View Full Version : Tattoo! Need ideas!

08-14-2002, 11:27 AM
Alright. I've been wanting a tattoo for a couple of years. I even had one all figured out a year ago, and made an appointment. I was going to get a copy of the snake that my then-wife had on her hip, put on my upper arm. But, luckily we separated the day before I was to have a reminder of her permanently affixed to my body.

So, now I'm looking for an idea of what to get. I don't really have any huge hobbies, and am not crazy about anything. I've considering getting the little Ninja guy from my sig pic put on, but I don't know if that will stand the test of time. So, give me some ideas!

Will Wood
08-14-2002, 11:38 AM
How about a dragon on your back near you shoulder.

08-14-2002, 11:46 AM
How about an "L" on your forehead? LOL j/k :D

Like your ex's dragon, make sure it is something that your grandkids won't be scared of!

I laugh at all the guys who are getting tats that look really cool NOW, but in 5 or 10 years will look like a pink polyester disco suit at a DK concert!

08-14-2002, 11:54 AM
Dang, Army!!! :eek:

I'm pretty conservative, but you make me look like a tree-hugging hippie next to you.

Is it safe to say your body is unblemished by ink?

I hear you though. I'm not a kid anymore, I'm 31 years old. I think I'm having a mid-mid life crisis.

But I still want one.

So, kiss my (|)



I don't want anything mean. Even the snake was going to be kind of happy. I'm just looking for something fun.

Gitaroo Man
08-14-2002, 11:56 AM
how bout a giant xtreme emag c and c right on your back! lol

08-14-2002, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Tubby_Ninja
Dang, Army!!! :eek:

I'm pretty conservative, but you make me look like a tree-hugging hippie next to you.

Is it safe to say your body is unblemished by ink?

I hear you though. I'm not a kid anymore, I'm 31 years old. I think I'm having a mid-mid life crisis.

But I still want one.

So, kiss my (|)



I don't want anything mean. Even the snake was going to be kind of happy. I'm just looking for something fun.

Dude - get like one of those cool Celtic or pictish symbols - you know the tribal kind of thing.

And under it you can put "Results of my mid-life crisis"



08-14-2002, 12:52 PM
HAHAAH!!!! Good one Fatman!!! :D

08-14-2002, 01:30 PM
ya i would go with fatmans idea its prety good haha

08-14-2002, 01:38 PM
A cool pic of a sheep or a lemming comes to mind...;)

Will Wood
08-14-2002, 02:10 PM
Dragons arn't mean! They are cool!

Nah..then just get a potato on your ankle then.

08-14-2002, 02:18 PM

do a metallica tattoe(btw this isnt mine)

08-14-2002, 02:21 PM
Holy crap, that tattoo must have been as painful as it is ugly!

08-14-2002, 02:35 PM
Oh man! That's a messed up backpiece, and I like Metallica!

Will? You'd be wrong:) I've a Harley tat on my back from when I was 16, and an eagle that covers my right bi-cep. I'm still looking for another eagle that will fit down my left arm.

08-14-2002, 02:39 PM
lol yeah that is pretty bad its too big that would be better on a shoulder :) i just figured id give you an idea

(and i like metallica too :))

08-14-2002, 02:43 PM


check this thread: http://www.2005boards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2551

08-14-2002, 02:46 PM

Got any pics?

What you have means something important to you, eagles (patriotism) and Harley's (you're desire for noisy, expensive motorcycles ;) J/K) . Its weird, but I don't really have anything like that.

Maybe I should just shave my head or get an earring... Uh....no.

08-14-2002, 03:01 PM
Well, I got an earring (3 to be exact), shaved my head and the tat is on the way. Family Coat of Arms! Just remember that tatooes are perminent. Make it something personal.

Tubby...I'm 29 and its not a mid life crisis...its seems to me that it is something you have wanted for a while..me too!

08-14-2002, 03:05 PM
Well, I got an earring (3 to be exact), shaved my head and the tat is on the way. Family Coat of Arms! Just remember that tatooes are perminent. Make it something personal.

08-14-2002, 04:11 PM
I want the Holy trinity tatoo'd on me. I was also thinking of maybe a seen with Jesus, but Im still working on it. Its gotta be right, or I wont get it.


