View Full Version : Another anti-Paintball Site (Airsofters at it again)

08-11-2002, 11:06 PM
Luckily they have a forum that some PBers are spamming up anyway. Just thought I'd show everyone.

08-11-2002, 11:11 PM
LOL. Who cares... haha.

08-11-2002, 11:26 PM
hahahahaha i read on the first thingy there

The angry paintballers have come faster than expected, making the forum an interesting place. Head on over and read about how good paintball is, and see lots of random images with the word "OWNED" ms-painted on them. Gotta love those paintballers. Speaking of images, I'll close with this

OWNED HAHAHAHAHA sounds familiar:p

08-11-2002, 11:46 PM
That has to be the most useless way to spend thirty dollars I have ever seen. Maybe those guys should be out trying to get laid instead of picking pointless fights with thousands of internet paintball trolls. Maybe I shouldn't care.

Oh well.


(Although, I rather enjoyed the picture of the plane crashing into the truck that read "OWNED!")

08-12-2002, 12:01 AM
The OWNED pic is awesome, I had to save that on my comp.

08-12-2002, 12:45 AM
i think i just got dumber...

08-12-2002, 03:58 AM
i must be stupid that site made no sence to me whatsoever
someone clue me in. mayby i need to download a translation program cause like i said wow what the hell are they talkin about.

08-12-2002, 07:18 AM
Well, I went and took a quick look….

Please next time anyone finds a Retard Depot like that again, DON’T post it here on AO. Those guys could not find their way out of their rears if you shined a spotlight up them and blasted “Come towards the light!” with a bullhorn.

You could take most everything they say and change the subject matter to Mac/PC, Import/Domestic, Muscle/Sports, Dog/Cat, Man/Woman, etc. and it would have still worked the same. They are not interested in promoting their sport, nor helping anyone. They are only interested in bashing another sport and group of people to somehow make themselves feel better about their perpetual pre-pubescent lives and lack of real social interaction. They are a sad group and more sadly, I feel somehow less than I was before going there…….

Sir Chopsalot
08-12-2002, 09:01 AM

08-12-2002, 09:05 AM
Living proof there should be an IQ test before you can get on the net....


08-12-2002, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
Living proof there should be an IQ test before you can get on the net....


true... but the net would be a quiet place without all the Americans :eek:



08-12-2002, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by manike

true... but the net would be a quiet place without all the Americans :eek:



Maybe I should qualify that post a little...

It would be a quiet place if you stopped all the Americans that FAILED the IQ test... ;)

Seems to be sometimes the net is just full of silly people :)


08-12-2002, 09:20 AM
LOL! Never can resist a dig can you! Dang Brits... http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/tosser1.gif

08-12-2002, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
LOL! Never can resist a dig can you! Dang Brits... http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/tosser1.gif

yeah you're right. I'm sorry, it's just too easy...

Must go back to challenging fights... where's Shartley at? ;)


08-12-2002, 09:30 AM
Somehow I trust he is sitting somewhere doing this: http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/eesdl.gif

However it may just be taking him a half hour to type out his "brief" response! :D

08-12-2002, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
Somehow I trust he is sitting somewhere doing this: http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/eesdl.gif

However it may just be taking him a half hour to type out his "brief" response! :D

LMAO! Stop(start) playing on the smiley page... I just gave you all the excuse you needed didn't I! :)

BTW that one above is quite rude really. I take it you know the meaning? Oh of course you do... 'takes one' and all that ;)


08-12-2002, 09:33 AM
Well Manike I we could go political and historical but we won't.........:D

As for the site I thought it was hilarious. I really couldn't care less. Definetely not going to win a debate in there when the final argument would be is gay, is not, is gay, is not....:D

08-12-2002, 09:37 AM
Doh! ;)

But seriously… um… well…. Bah… :D

I think we should start a new site/forum “TooManyIdiotsOnTheInternet.net”. And we should use NET because that would eliminate quite a few idiots that can’t find it because it isn’t a .com. ;) And of course we already know the topic of discussion. We could then hunt down the idiots and rate them…

08-12-2002, 09:41 AM
Yes SIR you did! Gonna regret it I think!!!

