View Full Version : About CPX

08-13-2002, 09:17 PM
I go there a lot(for me) but since I didn't have nitro, I didn't really know. On recball days, do they have fills to 4.5k?

08-13-2002, 09:36 PM
The last time I was there (a while ago) they were only filling to 3K. They were upgrading to 4500 it probably set up now.

When do you go to CPX? Drop me a line I could meet you up there I live in Joliet 15 minutes away.


08-13-2002, 11:35 PM
i go their often, and i dont think they have 4.5 fills.

i asked once, and they said they were goin to, but havent asked since. give em call.


08-14-2002, 06:42 AM
If you look in the back of their little co2/nitro "hut", you see they have the 4500 fill stations sitting on a shelf, I heard they were just broken.

08-14-2002, 06:58 AM
they can fill to 4.5k now. As of about last month, but you have to ask them to boost it..

They actually got me to about 4200 but it's alot better then the 3k or 2900 I usually got..

Hey if anyone is headed out there drop me a line, I live about 30 mins away..

08-14-2002, 08:44 AM
Yeah, they can fill you to 4500.

Word of warning, if they do boost you they do it inside the hut (not on the fill lines outside the hut), and its generally a rapid fill. You know - the dangerous ones that really WARM UP your tank. On a number of occasions I was overfilled as well. The gauges on their equipment are inaccurate to say the least! It has made me very leary of being filled to 4500 there. I tend to keep myself limited to only 3k, due to the above experiences.

In other words... YMMV

08-14-2002, 10:06 AM
Do you know if anyone else has had the same problem as you, alka?

08-14-2002, 11:21 AM
Ford I've had my tank filled there, it does get rather hot but I've never had it more then 4500, sometimes never more then 4300....if it does go over it should creep down, usually those tanks will handle around 7000 or so I think? I could be wrong..

Me and 4 friends all have 4500 and have not had any problems getting them filled..usually since it's free anyway I'll get the 3000 and fill after every game.

Doesnt' matter to me..

08-14-2002, 05:26 PM
well i hope that is something they will fix beofre shatnerball.... i'm sure that there will be alot of people wantin the 4.5k fills there that week...

08-14-2002, 07:18 PM
well, i doubt they will fix the flash fills as stated above.

they always have done that. also, for the 3k fills, i usually get about 2600-2700 on my flatline. granted they are small gauges and can be innacurate.. but still

i really dont like CPX though it is the park i go to. unless you play town all day or get a good ref...you wont play much during the day. then there is the expensive paint and those super flash fills.

oh and there is the saftey briefing that i have seen 1 too many times.

i hope you guys @ shatnerball dont have to mess with that :]


08-15-2002, 08:28 AM
You realize that if you've been there more than 2x (formerly 3x) in a year, you automatically are granted the X on your armband that they punch in after the safety briefing?

So once you've seen it twice, you're set for the rest of the year.

And YES, that video is both boring & ridiculous!

08-15-2002, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by alkafluence

And YES, that video is both boring & ridiculous!

Especially the beginning, where it is a bunch of cars going by in the night. That part takes about 4 min.

08-15-2002, 07:42 PM
i know it is just terrible to watch.

ive been there probably 8-10 times over the summer and i havent seen it once. thank the heavens.

it just gets me made when they randomly reset it. like in may or march of this year. i was very angry to say the least
