View Full Version : MY NEW TOY! *pics*

08-12-2002, 08:39 PM
Ok! This is my new gun, yeah it's not a Mag, but it rocks!
It's an AKA Viking, #00017, I got to play with it at Country Club paintball on Saturday night and it shoots amazing, super efficient, tough as a rock, fast, doesn't chop (only pinches), and it doesn't look half bad either :D I strongly recommend these guns.
Here are the pics:
Whole Setup! (http://www.ameritech.net/users/davesuematmike/Viking.JPG)
Front! (http://www.ameritech.net/users/davesuematmike/Vikingfront.JPG)
Close-Up! (http://www.ameritech.net/users/davesuematmike/Vikinghand.JPG)

Thanks for lookin'!

Gitaroo Man
08-12-2002, 09:45 PM
cool, how do you like that hopper....i think it would be a little to bit big compared the to VL 12v..

08-12-2002, 09:47 PM
nice gun,hows the barrel?

08-13-2002, 12:42 AM
Nope Allamerican... It doesnt look half bad.... It looks all bad! :) J/k!

08-13-2002, 01:31 AM
A while ago I was trying to sell my cocker to buy a Dimond dust Viking from MP... but don raised the price about $200 and nobody bought my cocker so ya:( ... nice gun.:D

08-13-2002, 04:20 AM
Nice gun too tall for my likeing but good non the less.

08-13-2002, 06:46 AM
Thanks guys!

Gitaroo - I love the hopper, keeps up great with this gun, never had a feeding problem even at 13bps. The size isn't too much bigger than a Revvy, and the paintballs actually do ricochet....usually... :)

youm0nt - The barrel is great, it's the perfect bore size for the paint I use (I think somewhere around a .687). It's comparable to high end barrels (Boomies/AA's). Also great for low pressure guns.

a_malfunction - :p

Infinaty - That sucks man, thanks though.

Trans - Thanks.

08-13-2002, 11:34 AM
Yeah, Vikings are great, I actually hope to own one in the future (within 1 1/2 years, LOL! I'm poor).

08-13-2002, 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Ov3rmind
(within 1 1/2 years, LOL! I'm poor).

Arent we all Ov3rmind? Arent we all??


08-13-2002, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by dio91

Arent we all Ov3rmind? Arent we all??


i know i am:(

oh well..nice gun

08-13-2002, 05:21 PM
hey dio! glad to see your borrowin my pic for your sig

08-13-2002, 07:15 PM
lol....I PITY DA FOO!


08-13-2002, 07:54 PM
^ lol :D