View Full Version : First shot began to "stick" with Level 10 in E-mode

08-14-2002, 11:05 AM
I had level ten put into my Emag. The guys at paintballistix did a great job. It works perfectly. The first case of balls or so went flawlessly. I cleaned my gun, and now occasionally the bolt sticks on the first shot in Emode, then the second and rest shoot fine. This normally happens after the battery has been plugged for a minute or two. I only took the bolt and spring off the tube and wiped it. (set up: medium "cut" spring & #2 carrier, 2 shims,-typical factory suggested settings)
Keep in mind, with any suggestions, that it did work perfectly before, and still works fine "after" the first shot. Plus, I dont think I screwed up the set up. All I did was wipe off the bolt.

08-14-2002, 12:56 PM
try a little oil on your o-rings in the on/off area. I had a problem with "sticking" shots. some oil on the on/off oring fixed it. The one to check is the one that the pin is in.

08-14-2002, 01:07 PM
Most likely the Oring in the carrier is now breaking in and you are going to end up going to the 1.5. Your on the edge with the 2.0 it sounds to me. It worked fine until it broke in and lossened up a bit and got oil on the O-ring. Thats normal. And many are going down one carrier after an initial break in. If it persists try that. It fixes it pronto! And after that it will not happen again

08-14-2002, 02:29 PM
Thanks guys, cphilip, sorry for the dumb question, but what are the markings on the 1.5 carrier? Should I oil both parts (new carrier & o-ring) once I put them in?

08-14-2002, 03:13 PM
That would be the one with one groove all the way around the bottom and one dot.

Do oil that black one around the outside of the carrier but the others No just put it in and then oil the marker. It will get in there eventualy.

08-14-2002, 03:36 PM
The 1.5 carrier has one groove and 3 dots. The dots indicate it being a half size. Just keep it well oiled and it shouldn't stick. If it keeps sticking, go one size larger on the carrier and if that makes it leak, then put in a new o-ring.

08-14-2002, 05:37 PM
Well guys, you've both managed to contradict each other completely, and now I'm totaly confused. Black, I've found you and cphilip pretty good at what you do. Can you please read each others responses. They're kind of the opposite of each other. Thanks guys.:confused:

08-14-2002, 06:23 PM
black is correct.
put some oil in it. if that doesnt help, go to the next larger carrier (the one with two lines and three dots). with his carrier you will probably be able to use the longest spring. one of these two should work. if not, go to plan "B".

if it leaks with the 2.5 carrier, then use the other o-ring. start with carrier two. if it sticks, go to a larger one. if it leaks, go to a smaller one. when you get it working, shoot alot. if after a good number of shots, it starts leaking, put in a smaller carrier. it should be set now.

guys, remember, the bolt will become loose when th o-ring breaks in, this is obviously not the case.

08-16-2002, 07:50 AM
Thanks for the time guys. Should I try these larger/smaller carriers witht the shims in while I switch?