View Full Version : Help! Is SC Village worht the money????

08-14-2002, 12:53 PM
I am going down to CA, and I wanna know if SC Village is worth the money (I just bought a drum set, so money is kinda tight) and if theres a better park/field to go too. Thanks, InvisBill.

08-14-2002, 01:43 PM
Sc Village has some great fields. The only problem is that walk on play gets to be crowded sometimes. Team play is great if you want to practice and play on the speedball fields. There are a lot of other fields in Southern California. It just depends on where you are going to be staying and how far you will be willing to drive.

08-14-2002, 02:19 PM
They have 20 or so fields at SC. It does get crowded though, and the refs often don't enforce the time limits on games. Which means, if you get out early.. you'll be waiting awhile for the next game.

They'll shout out '5 minutes', and let the game go on for another 15.

Other than that, it's a good place to visit. There's Tombstone nearby, but SC Village in my opinion is a better bet. The Jungle is also another choice, but I've never been there myself; reason being that it's field paint only. (At least that's what I read on their site)

08-14-2002, 02:30 PM
Camp Pentleton in Oceanside is pretty good...

08-14-2002, 02:46 PM
Jungle Island wasn't too bad. Only problem I had with it is that the fields are way to close together and you get shot at by players on the other fields. SC was fun but way to crowded for my liking. I'm still yet to play Tombstone but from the looks of it when I stopped by one day it looked pretty nice. All 3 of them are relatively close together.

08-14-2002, 02:52 PM
Have any of you ever played at California Paintball Park? It isn't to bad and its a short drive from the Freeway near Magic Mountain. Only $18.00 to play with your own gear.

08-14-2002, 03:15 PM
Considering how big and busy SCV is and can be, they put on a good day of paintball. There are so many fields to play, from the Vietnam Village to hardcore Speedball that you would be hard pressed to play on every one in a day.

During the LA Open, they kept the the park open, and set up more fields for the NPPL, THAT'S how big they are!

The one major drawback? (and all you So-Cal guys will agree) it is in the middle of the largest dairy farm area of California. In the summer, the smell can be, oh, intimidating to say the least:)

Yeah, I say go to SCV, you won't regret it at all. Be sure to get an SCV barrel plug or BBD to show off back in Oregon!

08-14-2002, 03:18 PM
Also one note of SCV. They are strict about safety. So:

Make sure you have a barrel plug at all times
Mask must have face and ear gaurds
Trigger frames must have trigger gaurd.

Just an FYI.

p.s. we really need to get a game together at one of the So Cal fields.

08-14-2002, 03:21 PM
YES... the smell can be overwhelming even during non-hot days. The smell from the stank water and the Cows..... ;)

08-15-2002, 12:37 PM
Thanks! IB.

Tom Sparkman
08-15-2002, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by rythm68
Have any of you ever played at California Paintball Park? It isn't to bad and its a short drive from the Freeway near Magic Mountain. Only $18.00 to play with your own gear.

As soon as it cools down again :) It was over 100 last weekend in Santa Clarita and the only shade at CPP is a couple of trees (get there early and stake out your spot).

SCV: The fields are great. The big problem I have when I go there is the attitude of the refs and people working there. I don't enjoy being yelled at or treated like an imbecile. It's not a safety thing, it's more along the line of a power trip. During one of the holiday big games, a ref was standing right between 2 groups of 30 in a major firefight - every time he got hit with a stray ball, he'd walk over to the side it came from and pull a player off. Now when I go, I go alone because no one else wants to go there.

Try the Hollywood Sports park - I played there 2 weeks ago with Arrow93 and I had a great time. It's a little pricey, but the themed fields are a neat idea. Even though it's run by SCV (saw the owner Dennis checking things out), the attitudes were much better.


08-15-2002, 05:43 PM
Hey InvisiBill. How can you say that about Oregon:D

You must not like rain very much.......but you have to admit our summers are nice (not very long though)

08-15-2002, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by rythm68
Only $18.00 to play with your own gear.

Damn it's expensive to play in your country guys.

Here in Belgium we've a kind of agreement between all the fields. Tourney players pay 2,5$ for the whole day (maybe a bit more, like 7$ when there's the need to rent a Sup'Air Ball). Often it's even free.

We bring our own scubas botles with us, and a refill is around 2 bucks.
I won't tell you the price of the paint, you would have a heart attack :) .

The only drawback is the price of the markers. They're very expensive in Europe :( .


08-15-2002, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Pand0ra

Damn it's expensive to play in your country guys.


If you think $18.00 is expensive, some of the other fields like SCV charge $25.00 to play all day.

