View Full Version : ARGHHHH! my dilemma.... (or whining, whatever you prefer)

08-13-2002, 09:07 PM
Hehe... ok, just as I get two really high quality guns, my friends have all pretty much stopped playing paintball...

What I did to begin with, was buy a cocker, then slowly trick it out until it was perfect. In the meantime, I also acquiered a brand new E-Mag. My dilemma is that since we don't play much, it doesnt make sense for me to have over $1500 in paintguns. I have been trying to sell my cocker for about 2-3 weeks now, but no one wants it... It is a Race Framed cocker, with an ugly and old body, which is why I think people don't want it. I have been thinking about buying a new body for it, not only because it would look alot better, but it would sell alot better if I decieded to do that... but that is another 200 bones into my already 1500 paintgun that I am only going to get at most 900 out of it...

I had planned on selling the cocker, then keeping the emag in the closet for whenever we felt like playing again, mainly because of its unquestioned reliability... I do prefer the cocker over the emag, but I don't want to have to put up with it "breaking" (most are 5 minute fixes) over and over again.

What should I do? Sell emag, keep cocker? Sell cocker, keep emag? Sell both, buy Tippy A-5 (we will be playing woodsball at most 1 time every 2 months or so). Or should I actually start to PAY to play paintball, we always used to play on my friends land in the mountains, but there is a feild 20 miles away that I can start going too...

I know this is a personal decision, but any input is appreciated.

08-13-2002, 09:10 PM
I say, find a cheap cocker body on ebay, they have some that are milled going for like $100 but no ano... just slap that on, sell the cocker for a decent price and use the money to play with your emag at the feild... plus, it seems that you have alot of money to have a race cocker and a emag so the money to play paintball shouldn't be that much of an issue for you...

08-13-2002, 09:14 PM
well if u like the cocker over the emag (guessing u dont like emode?) then sell both put it twards a car.. or w-e u need money for right now.. and buy maybe a nice rtp just so u could always come back and play.. also i might add cover everyone in paint syce its a mag;) soundsa like the best thing to do (dont get a tipp)

08-13-2002, 09:19 PM
well, I USED to have tons of money from graduation presents and working all summer, but I am starting college in about 3 weeks, and buying books, among other things has pretty much put me back down to little or nothing... I have enough but not enough for lots of wasteful spending like I was earlier in the summer....

THe only reason I liked the cocker over the emag is that I built it myself, so there is a little pride there, and that it is WAY quieter than the emag... and it isnt like I HATE the emag in anyway, it is right up there... I just prefer one over the other...

08-13-2002, 09:19 PM
you could do that... OR

Start the paintball trend again... lol

08-14-2002, 01:59 AM
perhaps your collage has a paintball team? or if not perhaps it would be a good idea to start one...?

anywho... to answer your question... if you like the cocker more then sell the emag and live with it... but if if like somethign like say a pirahna more than both then sell both the cocker and emag and get one,simply because you dont need a "high end" gun to be playing only once a month or so... i dunno just my $.02 in the end it will all come down to what YOU prefer to play with... we cant make the decision for ya ;)

08-14-2002, 05:16 AM
i would sell both,and buy a RT,or 68mag with intelliframe and ReTro(rt would be cheaper in the long run),and start going up to that field..the RT will definitly keep up.and ull have a bunch of extra dough....