View Full Version : I want to start an all mag team to play in new england tournies....

08-14-2002, 11:57 AM
I didn't know what forum to put this in. It involves paintball so i threw it here. Alright basically i am looking for serious experienced players for a 5 man novice team for NEPL. Must have experience. Who ever is interested I may be going to candia to play this sunday. It would be great if they lived in the southern NH, nothern MA area.

If interested email me at soccaplayanum12@hotmail.com have the subject say something like "interested in your team"
Please put down your current setup, position, years of experience, ect.

08-14-2002, 12:10 PM
If interested you can email me, post here, or catch me on aim aoccaplayanum12

If you don't own a mag I still may consider

08-14-2002, 12:58 PM
Am very interested...pm me info...where you want to play...your age...etc. I wont be home till october...

Patron God of Pirates
08-14-2002, 02:56 PM

Mag- Check
Southern NH- Check
Interested- Check
Ninja- Check (Ninja should always be a category)
Experience- Ummmm....

Three years of Rec. I've only been playing speedball Since AO NJ Day II, but I've had allot of success.

Well, I hope you consider it anyway. Drop me a PM and let me know.

Edit: Oops, those "?" where supposed to be check marks. I guess this board doesn't support them.

Fixed, now my statement makes sense.

08-14-2002, 03:59 PM
I have a mostly mag team on western massachussetts
Mass Destruction

08-14-2002, 04:00 PM
There already is a novice team which uses all mags from New England. It's team AO Nightmare which consists of AO members MagsRule3, 2000Sabre, The Tramp and IWannaRiot. Our original 5th member drop out and his replacement ins't an AO member.

MagsRule3 shoots a Retro Mag, I shoot an SFL E-Mag, The Tramp shoots a Retro Mag, IWannaRiot shoots a Z-Grip Retro

We compete in the P&L series held at Cape Cod paintball. Our next tournament is in October.

If you want to try and combine forces and do something together you can email me or PM me.

Good luck

08-14-2002, 05:22 PM
and what 2ksabre fergot to mention is i'm the bastage alternite... if i can get the time off from work.... esp seeing i live on the wrong end of the state for all this =(

maybe i should just harrass magmonkey some more =)

08-14-2002, 06:33 PM
too bad you use your dark ir3 for tournies


08-14-2002, 09:00 PM
I am 16 and have been playing for about 4 years or so. I play front and shoot 2 mags. The first is a level 10 hyperframed warp fed mini, and the other is just a hyperframed classic. I plan on playing nepl and pnl. I usually play jesters paintball in kingston (my current sponsor), candia, and i liked birchhill from the last nepl. Myself and 2 friends went into the last tourney at jesters and nearly maxed out for the whole day and this is with no prior experience together. We will be having practices pretty often at first just to get the hang of playing together,

08-14-2002, 09:01 PM
2000Sabre maybe a 10 man team. I know birchhill had a tourney this year.

08-14-2002, 10:12 PM
I am looking for more players in north central MA...although, sabre2000 did invite me to play. But the cape is a long drive (over 100 miles) to go twice a month. If there were only fields closer to me....

08-15-2002, 09:39 AM
i live in Southern RI and have been playing for 3 years, and i am interested in joining a 3 man team. Driving to NH and whatnot is way to far for me to do but i was thinking people here may know people in my area that also want to join a team. I normally play at "ESP" and it is owned and run by ESP Eclipse, a good AM. A or B team who plays in the NPPL circuit. So if anyone knows people who live in the RI or Southern MASS area who are interested in starting a novice 3 man team please let me know.
Oh yah
Setup: minimag, 12" All American, Intelliframe, rev, KAPP gas-thru, 68/3000 flatline nitro, JT blue ize mask, 3+2 jacko harness, DYE pant and JT jersey.
expierince: ummmm... no tourney's yet, but i do play on 3 sup-air fields and 1 hyperball feild against very expiernced players that play in the mid tourney levels and are at least cockers/mags/impulses and up for now 3 years.

Patron God of Pirates
08-15-2002, 09:57 AM
Not to shamelessly promote the event or anything, but AO Day NE would be a great place to meet people for all Mag teams in your areas.

Plus, you get to see them in action.

08-15-2002, 11:16 AM
where is this event and when, is thier mre info on the site somewhere, thanks alot

Patron God of Pirates
08-15-2002, 11:57 AM
Here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?threadid=45974&perpage=30&pagenumber=1)

08-15-2002, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by dansim
too bad you use your dark ir3 for tournies

Just the last one. :D

I was happy because I got to use the SFL! :cool:

Now that he's got the L10 I'll never get my hands on it again. :mad:

08-15-2002, 12:38 PM
i think we should have a thread were you can make posts looking for members for a team in ur area,or watever...how about it?

08-15-2002, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by virus
and what 2ksabre fergot to mention is i'm the bastage alternite...

And let me just say that Virus can shoot his Z-griped Retro Mag just as fast as ANY marker I've ever played with or against!

A great man to have behind you laying paint form the back can.

08-15-2002, 02:22 PM
My apologies to Virus. He did fill in for us at the P&L in June. He can play with us anytime he wants to cause the guy can shot fast and knows how to play. Not to metnion he's a really nice guy too.

Dansim - it's not a dark IR3 it's a C&C IR3. I only used it once in tournaments and then only because I was having some problems with the SFL. I use what ever's working the best that day. By the way may brand new IR3 wouldn't chrony over 260 so I had to send it to Ken Crane for some work. Just got it back and we'll see how she is now.

Besides my third gun is an RT Pro so I still consider myself more of a Mag guy.

08-15-2002, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06
i think we should have a thread were you can make posts looking for members for a team in ur area,or watever...how about it?

Great idea. Can even be broken up into regions.... Northeast, midwest, etc

08-15-2002, 02:57 PM
It doesn't really have to be broken up by region because i don't believe it will be extremely popular. If everyone wrote their state or region there should be no confusion

08-15-2002, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by TheTramp

And let me just say that Virus can shoot his Z-griped Retro Mag just as fast as ANY marker I've ever played with or against!

A great man to have behind you laying paint form the back can.

shucks... it went nuttin

i think i was the reason for needing another case that day.... but what can i say my mag loves to throw paint... and only one broken ball all day.. of corse that was before level 10 =)

and i'm lookin forward to getting out there again... so i'll be seeing ya all in sept after i get back from poppin off a few tekkies and maybe even shatner to boot :)

08-16-2002, 12:32 PM
oldsoldier i didn't plan on going to cape cod twice a month. If we were doing nepl we would prolly just go there for the tourney and 1 day before the tourney to pratice. Our practices would be in northern mass/southern NH. Is anyone truly interested in starting this team?

08-16-2002, 10:15 PM
PM me....we will talk. I want to advertise locally when I get home too...we'll see what we can work out.

08-21-2002, 11:20 AM
Uppidy up! Anyone besides soldier serious? I definately plan on having us compete in the remaining nepls as well as next year. We will compete in either novice or intermediate depending on obvious reasons. I am looking to have a team of 6. That way we will have 1 alternate for 5 man.

Patron God of Pirates
08-21-2002, 11:39 AM
I'm serrious, drop me a PM.

08-21-2002, 01:30 PM
Alright if you are interested please do the following. You can either pm/email me with the following:

How often you think could play
Previous team(s)
Tournament record
Sponsors (if you had any)
Future goals in the sport

And anything else you believe is important that i may not have covered. Also i plan on going to the ao meet but i am hoping to have a team together before then.

08-21-2002, 06:06 PM
where in Mass are ya?
im in fallriver and play at Paintball heaven a lot.