08-15-2002, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Tom Sparkman

Try the Hollywood Sports park - I played there 2 weeks ago with Arrow93 and I had a great time. It's a little pricey, but the themed fields are a neat idea. Even though it's run by SCV (saw the owner Dennis checking things out), the attitudes were much better.


Hey Tom,
How many fields are at Hollywood Park and what's the walk on fee? It is not posted on their website. There also is no pictures of the fields. Any info would be great.

08-15-2002, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Pand0ra

I won't tell you the price of the paint, you would have a heart attack :) .

Okay I've got to know. How much for the paint? Don't worry about the heart attack. I'll go into a yoga like state before I read your post. It better not be too cheap or we might have a revolt in our country at the prices we are paying:D

08-15-2002, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by rythm68
Also one note of SCV. They are strict about safety. So:

Make sure you have a barrel plug at all times
Mask must have face and ear gaurds
Trigger frames must have trigger gaurd.

Just an FYI.

I agree, but that's if you're playing on the rec fields...

If you decide you want to play on the Tourny fields on top, then it's another story -


Regardless of whether the 'tourney' players are regulars or not, they need Refs there to chrono the markers. Even if the examples focus in on the few 'bad apples', it doesn't take away from the fact that the rules are not being enforced.

Army - And yes, it smells... Was there this weekend. You get used to it as you play, but I could still do without it.

I can still smell it... :rolleyes:

08-18-2002, 12:39 PM
hehe, aaron, you didn't ask if I live east o' the cascades. We get a 40 degree temp. change every night in summer (day is around 95, night is around 40-50). I sleep with many blakets and a comforter and quilt), but I agree, summers are awesome, and the portland area is very pretty (especially if you live in Bend). The only way I can fill my HPA tank is to rent a scuba tank. We have no pro shop in bend. We do have lotsa open land, so we get sweet woods games going. Now, what is this hollywood park? is it closer to Camarillo (thats were i am staying) then SCV? And, is it expensive? Thanks, IB.

08-18-2002, 04:57 PM
Down here in so cal is sure a lot better then northern utah. When I lived up there I was paying 1.00 per 1000 psi which often times they could only fill to 2.5, $100 for a case of field paint (PMI Prems), and $10 with your own equipment to get on the field. Talk about bending over and taking one in the u know what.

08-18-2002, 07:10 PM
Since you're going to be in Camarillo, you might try Urban Quest (http://www.urbanquestpaintball.com/) just to the north in Ventura. There is also others in the area:


Tombstone Paintball park
[email protected]
Entry Date: Thu Apr 13 2000
2461 Pomona Rincon Corona California 91720
909 737 0899



And of course, SC Village; http://www.scvillage.com/

Tom Sparkman
08-20-2002, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by rythm68

Hey Tom,
How many fields are at Hollywood Park and what's the walk on fee? It is not posted on their website. There also is no pictures of the fields. Any info would be great.

They've got 4 fields:
Apocolypse - like a bombed out city. The buildings are all interconnected with shooting angles everywhere. If you stay in one place someone will nail you - you've got to keep moving.

Starship Troopers - An assault lander from the movie is center stage on this field. There are corridors and paths made of various props from the movie.

Egypt (Stargate?) - Sandy, with tunnels (like SC Bosnia) all trimmed to look like Egypt.

Water World - Didn't play on this one - looked fun tho.

The fields are larger that speedball - about the size of SC Bosnia.

They are a little pricey, but I don't have the #s in front of me - the radio station paid for everything. I do remember paint being $55-65/case.

I liked it enough to go back (we've got a rematch with Arrow93 in Oct.).


08-22-2002, 08:53 PM
They'll shout out '5 minutes', and let the game go on for another 15.

So true.

08-22-2002, 10:26 PM
i think every1 needs to play over at sc at least once so i'de go there if i were you. what i hate the most is it seems right before lunch even advanced walkon gets to be like 30-35 people a side...thats just to big for me.

o and 1 more thing.... does any1 else get a kick out of the older guy that does the rules in the beginning? i have gone there probly 25-30 times and EVERY single time it seems he says the same exact thing like he has a written speach planned out...im sure he's a nice guy but it just seems like he's givn out the park rules a couple too many times..lol sorry not every1 has the same since of humor as me...;) ;)

Tom Sparkman
09-06-2002, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz
[Bo and 1 more thing.... does any1 else get a kick out of the older guy that does the rules in the beginning? i have gone there probly 25-30 times and EVERY single time it seems he says the same exact thing like he has a written speach planned out...im sure he's a nice guy but it just seems like he's givn out the park rules a couple too many times..lol sorry not every1 has the same since of humor as me...;) ;) [/B]

I've been going there 10 years and it's still the same graphic speach...

Tom :)