View Full Version : What gun do you shoot? Tom take a look

08-12-2002, 07:43 PM
In the most recent issue of pb2x, a survey was taken (probably online or something) to see how many people shoot this gun or that gun, and these were the results:

-Autococker: 21% (asodhfsapudohofisdbfvpisoaudcnod)
-Automag: 4%
-Angel: 9%
-Shocker: 3%
-Matrix: 2%
-Impulse: 2%
-Spyder: 20%
-Tippmann 18%
-Excalibur: 7%
-Brass Eagle Gun: 3%
-Pump Gun: 3%
-Other: 0%
-I rent: 0%

Tom I think you should just check out this if you arent already aware, to some extent, of these %s. I would ignore Spyder and Tippmann because in all honesty Mags are better (sorry that is biased but I have seen enough Spyders and shot my tippmann long enough to know). I have 10-15 friends who agree. Anyway, I have a question for you Tom in the off chance that you are actually reading this: Why dont you advertise Mags more? I mean, I see a million Spyder ads, half as many Tippmann ads, and a lot of Cocker ads. I have yet to see another Automag ad. I have only seen one in my entire life in a magazine.

I remember hearing once "the product sells itself". Well for us shooting Mags and other truely well made guns, it probably did. But for autocockers, about 75% of them only bought that gun because of something someone said that wasn't really true.

So why doesnt AGD sponser more teams to shoot AGD guns? Get a few pro teams shooting AGD guns and you could boost the rep of a Mag. Sorry if im missing something here but I think Mags could pull in more money if they are actually advertised.

08-12-2002, 07:52 PM
Personally I like the idea no one shoots a mag. Granted AGD's not making money on it, they are still making money..period :) I like the fact that I can go to a field only to hear, "Haha...he's got a mag with one of those warp thingies on it..not as nice as my new 2K_ cocker I just picked up" I just smile and nod... then after the game, when they're done cleaning my paint off their 1300$ marker. It's kinda like a secret civilization of intelligent people.

Gitaroo Man
08-12-2002, 07:58 PM
i barely see any automags around my course so i think that makes sense

08-12-2002, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by drx975
So why doesnt AGD sponser more teams to shoot AGD guns? Get a few pro teams shooting AGD guns and you could boost the rep of a Mag.
Because it is a waste of money to just sponser a team by giving them markers. Teams that are always placing in the Am and Pro division are already sponsered by companies that make markers. And Novice isn't worth give away :p because there are just too many novice teams. Don't think the idea of sponsering a team has gone through Tom Kaye's head already? Problem is there isn't any pro teams to sponser.

edit: now that i thought about it... i just realized team Brass Eagle All Stars don't have a gun sponser. They all shoot whatever they want. Perhaps its worht a shot trying to get BEAS to shoot Emags?

08-12-2002, 07:59 PM
Yeah man, just like the guy who had an angel at this field..........and he was shot out in 30 seconds by a new guy (I dont like the term newbie its like saying they suck, but not necessarily) that rented a tippmann98 stock. Hah.

08-12-2002, 08:00 PM
Correct me if im wrong, but i thought now that level 10 is complete AGD will be focusing on better advertisement.

08-12-2002, 08:03 PM
i think its great having the advantage of a gun no one else has.

automags are great little markers. sure they may look like a toilet paper tube, but add some fancy site rails and stuff and you get the mag RT, which is the best looking gun on the history of the earth.(.)

its like an exotic gun or something...


08-12-2002, 08:11 PM
Tom has stated in other posts that marketing will increase now that the Extreme, Lvl 10, and other product development are wrapping up (finished).

He seems to be aware of the problems with marketing and will take steps to improve.

08-12-2002, 09:05 PM
well i asked around and i think the main reason people don't shoot mags at my field is because they don't have enough range or accuracy, that and they don't cost over $1300 so they automaticly suck :D

when will people learn?

08-12-2002, 09:26 PM
Never Ace, never. Someone needs to burn up that bandwagon...

08-12-2002, 09:37 PM
We have been through this before. Wait until next year for adds.


08-12-2002, 09:38 PM
as they step up the advertising I hope they keep it clean I was dissapointed about billboard at the IAO.:(

08-12-2002, 09:49 PM
personally i dont need to see any advertisements for automags,all i need to know is how good the gun is...i already figured that one out by myself...(i got a chromed out minimag)..anyway advertisements wouldnt be a bad idea..

08-12-2002, 09:59 PM
7% shoot excals? Yeah right! Color me doubtful, but come ON! And three times as many excals as impulses? Bad, naughty, bad, bad, very naughty poll!

08-12-2002, 10:15 PM
I don't think that it really matters to me. I mean I would rather have a gun made by a company that devotes most of it's time to making quality markers than marketing. I also think that whole myth about mags being innaccurate and not having range is stupid.Last saturday I had this kid telling me that mags weren't as accurate and didn't have as much range as his tipman with a 18in. barrel, he didn't think that was true after I gogged him through a whole in his bunker from about 30 yards away.

08-12-2002, 11:42 PM
Yeah I noticed the lack of advertising as well. I've also noticed how few people also shoot mags. I believe, however, that this is going to dramatically change with Level 10. There seems to be alot of excitement about it.

As for teams playing with Mags AGD Lions and Pride did really well. I think that they beat out the Brass Eagle All Stars so why would AGD want to pick them up as sponsors. I say let the Lions and Pride keep working and make it up to the pro division.

Last point. Sex sells. The Extreme is a VERY sexy marker. You are going to see that in the hands of ALOT of people on the speedball field (personal prediction).:D

08-13-2002, 12:02 AM
I think mags are one of paintballs best kept secret. let people be ignorant. i love taking angels and cockers out the game

08-13-2002, 01:10 AM
This has been discussed a billion times.

What i gotta say is, that poll is AWEFUL!

excalliburs with almost 2x as many shooters as mags? Hells no, no chance, not gonna happen. I saw lets see.....3 other mags at my field yesterday. 2 cockers...a matrix....bunch of spyders and tipps, and all the rental spyders.

08-13-2002, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by epterry
as they step up the advertising I hope they keep it clean I was dissapointed about billboard at the IAO.:(

i thought that add was pretty good... the chick catches your eye then you say hey thats a good point and then buy a warp feed.... of course thats best case scenario but still...

08-13-2002, 10:06 AM
2% IMpulse???????

The numbers for most make sense. a whole lot of newer players and even experienced players shoot Tippmanns and Spyders.
Excalibur.... apparently a lot of people who shoot excals read pb2x

Impulse..... I haven't gone to the field once since they were realeased without seeing 4-5..... including all of the Freak Factory shooters at my field.......

Mags... there's usually me and 2-3 others at my field. but they're mostly the older more experienced players that have been shooting mags forever.

I bet we'll see a lot more E-mags in the future.

I've even had refs tell me my Mag couldn't shoot long distances, when I was shooting downhill.