Perhaps it has a meaning I am overlooking? No don't get it from your perspective I guess. Looked like an angry man taping his mouth shut wanting to say something he shouldn't. But if I am nieve then please enlighten me! perhap it means something internationaly I need to know...

08-12-2002, 09:56 AM
well you know people get like that when they have no skills...:D

Living proof there should be an IQ test before you can get on the net....


08-12-2002, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by shartley
Doh! ;)

But seriously… um… well…. Bah… :D

I think we should start a new site/forum “TooManyIdiotsOnTheInternet.net”. And we should use NET because that would eliminate quite a few idiots that can’t find it because it isn’t a .com. ;) And of course we already know the topic of discussion. We could then hunt down the idiots and rate them…

Actually a better site would be "IdiotsOnTheInternetDotCom.com". The spelled out dotcom would really screw some people up.

08-12-2002, 10:29 AM
If you want to see the site, better do it soon. It clearly violates the site's upstream's AUP, and I suspect it won't be around long, as their abuse department is on it.

You gotta like strict AUPs.

08-12-2002, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
Looked like an angry man taping his mouth shut wanting to say something he shouldn't.

That wasn't the smiley I was on about ;)


08-12-2002, 10:34 AM
the shaking fist at you one? Hmmmm and I avoided using the single middle finger one right next to it too! Well spank my behind and call me Judy! :D I had no idea!!! Sorry...

08-12-2002, 11:03 AM
ok, that site doesnt make sense and is stupid

08-12-2002, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
the shaking fist at you one?

ok, if that's what you think it's doing :) I though so too until I quoted your post :eek:


08-12-2002, 11:15 AM
Its a shaking fist and thats that! (gulp)

08-12-2002, 12:45 PM
I managed to get banned in 2 days from their forum! Sweet!

Pathetic, I know, but I have nothing else to do.

08-12-2002, 03:21 PM
You should have known better than to go over there and post something intelligent and clever without cursing. Serve ya right! :)

08-12-2002, 04:11 PM
That site is retarted.I remember a few years ago when my friends heard about airsoft they sold all their paintball gear to get airsoft guns and then discovered that there's no place to play in washington really.

08-12-2002, 09:34 PM
that site is preety stupid, btw what FPS do airsoft guns shoot, and what kinda range do they have vs. pb guns

.40 caliber right?

08-12-2002, 09:54 PM
airsoft guns are 6 MM, and from what i hear they have no accuracy at any range... they are only accurate up close...

08-13-2002, 12:44 AM
where are the AO hackers when you need em?

08-13-2002, 01:03 AM
why am i banned from there when its my first time going there

08-13-2002, 12:09 PM
edited for content...sorry :p

08-13-2002, 12:44 PM
speaking of ownage pictures, what are your guys favorites? I'll upload some of mine..

08-13-2002, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by warpfeedmod

Lets take it to the field boys..

that's all I gotta say..
Nice thought.. but you may want to read what the actual picture says... it is against AO Rules. (Read bottom text)

mike e
08-13-2002, 12:53 PM
anyone who has enough spare time to dedicate a web site to hating something is utterly and totally a loser.

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity

in this case ignorence may be better, dont trash other peoples hobbies, as long as no one is getting hurt, let them have their fun

08-13-2002, 01:07 PM
Lol...that site didnt last long...thats what happens when kids get hold of mom and dads credit cards and pcs....honestly, I am a grunt in the Army, and WE dont curse that much!

08-13-2002, 01:08 PM
sorry about that Shart...didn't even notice that..not my pic but someone elses...rather then edit it I've just removed it :p

08-13-2002, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by warpfeedmod
sorry about that Shart...didn't even notice that..not my pic but someone elses...rather then edit it I've just removed it :p
Hey, no problem….. I figured you did not notice it. I just did not want to see you get in trouble for an oversight. :)

08-13-2002, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
Lol...that site didnt last long...thats what happens when kids get hold of mom and dads credit cards and pcs....honestly, I am a grunt in the Army, and WE dont curse that much!
????? It is still online and going strong. I however have a feeling it will not be for long.... ;)

08-13-2002, 02:10 PM
I just went and read more of their forums. Funny how the vast majority of the posts are about the NAME of the site and not about helping their sport.