08-14-2002, 04:30 PM
Army likes Metallica? Now he IS the coolest person.

08-14-2002, 04:45 PM

I dig that design, but the picture of Obsolete's insanely grinning mug in your sig pic is messing me up!

08-14-2002, 05:22 PM
Get yourself some tatoo magazines so you can get some idea of what you want and how you would want it to look. My buddy got his wife's name on his chest like the loser he is and now she is asking for a divorce because he's a lazy schlub.


08-14-2002, 06:06 PM
Old Metallica is what I listened to almost all day today at work, good times :)

08-14-2002, 06:36 PM
i was the one who posted metallica.... i feel lef out :( :( :( :D

08-14-2002, 07:03 PM
dude get a tatoo on you but that says: No Tresspassing, Violators will be Prosecuted!

08-14-2002, 08:01 PM
dude....get the ninja all the way!

08-14-2002, 08:54 PM
On your chest...."Try CPR one more time"

On arm.....Paintball Splat?

On Butt......"Exit only"

Just kidding....


08-14-2002, 09:51 PM
How about this?

08-15-2002, 12:36 AM
This is what I'm getting bear with me as I describe it because it's hard.

a black tatoo of a sun around your elbow with the center left unfilled and flames coming off the sun, I will try to find a pic of the net I just think it's cool.

08-15-2002, 12:17 PM
Here's the one that's going on my back in a few weeks.It's not going to be anywhere near the size of that ugly metalica one. BTW it's only the angel and not the background. If anyone can guess where this came from then you get a cookie.hehe

08-15-2002, 12:23 PM
Haven't decided where to put this one yet but this one is for all you AFI fans out there.

08-15-2002, 12:29 PM
I got some celtic knotwork on my left bicep, that's pretty inoffensive and would stand the test of time. It's pretty neutral.

I plan on putting some of H.R. Giger's artwork on me (Li II on my forearm first) sometime soon, but his art might be too much for most people.

08-15-2002, 12:31 PM
It came from Led Zeppelin. Where's my cookie? Anyway, I have a oriental dragon (red) on my arm and it's pretty sweet. I suggest you get whatever jumps out as a cool design to you since you don't have any favs. A friend of mine is planning on getting an overwieght red devil chick holding a stick of butter. :D He thinks it's hilarious, as do I, and our artist will do it for free just so he can say he's tattooed it. I don't really listen to the arguments about "That will look nasty when you're sixty." Doesn't everything you have look bad when you're sixty? (No offense sixty-year olds.) :p

08-15-2002, 12:44 PM
Hmm, I think that's not an angel, but Icarus - and its from a Led Zep album cover - don't remember which one.


08-15-2002, 02:26 PM
Here's an idea, go to your local artist, show them where you want the tattoo and a rough estimate of the overall size of it and let them put something there that they feel best describes you.

Or a hula chick that you can make dance when you flex.

08-15-2002, 04:08 PM
get a tribal tattoo my friends bro has 1 it kix ace

08-15-2002, 10:47 PM
That guy with wings was the "logo" for Swan Song, check out any old Led Zep record (after and including Houses of the Holy) and that should be on there. Not sure if it was ever on any album art though.

08-19-2002, 07:46 AM
These are some pictish symbols, the crecent might make a cool tatoo


Mr. T!
08-19-2002, 07:18 PM
Get a gaint _________(fill in the blank) tat on your arse!

08-19-2002, 08:03 PM
Get one on your lower back with an arrow pointing down reading "Enter Here" :)

08-20-2002, 08:28 PM
My cousin has White Trash tatooed on his arse. Rather funny.

I guess the tatooist said he did the tatoo for free, but the 125bucks was for shaving his butt.

11-05-2002, 10:41 PM
how about a big M on each but cheak? so you can either have
(M)o(M) or

11-06-2002, 01:46 AM
You could always get a Smilie face smack dab in the middle of your forehead, ala South park. (the Manson episode)

Archangel Damien
11-06-2002, 10:16 AM
try this

Archangel Damien
11-06-2002, 10:20 AM
or this

11-06-2002, 10:39 AM
Fair warning ... for allot of people Tat's are addictive ... Ive only got two at the moment, but I will be getting more later ...

