View Full Version : Thanks for the help this past week!

08-12-2002, 10:59 AM
To all the people who helped out this week with the Forum and chat I wanna say thanks.

As you know most of our crew was at IAO slaving away for AGD (yea right!) and we were short handed. As ussual Army and Miscue did thier part but i recrutied (drafted realy) a few folks to help out with the time differences and times the three of us were scarce. So I want to try and mention thier help here and thank them for it.

Tunaman for his first stint as temp Mod.

And in Chat Ops were (at various times):


(of course but I wanna thank them as well)

Temps were:

Kaiser Bob
Load SM5

(Both KB and Tater were runnin scripts for me that Rob woulda been proud of)

Did I forget anyone? Not because I wanted to I assure you...

And thanks to all of you Forum and chat people for behaving so well making this a mostly uneventfull week. And sorry if I was a bit cranky sometimes but I spent a lot more time than I had hoped for on this job this week wit the lack of Auto Ops in chat for most of our help.

And thanks to Webby for putting so much faith in me and allowing me the opportunity to learn the new web controls on my own!!! :( OJT!

And so I resign my temporary position as Admin and turn it back over to the main dudes, Webby and Rob. It was interesting learning the new board controls. Lots of power they got! Its kinda scary!!

08-12-2002, 11:02 AM
No problem Phil…


08-12-2002, 11:18 AM
/me didn't do much... Tato's script kept beating me to it :)

And Shartley left Chat before I got around to banning him ;) :D


08-12-2002, 11:22 AM
Missed opportunities there for the both of you. :D

I was realy lookin forward to a good Mod War but you both let me down there... :p

Load SM5
08-12-2002, 11:39 AM
Hey, I was a temp in chat for a few hours. I swear,... the lack of graditude amazes me.;)

You did a good job Philly. I was scared of your power.......really....terrified.

08-12-2002, 12:41 PM
Sorry I forgot you buddy! Thanks!! And be skeered be wealy wealy skeeeeered! :D