View Full Version : i-frame has been stolen!!!

08-13-2002, 01:40 PM
sunday when i was paintballing my intelliframe was stolen!!! my gun got shot up and paint was all over it. so i took it apart and cleaned it. i went to the water jug to wet a rag, and when i came back it was gone!!! i know i will never get it back. i was wondering if i should buy a new i-frame or wait till the new z-grips come out, i know the new batch of z-grips will come out some time in 2003.

08-13-2002, 01:45 PM
thats sad, was this at a field?

how bad is it when you cant leave your gear for 5 seconds

sorry man


i would go for an i-frame

08-13-2002, 02:09 PM
Man that really sucks, I had my entire redz pack stolen when I was gone for 15 sec looking at a gun.

08-13-2002, 02:11 PM
uhh.. i frame

08-13-2002, 03:00 PM
man,that sucks balls...paintballs...

yea,what field was it at?

08-13-2002, 03:31 PM
That sucks, when you can't leave your gear. A lot of people are having stuff stolen, it seems.

Slip, we all miss Redzy.

08-13-2002, 04:14 PM
yeah same happened to me... only it was a 2001 brand new YZ dirtbike that i'm STILL paying off...

you just have to realize that some poeple have no dignity or respect for others. The other thing they need to realize is that they don't know who they are stealing from.

If I find who took my bike, i will certainly without a doubt give that guy such a beating that he won't be able to see much less steal a dirt bike ever again in his life.

all this coming from a generally non violent person.

lesson is: a lot of people suck.

i feel bad for you... cuz you were gone for such a short time and didn't see who took it.

:mad: :mad:

08-13-2002, 04:59 PM
i wasnt gone for more then 30 seconds, and you know what make me more even upset is that was the first time i used that trigger frame. i didnt even have it for a week and it was stolen. and i go to that feild all the time and the owner and all the refs know me. that sucks what happen to your bike man. do you have insurance on it???

08-13-2002, 06:05 PM
I hate it when stuff gets stolen. I had my brand new redz dimension 3.2 and Xboard revy stolen. There went my freak money...

08-13-2002, 06:42 PM
I'd go back to that field on a populated day.. take my stuff and leave it out in the open..I'd tuck away in my truck and wait to see who takes the bait.. slwowly get out..and follow that person..before they make it to their destination...Bludgeon the back of their head with a tire iron for being STUPID!


08-13-2002, 07:56 PM
well we thought we had insurance....

but nope. still paying for it. (i had a financing thing going.)

someone def deserves an *** beating here tho.

08-13-2002, 09:03 PM
I have yet to get anything stolen from me(at the paintball feild)... but I did lose a BE red dot sight once :)... anyways, if I ever cought someone stealing something...well, I just hope they are religious, because they are going to need God's help to make me not kick their arse...

08-13-2002, 09:51 PM
Thats just total crapola. People have no respect, no self conciousness... nothing. (gawd look who this is coming from.. i dont stel people's gear though.)

ANdh te fact is that prolly the person who stole it watched you, or might have helped you even, look for the thing. They were most likely right there, or came back there a few minutes later. They had to have seen you. Maybe if you would have broke down crying or something they would have felt bad and gave it back.. try that next time. (or maybe not, since htat will just give htem a better story to tell).

I think it was Phil that mentioned that we at AO are soem of hte most honset people in the community, and that you can leave your gear, walk off, and when you get back it will be right where you left it (or possibly, if it is a really nice gun... close to where you left it :) ). And not ony will people like us not steal your gear, we will watch it for you and make sure no one will.

08-13-2002, 11:58 PM
That does take an awful lot of talent to get a grip frame off in 30 seconds...hmmm

Sorry man

08-14-2002, 12:16 AM
Man that blows, this reminded me of the Warpig writeup of the lvl 10 bust out party.
"Since the vast majority of the attendees were a part of the Automags.Org online community, and knew each other already people felt comfortable leaving their gear unattended (unlike most events where paintguns have a way of walking off on their own)."
I found it kind of odd that he specifically mentioned this, but I guess your I-frame is a good reason why.

Gitaroo Man
08-14-2002, 12:18 AM
dude that sucks sorry, I-frame!!

08-14-2002, 02:52 AM
A few weeks ago this guy at splatt attack thought that he got his brand new revenge cocker stolen with a full freak and maxflow system and the refs shut all the gates and didn't let one person leave and were threatening to search everyone's car if it wasn't turned in. It ended up the guy's freind borrowed it to play in a game with without telling him. Splatt Attack is the only place that I feel comfortable leaving my stuff unattended at because I know if there's a problem then it would be taken care of and the fact that most of the people there are regulars and everyone watches everyones stuff.

08-14-2002, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by LittMag
Man that blows, this reminded me of the Warpig writeup of the lvl 10 bust out party.
"Since the vast majority of the attendees were a part of the Automags.Org online community, and knew each other already people felt comfortable leaving their gear unattended (unlike most events where paintguns have a way of walking off on their own)."
I found it kind of odd that he specifically mentioned this, but I guess your I-frame is a good reason why.
This is definitely true! While I was chronoing my R/T, I left a bag of paint at the chrono station. I went and played 2 games in the woods before I remembered the bag. I thought that since everyone was shooting the same field paint that I lost it. I went back to the chrono station and started looking, one of Mel's refs saw me and asked if I had left my paint there. He then told me that a player turned it into him so it wouldn't be ruined by the sun. He then proceeded to give me back my paint. I was shocked. The honesty and consideration for your fellow player was obvious. I guess I should have expected that kind of class from an AO only crowd!