Ive got the typical dragon on the shoulder blade, and a scanable bar code on the back of my neck ...

As for the piercings that Edwards was going on about ... Ive been shaving my head since 92, I have five ear-rings in one ear and two in the other, along with both nipples pierced ... *L*

One word of advice, make sure that the place you are getting the tat done uses non-metallic dyes. This should be pretty standard now ... buddy of mine got his done when we were over-seas, and we had no idea it was with metallic dyes. Much later in life he had to get a MRI, and the doctor hadnt warned him about the tat (didnt think anything of it really) ... burned his skin pretty good where the tat was ...


11-06-2002, 11:07 AM
Yeah, RetroEclipseMan, thats not an angel, sorry to tell you :) Fatman had it, thats Icarus.

11-06-2002, 03:48 PM
when you get your tatto show it to us. right know i am 16 and i have be wanting a rose with bardwire around the rose and have HCE 94 on my upper back in honor of my father. just an idea but you can get one so they can honor a loved ones that haved died.

11-06-2002, 03:58 PM
I say get a tattoo exactly like your sig. The fat little ninja.

11-06-2002, 05:18 PM
haha damien, those are the insignia for magic the gathering.

11-06-2002, 06:06 PM
here's mine (not too great of a pic)

11-06-2002, 11:07 PM
I have one..it's a big sun on my lower back...ummm...what do you like...do you have any nicknames...???

( and it is addictive! I want another! )

11-07-2002, 08:39 PM
I love that image Retro, i am going up to new hampshire next summer and i am gonna get the AFI cursive art work on the inside of the Black Sails cd. I also play to get angel wings between my blades evetually, but i can't offord that nor do anything drastic yet.

11-07-2002, 09:59 PM
when you come across something you would consider permanently putting on your skin, think about it first for a few months or so. if you still like it after that then get it, otherwise you may regret it. i agree with the rest of guys and not getting anything that relates to any of your relationships, like how much would that suck if it ended and you have every lady after that asking what that tattoo was about.

it took me like 9 years to finally decide what i wanted and where i wanted it. then when i went, it took the tattoo artist all of 15 minutes to mark me permanently.

side note: just my own personal opinion its retarded if you get some kind of asian, arabic, hebrew, etc. written character and you do not fall into either of those ethnic groups. i've seen so many afro-american, caucasian people which on the most part have no freakin idea what it says, and their reasoning for getting it was because it looked cooler than english.

11-08-2002, 01:42 AM
think about who you are and not who you want to be

white kid who thinks he is a thug at school recently got a

Players For Life tattoo

he is gona look like such an idiot when he reaches tomorrow.... hahah actually he looks stupid now, but even dumber when he is 50....

11-08-2002, 08:06 PM
I think you should get me tattooed into your back.

11-08-2002, 10:41 PM
check out www.bmezine.com
it's one of my fav websites heheh i know I'm a hippie

But remember just use it for ideas, it's not cool to copy somone else

11-08-2002, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by RetroEclipseMan
Haven't decided where to put this one yet but this one is for all you AFI fans out there.

I love just about all of AFI's artwork. Anyone know who actually does those? I used to have a Led Zeppelin t-shirt with that Icarus picture on it...I wonder what happened to it...

11-09-2002, 10:00 PM
well, for me its going to be the barcode on the left shoulder, and on the right the little japeneese symbol for power... i was also thinking a paint splatter.... that would be prety cool. But the first one will be the bar code. Loxpc have you ever tried scanning it? wat were you worth???

11-09-2002, 10:24 PM
Definitely a barcode on my left hand. Hehe wanted one for awhile now. That's really all I want :)

11-09-2002, 11:29 PM
The artist for AFI does art only for AFI, which i think is weird because its beautiful, his name starts with an A but i'll need to get back to you on that one because i am going to sleep, i'll look it up tomorrow. Take a look at J. Bannon's Art work, he sings for a band called Converge and does the art work for Poison The Well and some other good bands, the work is some of the most dark and beautiful pieces i have ever seen. Also check out www.eyesofchaos.com if you like that kind of work.