm not going without a fight. And THAT is what it's all about.

...and pbstu, blow it out yours. Army

08-13-2002, 07:54 PM
heh, ya army ill get right on that.
i agree with most of what he said, the media does need to change, but not in the ways he wants, pacafism is a little naive, but war or something approaching war, as he seems to want is definitaly not the anwser, clinton did have his problems, but if you dig deep enough Bush beats him hands down in that category.


08-13-2002, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Army

...and pbstu, blow it out yours. Army

And this is indicative of a moderator?

That's the scariest of all things in this world, the rules only apply to us, not YOU!

This is about paintball, not a public soapbox for someone to pontificate their viewpoint.

08-13-2002, 10:09 PM
This is the friendly corner, or off topic.

08-13-2002, 10:15 PM
Wrong. Read the header for this forum. It is for off topic discussion, meaning that even I get to express my views. Don't like my red-white-and blue views? Tough, nobody makes you read the threads.

When someone says "Yet another great example of American propaganda", I'm supposed to ignore that? What particular part of the Gunny's letter is a twisted lie? What part isn't true? Did America just invent the destruction of the WTC and 3285 lives, hundreds of thousands now out of jobs, the military on full and constant alert, forces of NATO, which include Canadian troops, under fire to hunt down those people who were responsible? Propaganda is the twisting or spinning of a lie. Show me the lies in the Gunny's letter.

Dig deep enough? Deeper than a lieing, womanizing, IMPEACHED President? What has GW done to embarrass himself, his family, or the country? You seem to know some insight that the rest of us in North America have overlooked.

When someone simply says "Another great example of American propaganda", do you not expect to ellicit a response from an American? Why not say our women are ugly, our dogs are dumb, and our Moms dress us funny. Either way, your ignorance shines through. You sound like just the persons that the Gunny was writing about, always quick to say something, with nothing to back up your words. Then, when some calls you on it, you want to whine about the "rules" and how I'm not playing the way you want to. Again...tough. The rules of this site I am very well aware of, and at no time have I stepped over them.

If you have a problem with me, please inform Webby about the situation. Be sure to include all your posts directed at me, or any "great American" flaming. This is the last I will respond to this thread.

08-13-2002, 10:49 PM
i suggest you get your definitions straight before you lecture me on them, propaganda doesnt have to be lies, it is the spreading of ones opinion, now granted this isnt purposeful, large scale propaganda, but it still falls under the definition of propaganda, being on a public forum like this.

and as for clinton, lieing, womanizing, IMPEACHED?
george W. Bush had serious connections to the attempted Reagan assassination. Bush holds the record in Texas for being the governer during the most amount of exacutions of any state in the history of the country, one of those executed was a minor, the US is the only country in the world to currently be carrying out executions of their children,(i wonder why some people dont like the US, hmm maybe its stuff like this?)this according to Amnesty International. add to this the fact that their were serious questions about the youths gulit. not to mention the one person that bush spared was a serial killer who had confessed to 600 cold blooded murders, and who mutilated the bodies in various ways which i wont go into here, now tell me why a minor with serious questions about his guilt died and a serial killer who has confessed to 600 murders lives?, all because of Bush. also the bush family has direct ties to nazis during WW2, its not a direct link to george W. but guilt by associastion is good enough in polotics. that is Bush. if anything Clinton has done beats that i havent heard it.


edit: just saw the additions to your post, for the record i was never on your case about the rules, read my posts. or if you were talking to someone else make it clearer.

08-13-2002, 11:35 PM
Let's see this "information". And Clinton allowed sailors on the USS Cole to be killed without the perpetrators to be punished, that's cold-blooded murder. He blatantly disregarded this country's national security. And many people could've been saved on 9/11, or it could've been prevented altogether, if the Clinton administration had done its job. Now, you want to talk about cold-blooded murder? Or does it have to be direct for it to mean anything to you?

08-14-2002, 01:52 AM
actually the Bush administration was largely responsible for ignoring evidence suggesting something was going to happen on sept. 11, Clinton ignored some too, but it was largely Bush.

as for cold blooded murder and being direct, im not sure what you mean by meaning anything to me but if you want to open the history books (your references to clinton) i can list off some of americas more gruesome moments in the cold blooded killings.

"Let's see this "information"" not sure what you mean by this, it sounds like your echoing amries comment in his last post, and i believe i already spoke to that. if its something else please explain.


08-14-2002, 08:05 AM
I want to see this information connecting the Bush family to the Nazis, etc. Now, you're trying to tell me the Clinton administration had nothing to do with the September 11 terrorist attacks? You have got to be kidding. The Clinton administration was deliberately attacked by these terrorists, and gave them vast technologies. Then, they did nothing to stop them. The Bush administration comes in, and has nothing to work with, as the Clinton administration did nothing. So, don't say it's the Bush administration's fault, when they had to play catch-up. It is truly terrible that the Clinton administration made such a fatal error. And how about the Clinton sex scandal, that had a profound impact on the nation and wasted valuable time, money, and human resources that could've been put to tracking down these terrorists. Stupidity and ignorance once again cost American lives.