View Full Version : AGD Lions take 5th...IAO Recapp

08-12-2002, 06:48 AM
Hey guys…by now you all know the outcome of the 7man at IAO.
We had a perfect preliminary with 7 wins otta 7 games.
However the semis are a whole nother matter and we were 1 otta 3 L.
We actually had a chance to make it into the finals if Missouri Magic would have
beaten Tippman because Tippman had won vs. us and lost vs. Brass Eagle.
It was not to be this time so we ended up in 5th place…L
I will be posting more detailed recaps of all the games here so stay tuned…
Its 6:30 am and I got to go to work…
Thnx for all your support and enthusiasm!

AGD Lions

08-12-2002, 07:25 AM
Harry thats realy a great finish. I know your a bit dissaponited but making it to finals at that level of competition is a great feat! We are proud of you guys and better luck next time!!!

brian terry
08-12-2002, 08:12 AM
way to go guys .keep it up.

08-12-2002, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by bunkerhugger
Good show for both the AGD teams. Having played many tournaments I know how hard it is to win as many games as you did. Congratulations on the wins you did get and good luck in the rest of the season.

He speaks the truth. I know how hard it is to win, let alone win all the way through the prelims. You guys must have been on your game.

Definately give us recaps, and pictures of the AGD launch. Sounds interesting, and I want to see how the front man is launched with the marker between his legs.

08-12-2002, 09:13 AM
Well done guys ! Very impressive, knowing the level of play you've in the USA.

08-12-2002, 10:39 AM
Excellent showing people. Not having been able to make it to the IAO and only seeing pics and posts. I can just imagine the intensity of play that was happening.