They also seem to like the attention they are getting….. What I say is this….. Remember Tom wanting to test his servers? Remember what we all did to help him do this? Well, I wonder how their server would hold up to all of us Paintball Folks “visiting” their site and forums at the same time? And I wonder how their server would hold up if we did not hold back to “standard” traffic requests like we did for Tom…. Hmmmmm

I know many of us could do a DOS Attack with little to no effort, but one caused by shear numbers (and actually from the paintball community) would be very funny and send a statement.

Do I hear a Paintballisgay.com Party coming on? ;)

(Note: I also like how they think they are the world’s best Graphic Artists and 1337 computer gurus. LOL)

(ADDED: I want to put my point home further if I may… They have 15 posts TOTAL dealing with Airsoft in the correct Airsoft Related Threads. They have 763 posts either about their site name, pissing contests, or other such crap. I even gave them the benefit of the doubt and decided to look into a genuine Airsoft question/post…. And this is what I found….

I don't like being told to move along when i ask a serious question.
NOTE: He actually DID ask a serious question, he was honestly wanting to know what made Airsoft a cool sport… and was NOT being sarcastic. He was followed by the Admin posting this:

Then don't come to my forum, make your own, and don't let anyone tell you to "move along". This one is ours, we'll tell you to move along if we want to. If you don't like it so much, then you really should, well, MOVE ALONG.
As you can clearly see, this is only a site for a small group of punks to act tough, insult everyone, then act like THEY are the victims yet continue to swear, insult, and be downright nasty.

Their biggest arguments seem to be that they can do anything they want and noone can do anything about it, they are computer Gods, and well… nah nah nah nah nah nah. I say out of principle alone AO should hold them a “Welcome to the Internet, now let me show you the door…” party as was described in this post. :D)

08-13-2002, 04:14 PM

08-13-2002, 04:17 PM
So when's this "server durability test" going to take place?

08-13-2002, 04:33 PM
If I wasn't banned, I'd would've loved to join you guys in a server crash test for that site.

08-13-2002, 04:38 PM
Though using a web site for a DOS attack (i.e. to rally people to do one) is a violation of most TOS agreemements, likely AOs as well (not the end user agreement, but the one Tom has with Delaware.net).

{begin sarcasm}
But why stop that site! It's the best thing that could happen for paintball.

Remember, controversy gets people talking, and like mancow says, when they stop talking about you you are dead.
{end sarcasm}

Seing as how the site has been spam advertised on a number of paintball forums (post like "Oh, this is horrible, go look at it...") IMHO, it's producers are looking for a cheap and easy way to get a lot of traffic, and they're getting it, everytime some paintballer goes there to defend their sport.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

08-13-2002, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by billmi
Though using a web site for a DOS attack (i.e. to rally people to do one) is a violation of most TOS agreemements, likely AOs as well (not the end user agreement, but the one Tom has with Delaware.net).

<begin sarcasm>
But why stop that site! It's the best thing that could happen for paintball.

Remember, controversy gets people talking, and like mancow says, when they stop talking about you you are dead.
<end sarcasm>

Seing as how the site has been spam advertised on a number of paintball forums (post like "Oh, this is horrible, go look at it...") IMHO, it's producers are looking for a cheap and easy way to get a lot of traffic, and they're getting it, everytime some paintballer goes there to defend their sport.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

I wrote about 6 responses, but none really said what I wanted to say… so, again, I will say J O K E. One of those evil little thoughts, the what ifs, the wouldn’t it be greats.

I simply hate having to be the “bigger man” all the time. And I will leave it at that…. ;) I am sure you will understand, you too have been around the block a couple times. :D

(One more note… TOS Agreements LOLFOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;))

It has been a VERY long and hot day. LOL

08-13-2002, 05:27 PM
uh oh we have some one competing for shartleys "Wet Towel" position...

08-13-2002, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag
uh oh we have some one competing for shartleys "Wet Towel" position...
LOL Ironic that he “twacked” ME with it. ;) :D:D:D

You can call that “Poetic”. :D