View Full Version : J.J you still look around here? heres a prop for you

08-11-2002, 11:31 PM

i was thinking about bringing a prop for you to use.

its a klingon battel dagger, as seen in "the wrath of kan"

it work and every thing,press the button and they pop open. the blade is not sharp.

from what i can gather it is called a D'Ktahg


well here it is, let me know if you want to use it, and i will bring it. i will be there on friday if you need to look at it early.

i just found this on a star trek site

"The d'k tahg is a vicious three bladed knife carried by almost every Klingon. It is commonly used in hand to hand combat, but more importantly it is of great ceremonial value to the Klingons. To a Klingon warrior the d'k tahg is a representation of his or her personal honour - to take the knife from a warrior is to steal their honour, and is a terrible insult. The d'k tahg features in many Klingon rituals. "

maybe you could give it to mancow so we could steal it.


08-13-2002, 07:30 AM

08-13-2002, 11:56 AM
Qapla warrior!

hehe that's cool..I'm looking into some prosthetic (sp?) parts for a borg suit to wear around my mask or osmething